Crosby Family Dental

14270 FM 2100 Rd, Crosby, TX 77532
Dental care

Traditional Braces Vs. Clear Aligners: Choosing The Right Treatment Option

Aligners and braces are two popular ways to fix teeth and get a beautiful smile. You can fix crooked teeth with either method, but they are different in many ways that may affect your choice. This guide will discuss important things you should consider when choosing between braces and aligners. It will help you figure out which orthodontic treatment is best for you. 

Traditional Metal Braces

Braces have been a reliable orthodontic treatment for many oral disorders for decades. Metal brackets cemented to teeth are joined by wires and bands in braces. These parts exert moderate pressure to correct teeth. Braces are beneficial for treating severe overcrowding, overbite, underbite, and crossbite. 

They control tooth movement precisely, making them suited for people with severe alignment difficulties. Traditional braces have limitations too. The visible metal brackets and wires may cause discomfort or irritation, especially during adjustment. Braces patients must practice good dental hygiene to avoid plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Pros of Braces 

  • Adaptability: Even severe or difficult-to-correct orthodontic issues can be corrected with conventional braces. 
  • Security: You can be certain of the outcome of your orthodontic treatment with braces since they allow you precise control over the movement of your teeth. 
  • Compliance: As braces are fastened to the teeth, patients don’t need to keep them in their mouths all the time, unlike with transparent aligners.

Clear Plastic Aligners

For their discreteness and portability, aligners have grown in popularity. These customized aligners are composed of clear acrylic, making them nearly invisible. Aligners gently correct teeth by providing pressure to particular locations. Their aesthetics are a major benefit. They correct teeth more discreetly than braces. 

Aligners are removable, making mouth hygiene and eating favorite foods easier. They may not work for all orthodontic cases. They are advised for mild to moderate alignment difficulties and may not be strong enough for sophisticated dental repairs. You can wear them for 20–22 hours daily for the best outcomes.

Pros of Aligners

  • Appearance: Aligners are an excellent choice for those seeking a discrete teeth straightening method because they are nearly impossible to spot. 
  • Removability: You can remove your aligners to eat, brush your teeth, and clean them. Because of this, you can eat different foods and maintain better oral hygiene.
  • Comfort: Unlike metal braces, which can irritate and damage teeth, transparent aligners are smooth plastic, making them far more comfortable to wear.

Comparison Between Traditional Braces and Clear Aligners 

Feature Traditional Braces Clear Aligners
Appearance Visible metal brackets and wires. Virtually invisible, clear plastic aligners.
Comfort May cause discomfort initially. Only some pressure during adjustments.
Removability Not removable; fixed onto teeth until treatment is complete. Removable; taken out for eating, brushing, and special occasions.
Cleaning Require careful cleaning around brackets and wires. Easy to remove for thorough cleaning of both teeth and aligners.
Diet Restrictions on certain foods to avoid damage to braces. No dietary restrictions since aligners can be removed while eating.
Cost Cost can vary but may be lower than clear aligners. Cost can be higher, but it depends on the complexity of the case and provider.

Choosing the Right Orthodontic Treatment

When picking between braces and aligners, you should evaluate the severity of your orthodontic concerns, lifestyle preferences, and budget. Schedule an appointment with a professional orthodontist to discuss your alternatives and receive individualized advice tailored to your requirements. 

Orthodontists can provide superior orthodontic treatment personalized to each patient’s specific needs. Whether you choose braces or aligners, you can get exceptional results that will help you achieve the smile of your dreams. Contact your dentist today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a straighter, healthier smile.

Dental care

Orthodontic Emergencies: What To Do When The Unexpected Happens

Orthodontic emergencies are scary. A facial injury or trauma may cause intense pain, bleeding, or a fallen tooth. Keep calm and ask for aid in these situations. Fortunately, experts can handle these circumstances at any moment.

Orthodontists recognize that dental treatment benefits go beyond a candid smile. They prioritize the patient’s oral health, including bite alignment, oral cleanliness, and face attractiveness. These unexpected factors may worsen the patient’s condition. But don’t worry. In this blog, we will discuss the major cases of dental emergencies and share ways to deal with orthodontic accidents. Dental specialists offer multiple treatment choices to achieve the desired result.

Most Common Orthodontic Emergencies

Based on how bad the problem is, dentists often put them into two groups: minor and major orthodontic emergencies.

  • Minor orthodontic emergencies

As the name suggests, minor orthodontic problems hurt or bother you, but you don’t need to see a dentist immediately. You can wait a few days and call your orthodontist to get tips and suggestions that will help ease the pain quickly. Some minor dental problems are loose or broken braces and broken wires.

  • Major orthodontic emergencies

On the other hand, you shouldn’t wait to get the help you need if you are having a major orthodontic emergency. Major problems with orthodontics include a lot of pain or discomfort, being hurt in the mouth or face, or an infection. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Tackle an Orthodontic Emergency

Getting orthodontic treatment is a big investment in your mouth health and the way your smile looks. However, accidents can happen during orthodontic treatment, which can be painful and cause worry. Follow these steps in case of an orthodontic emergency. 

  • Step 1: Identify the extent of the damage by determining whether the bracket is still attached to the frame. If needed, remove it with caution and store it in a secure location before bringing it to your orthodontist.
  • Step 2: You should rinse your mouth with warm salt water to calm any irritation. 
  • Step 3: If the bracket is loose but still attached, use sterile tweezers to slide it back to the tooth’s center. It is a temporary fix. You should apply orthodontic wax to fix the bracket and create a cushion between it and your mouth. 
  • Step 4: Get in touch with your orthodontist. Discuss the circumstances and inquire about the next actions to take. They may want to see you immediately or suggest waiting until your next scheduled visit.

When Should You Contact Your Orthodontist

Many minor orthodontic emergencies can be treated at home, but knowing when professional assistance is needed is vital. Contacting your orthodontist isn’t only about fixing a problem—it’s about maintaining your treatment. It is when you should call for professional help. 

  • Extreme Pain: Call your orthodontist if your pain lasts over a few days or isn’t relieved by over-the-counter medicines. 
  • Damage to Appliances: Call if you can’t fix your braces, wires, retainers, or other appliances. 
  • Repeated Issues: If a wire repeatedly protrudes or brackets loosen, professional treatment is needed to prevent oral injury.
  • Infections or Swelling: Immediately treat gum, tooth, oral infections, and unusual swelling. 


These strategies can temporarily manage frequent orthodontic emergencies, but you should contact an orthodontist immediately. They have the skills and equipment to solve orthodontic complications and ensure treatment success.

Also, maintain good dental hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. Use interdental brushes to brush under wires and braces. Clean retainers and aligners, as your orthodontist recommends, to prevent accumulation that could affect fit.

Dental care

Do You Know How Diabetes Can Affect Your Smile?

The American Dental Association says that people with diabetes are more likely to get gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontal disease. It is mostly because of higher blood sugar, which makes germs grow. 

When you have gum disease, your blood sugar levels go up, too. This makes it even harder to control your diabetes. Diabetes can also cause thrush, fungal oral infections that cause painful white spots in the mouth that compromise taste and swallowing.

Harmful Effects of Diabetes on Your Smile 

Gum disease is more likely to happen to people who have diabetes. This inflammatory condition that doesn’t go away can hurt your gums. Gingivitis, which can cause the gums to get red and bleed a lot, can also affect the muscles that hold your teeth in place and even your bones. 

Like any other infection, severe gum disease can raise blood sugar levels, making it harder to keep diabetes under control. This makes you more likely to get oral infections and less able to fight off those that get into your gums.

It’s also possible that your mouth feels dry because you don’t have as much saliva. While saliva helps keep your teeth healthy, it makes you more likely to get cavities. In addition, a child with diabetes can get their teeth before they should for their age.

Important Tips for Oral Care During Diabetes

Taking responsibility for your dental health can help improve your blood sugar levels and prevent various issues. If you have diabetes, there are several crucial ways that can help you take care of your mouth, including the following:

  • Put an end to smoking. 
  • Always floss at least once every day. 
  • Keep your dentures clean and remove them before bed if you wear them.
  • Consume nutritious meals and steer clear of both sugary foods and alcohol.  
  • Keep a close eye on your blood glucose levels to ensure they are within the range you have set as your objective. 
  • You should brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste and a gentle toothbrush. 
  • At the very least, you should visit the dentist twice a year and even more frequently if you experience any issues, such as discomfort or bleeding in your mouth. 

Foods That Help in Avoiding Diabetes And Oral Infections

Foods high in calcium and other nutrients can be good for your teeth. These include cheese, milk, plain yogurt, tofu with added calcium, leafy greens, and nuts. The best sources are animal proteins, fish, milk, eggs, and meat. 

Minerals are important for oral health because they protect and rebuild tooth enamel. For a healthy smile, eat lots of fruits and veggies. The fiber and water in them balance out the sugars they contain and help clean the teeth. Also, these foods help your body make more saliva.

It washes away acids and food bits that are bad for your teeth and neutralizes acids to keep them from decaying. In addition, many of them have vitamins C and A, both important for healthy gums and fast wound healing. Water is the drink that is best for your teeth.


Are you experiencing difficulties with your dental health due to diabetes? You should not wait to call the dentist. Be active and connect with your dentist so that you may have a more in-depth conversation about your oral infections. 

Maintaining good mouth health is an important component of diabetes management. It will also contribute to overall improvement in your well-being. You need to be more protective. So, read this extract and get ready to bring your smile back.

Dental care

How Many Teeth Can Be Replaced With Dental Implants?

Dental implants have revolutionized the field of restorative dentistry, offering a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth. But just how many teeth can be replaced with dental implants? In this informative guide, we’ll delve into the versatility of dental implants and explore the factors that determine the number of teeth that can be replaced with this advanced tooth replacement option.

Understanding Dental Implants:

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible materials such as titanium. They are surgically placed into the jawbone to provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Unlike traditional tooth replacement options, such as bridges or dentures, dental implants are anchored securely in the jawbone, offering unmatched stability and functionality.

How Many Teeth Can Be Replaced?

The number of teeth that can be replaced with dental implants varies depending on several factors, including:

  • Jawbone Health: Sufficient jawbone density is crucial for supporting dental implants. In cases where the jawbone has deteriorated due to tooth loss or other factors, bone grafting procedures may be necessary to augment bone volume and enable successful implant placement.
  • Location of Missing Teeth: Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple adjacent teeth, or even an entire arch of teeth. The number of implants required will depend on the specific location and extent of tooth loss.
  • Implant Technique: Various implant techniques, such as All-on-4 or All-on-6, allow for the replacement of multiple teeth or an entire arch with a minimal number of implants. These techniques maximize the use of available bone and streamline the implant process.

Benefits of Dental Implants:

  • Natural Appearance: Dental implants closely mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetic smile restoration.
  • Improved Functionality: With dental implants, patients can enjoy improved bite strength and chewing efficiency, allowing them to eat a wider variety of foods with confidence.
  • Longevity: When properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a durable and cost-effective tooth replacement option.
  • Preservation of Jawbone Health: Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, helping to prevent bone loss and preserve facial structure over time.


Dental implants offer a versatile and effective solution for replacing missing teeth, whether it’s a single tooth or an entire arch. By considering factors such as jawbone health, the location of missing teeth, and the chosen implant technique, patients can achieve optimal outcomes with dental implant treatment. Consulting with a qualified implant dentist can help determine the ideal treatment plan for replacing missing teeth and restoring a natural-looking smile.

Dental care

How To Speak Clearly With Dentures: Essential Tips To Know

Adjusting to dentures can be a significant transition, impacting various aspects of daily life, including speech. Many individuals experience difficulties in speech clarity when first wearing dentures, but with patience, practice, and the right techniques, these challenges can be overcome. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore essential tips to help you speak clearly with dentures and regain confidence in your communication skills.

Understanding the Challenges:

One of the primary challenges individuals face when wearing dentures is adjusting to the changes in tongue and mouth movement. Dentures can alter the way your mouth functions, affecting speech articulation and making it challenging to pronounce certain sounds accurately.

Practice Speaking Aloud:

One of the most effective ways to improve speech clarity with dentures is through regular practice. Take time each day to practice speaking aloud, whether it’s reading passages from a book, reciting speeches, or engaging in conversations with friends and family. By consistently exercising your speech muscles, you’ll gradually adapt to the presence of dentures and improve your ability to articulate words clearly.

Start Slowly:

When practicing speaking with dentures, it’s essential to start slowly and focus on enunciating each word clearly. Take your time to pronounce sounds accurately, and don’t rush through sentences. As you become more comfortable with your dentures, you can gradually increase your speaking speed while maintaining clarity.

Use Speech Exercises:

Incorporating speech exercises into your daily routine can significantly improve your speech clarity with dentures. Practice repeating vowel sounds or tongue twisters to strengthen tongue and mouth muscles. These exercises help improve articulation and make it easier to pronounce words accurately.

Practice Chewing and Swallowing:

Proper chewing and swallowing techniques are essential for maintaining speech clarity with dentures. When eating, chew food evenly on both sides of your mouth to prevent uneven pressure on your dentures. Avoid talking while eating, as this can interfere with your ability to swallow properly and affect speech clarity.

Stay Hydrated:

Keeping your mouth moist is essential for speech clarity with dentures. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dry mouth, which can make it difficult to speak clearly. Dry mouth is a common issue for denture wearers, so staying hydrated can help alleviate this problem.

Maintain Proper Denture Fit:

Ensuring that your dentures fit properly is crucial for speech clarity. Ill-fitting dentures can cause discomfort and affect your ability to speak clearly. Visit your dentist regularly to have your dentures adjusted or replaced as needed to ensure a proper fit.

Use Adhesive Sparingly:

If you find that your dentures are slipping or moving around in your mouth, you may benefit from using denture adhesive. However, it’s essential to use adhesive sparingly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Too much adhesive can interfere with speech and cause discomfort.

Seek Professional Guidance:

If you continue to experience difficulties with speech clarity despite practicing these tips, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance. Your dentist or a speech therapist can provide personalized advice and exercises to help you overcome speech challenges with dentures.

In conclusion, speaking clearly with dentures is achievable with patience, practice, and the right techniques. By incorporating speech exercises into your daily routine, maintaining proper denture fit, and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can regain confidence in your communication skills and enjoy a fulfilling social life with dentures.

Dental care

The Effects of Sugar on Your Child’s Teeth

As a parent, you want the best for your child, including their dental health. While it’s common knowledge that excessive sugar consumption isn’t good for overall health, many parents may not fully understand the extent of its impact on their child’s teeth. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the effects of sugar on your child’s dental health and provide actionable tips to help mitigate these issues.

Understanding the Relationship Between Sugar and Tooth Decay

Sugar plays a significant role in the development of tooth decay, also known as dental caries. When your child consumes sugary foods and beverages, bacteria in the mouth feed on the sugars and produce acids. These acids can erode the protective enamel layer of the teeth, leading to cavities and other dental problems.

The Importance of Limiting Sugar Intake

To protect your child’s dental health, it’s essential to limit their intake of sugary foods and drinks. Encourage healthy eating habits by providing nutritious snacks like fruits, vegetables, and dairy products instead of sugary treats. Additionally, be mindful of hidden sugars in processed foods and beverages, such as sodas, juices, and flavored snacks.

Practical Tips for Minimizing Sugar-Related Dental Issues

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Teach your child the importance of brushing their teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily to remove plaque and food particles that can contribute to tooth decay.
  • Choose Water as a Beverage: Water is the best choice for hydrating your child’s body and promoting oral health. Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day, especially after consuming sugary foods or beverages.
  • Limit Sugary Treats: While it’s okay for your child to enjoy occasional sugary treats, it’s essential to limit their consumption and encourage moderation. Reserve sugary snacks and desserts for special occasions, and opt for healthier alternatives whenever possible.
  • Schedule Regular Dental Checkups: Regular visits to the dentist are crucial for maintaining your child’s dental health. Schedule biannual checkups and cleanings to monitor their oral health and address any concerns promptly.
  • Lead by Example: As a parent, your actions speak louder than words. Set a positive example for your child by practicing good oral hygiene habits and making healthy food choices yourself.

By understanding the effects of sugar on your child’s teeth and implementing practical strategies to minimize sugar intake, you can help protect their dental health and ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles.


Remember that prevention is key, so start instilling good oral hygiene habits in your child from a young age. With your guidance and support, they can enjoy optimal dental health for years to come.



Dental care

Diabetes And Your Smile – Important Things To Know

Living with diabetes requires careful management of various aspects of health, including oral hygiene. Diabetes can have a significant impact on oral health, leading to increased risks of dental issues such as gum disease, tooth decay, and dry mouth. Understanding the connection between diabetes and oral health is crucial for effectively managing dental concerns and maintaining a healthy smile.

The Diabetes and Oral Health Connection

Diabetes affects blood sugar levels, which, in turn, can impact oral health. Individuals with diabetes are more prone to dental problems due to factors such as impaired immune response, decreased saliva production, and elevated blood sugar levels. These factors create an environment in the mouth that is conducive to bacterial growth, leading to an increased risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

Effects of Diabetes on Oral Health

One of the primary effects of diabetes on oral health is an increased risk of dental decay. Elevated blood sugar levels can fuel the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, leading to the formation of cavities. Additionally, diabetes can compromise the body’s ability to heal, resulting in delayed recovery from oral surgeries or infections.

Importance of Oral Care for Diabetics

Proper oral care is essential for individuals with diabetes to prevent dental problems and maintain overall health. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for early detection and treatment of dental issues. It’s also essential to control blood sugar levels through medication, diet, and lifestyle modifications to minimize the risk of oral health complications.

Consistent oral hygiene practices, such as brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, are essential for maintaining oral health. These habits help remove plaque and bacteria from the teeth and gums, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Managing Diabetes-Related Dental Issues

For individuals with diabetes, managing diabetes-related dental issues requires a multi-faceted approach. This may include professional dental cleanings, treatments tailored to the needs of diabetics, and proactive management of gum disease. It’s important for individuals with diabetes to work closely with their dental professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and concerns.

Collaborative Care Approach

Open communication between dental professionals and diabetes management teams is essential for ensuring comprehensive care for individuals with diabetes. Dental professionals should be aware of their patient’s diabetes status and any medications they may be taking to ensure safe and effective treatment. Additionally, individuals with diabetes should inform their dental professionals about their condition and any changes in their health status.


In conclusion, understanding the link between diabetes and oral health is essential for effectively managing dental concerns and maintaining a healthy smile. By prioritizing proper oral care practices, individuals with diabetes can reduce the risk of dental problems and enjoy improved overall health. Working closely with dental professionals and diabetes management teams can help individuals with diabetes achieve optimal oral health and well-being.

Dental care

Understanding Crossbite: Causes, Effects, and Correction Methods

A crossbite is a dental misalignment condition that occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not properly align when the jaws are closed. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what causes crossbite, its effects on oral health, and the different methods used to correct this condition.

What is a Crossbite?

A crossbite occurs when the upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth when the jaws are closed, rather than outside as they should. This misalignment can involve a single tooth or multiple teeth and may occur on one side of the mouth (unilateral crossbite) or both sides (bilateral crossbite).

Causes of Crossbite:

  • Genetics: Crossbite can be hereditary, with genetics playing a significant role in jaw size and tooth alignment.
  • Childhood Habits: Prolonged thumb sucking, pacifier use, or tongue thrusting during childhood can contribute to the development of crossbite.
  • Abnormal Tooth Eruption: Irregular eruption patterns or crowded teeth can lead to crossbite.
  • Jaw Misalignment: An imbalance in jaw size or position can result in crossbite.

Effects of Crossbite:

  • Tooth Wear: Uneven wear on teeth due to improper alignment.
  • TMJ Disorders: Misalignment can strain the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), leading to discomfort and pain.
  • Gum Recession: Crossbite may cause gum recession and increase the risk of periodontal disease.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Crossbite can affect facial symmetry and smile aesthetics.

Correction Methods:

  • Orthodontic Treatment: Braces or clear aligners can gradually shift teeth into proper alignment, correcting crossbite.
  • Palatal Expansion: In cases of skeletal crossbite (where the upper jaw is too narrow), a palatal expander may be used to widen the upper jaw gradually.
  • Tooth Extraction: In severe cases of crowding, tooth extraction may be necessary to create space for proper alignment.
  • Surgery: Jaw surgery (orthognathic surgery) may be required in cases of severe skeletal discrepancies that cannot be corrected with orthodontic treatment alone.
  • Removable Appliances: Removable appliances, such as a Hawley appliance or a bite plate, may be used to correct crossbite in children or as a preliminary treatment before orthodontic intervention.
  • Early Intervention: Addressing crossbite early in childhood can prevent more severe misalignment issues and may reduce the need for extensive treatment later in life.


Crossbite is a common dental misalignment issue that can impact oral health and aesthetics. Fortunately, various correction methods, from orthodontic treatment to jaw surgery, are available to address this condition and restore proper dental alignment. If you or your child have a crossbite, consult with a qualified orthodontist to explore the most suitable treatment options for your specific case.

Dental care

Understanding Tooth Enamel Erosion: What You Should Know

Tooth enamel erosion is a common dental issue that can lead to significant oral health problems if left untreated. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies for tooth enamel erosion, empowering you to safeguard your enamel and preserve your smile.

What is Tooth Enamel Erosion?

Tooth enamel is the hard outer layer that protects the underlying dentin and pulp of your teeth. Enamel erosion occurs when the enamel gradually wears away due to various factors, exposing the sensitive inner layers of the tooth to damage and decay.

Causes of Tooth Enamel Erosion:

  • Acidic Foods and Beverages: Consuming acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, sodas, and fruit juices, can weaken enamel over time.
  • Acid Reflux and GERD: Conditions like acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) expose teeth to stomach acids, which can erode enamel.
  • Dry Mouth: Reduced saliva production can lead to a dry mouth, creating an environment where acids remain in contact with teeth for longer periods, accelerating enamel erosion.
  • Abrasive Brushing: Brushing teeth too vigorously or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down enamel and contribute to erosion.
  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Grinding or clenching teeth can cause enamel to wear away prematurely, leaving teeth susceptible to erosion.

Symptoms of Tooth Enamel Erosion:

  • Tooth Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages.
  • Discoloration: Teeth may appear yellowish or discolored as the underlying dentin becomes more visible.
  • Rounded Edges: Enamel erosion can cause teeth to develop rounded or uneven edges.
  • Transparency: Teeth may appear translucent at the edges as enamel thins.
  • Tooth Decay: Increased risk of cavities and tooth decay due to weakened enamel.

Prevention and Treatment:

  • Limit Acidic Foods and Beverages: Reduce consumption of acidic foods and drinks, and rinse your mouth with water afterward to neutralize acids.
  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and floss daily to remove plaque and food debris.
  • Use Fluoride Products: Use fluoride-containing mouthwash and toothpaste to strengthen enamel and protect against erosion.
  • Address Underlying Conditions: Seek treatment for conditions like acid reflux or dry mouth to minimize acid exposure to teeth.
  • Wear a Nightguard: If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a nightguard can protect enamel from damage caused by bruxism.
  • Regular Dental Checkups: Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups to monitor enamel health and address any concerns promptly.


Tooth enamel erosion is a serious dental issue that can compromise the health and appearance of your smile. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and prevention strategies outlined in this guide, you can take proactive steps to protect your enamel and maintain optimal oral health for years to come.

Dental care

The Top 5 Reasons To Get Clear Aligners

Clear aligners have transformed orthodontic treatment by providing a discreet and easy way to attain a straighter smile. Clear aligners, an alternative to traditional braces, have grown in popularity for various reasons. This article delves into the top five reasons people choose clear aligners, highlighting the perks that lead to their broad popularity.

1. Subtle Aesthetics:

  • Invisibility: Clear aligners are comprised of transparent materials, allowing the natural color of your teeth to show through. Unlike traditional braces with visible brackets and wires, transparent aligners offer a discreet orthodontic option.
  • Increased Confidence: Clear aligners’ unobtrusive look enables orthodontic treatment without self-consciousness about one’s smile.
  • No Impact on Social Interactions: Clear aligners allow you to interact socially and professionally without the visual impact that traditional braces often cause.

2. Precision Teeth Straightening:

  • Customized Treatment Plan: Digital Impressions: Clear aligners are created using digital impressions of your teeth for an exact fit.
  • Customized Treatment: Each pair of aligners is intended to gradually shift teeth into the correct positions, resulting in a tailored treatment plan.
  • Efficient Straightening: Clear aligners move teeth into alignment at a controlled rate based on the treatment plan.
  • Predictable Outcome: Patients can see how their smile will change over time if their therapy goes as planned.

3. Removable Convenience.

  • Eating and Drinking Freedom: Clear aligners are removable, enabling users to eat and drink freely.
  • No Dietary Limitations: Unlike traditional braces, no dietary restrictions allow you to eat whatever you want during treatment.
  • Oral Hygiene Ease: Cleaning is more accessible because clear aligners are removable, allowing people to brush and floss their teeth without navigating brackets and wires. Improved oral hygiene lowers the risk of cavities and gum disease during orthodontic treatment.

4. Ensure a comfortable orthodontic experience:

  • Use smooth and comfortable materials. No Sharp Edges: Clear aligners are smooth and soft, eliminating irritation from sharp edges.
  • Reduced Discomfort: Unlike traditional braces, which can be uncomfortable owing to wires and brackets, transparent aligners offer a more comfortable orthodontic treatment.
  • No in-person adjustments or tightening required. Clear aligners eliminate the need for regular in-person modifications, reducing orthodontic appointment frequency.
  • No Tightening Sessions: Patients do not have to endure the discomfort associated with the periodic tightening sessions used in traditional orthodontic procedures.

5. Time-saving and predictable outcomes:

  • Shorter treatment duration: Clear aligners typically have a more predictable treatment timeframe, allowing patients to plan for the duration of their orthodontic journey.
  • Reduced Treatment Time: Some situations may obtain the desired results faster than traditional braces.
  • Fewer Orthodontic sessions: Clear aligners reduce the need for in-person sessions, making them more convenient for hectic schedules.
  • Convenient Monitoring: Remote monitoring technology enables orthodontists to track patient development without regular office visits.


Clear aligners are a popular orthodontic treatment option that prioritizes aesthetics, precision, ease, comfort, and efficiency. The clear and inconspicuous nature of aligners addresses cosmetic concerns, while personalized treatment programs assure successful and quick teeth straightening. Removability adds convenience to daily activities, and the general comfort of the orthodontic experience contributes to a great outcome. Individuals with clear aligners can confidently embark on their journey to a straighter smile, knowing that the transformative process is practical and convenient for their lifestyle.

Dental care

Clear Braces Vs. Clear Aligners: What Is The Difference?

Orthodontic therapy has advanced tremendously, giving clients various options for achieving a straighter smile. Clear braces and aligners are two popular alternatives to traditional braces. While both seek to rectify tooth misalignment, they differ in design, mechanism, and overall strategy. This article examines the differences between transparent braces and clear aligners, highlighting the essential factors people should consider before beginning their orthodontic journey.

Traditional brackets and wires: The Traditional Approach.

  1. Design: Clear braces use materials that harmonize with the natural tooth color, providing a more discreet appearance than metal braces.
  • Placement: Orthodontists install brackets to the front surfaces of the teeth and connect them with wires that provide moderate pressure to encourage tooth movement.
  1. Mechanism: Clear braces use a continuous adjustment, with the orthodontist regularly tightening the wires to gently reposition the teeth into the appropriate positions. 
  • Control: This approach provides fine control over tooth movement, making it suitable for difficult instances.
  1. Challenges in Oral Hygiene: Clear braces can lead to plaque and food particle accumulation due to their brackets and wires.
  • Routine Maintenance: Extra care and dedication are essential when cleaning around brackets and cables to avoid deterioration and discoloration.
  1. Removability: Clear braces are non-removable by the patient. They remain attached to the teeth till the orthodontic treatment is completed.
  • Continuous Correction: The presence of braces enables constant correction of tooth misalignment.

Clear aligners: The Modern Solution

  1. Design: Clear aligners are custom-made cleric trays that fit tightly over teeth. Aligners are nearly undetectable, making them a discreet orthodontic option that eliminates the need for visible brackets or wires.
  2. Mechanism: Clear aligners work in a progressive sequence, with each pair of trays gradually moving the teeth. 
  • Scheduled Changes: Patients transition to a new pair of aligners every few weeks, each getting to the ideal teeth alignment.
  1. Oral Hygiene: Clear aligners are removable, which is a considerable advantage. Easier. 
  • Cleaning: Patients can take their aligners out to eat, brush, and floss, making dental hygiene practices more simple and effective.
  1. Removability: Clear aligners are removable, making them convenient for eating, brushing teeth, and special events.
  • Compliance-Dependent: The success of clear aligners depends on patient compliance in wearing them for the appropriate number of hours per day.

Choosing between clear braces and clear aligners:

  1. Treatment Complexity: Clear braces effectively treat complex orthodontic issues like severe misalignments and biting abnormalities. Ideal for mild to moderate misalignments, they often produce excellent outcomes.
  2. Appearance Preference: Clear braces are a more inconspicuous option than regular metal braces, but they remain visible on the teeth. Clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them an aesthetically acceptable option for people concerned about the appearance of orthodontic appliances.
  3. Oral Hygiene Considerations: Clear braces necessitate precise dental hygiene habits to avoid plaque accumulation around brackets and wires. Clear aligners make it easier to maintain good dental hygiene because they can be removed for cleaning.
  4. Lifestyle and Convenience: Clear braces are non-removable and provide ongoing correction. However, they may offer obstacles to activities like musical instruments or contact sports. Clear aligners are removable, providing additional flexibility and ease for daily activities.
  5. Compliance and Responsibilities: Clear braces are permanently affixed to the teeth; therefore, they do not require patient cooperation. To be effective, patients must wear them for the required number of hours every day.


Individual preferences, treatment needs, and lifestyle concerns all play a role in determining whether to use clear braces or aligners. Clear braces are a conventional but discrete alternative for more challenging cases, whereas clear aligners are a modern, nearly invisible treatment that prioritizes and eases maintenance. Consulting with an orthodontist is critical for determining the best treatment method, considering desired outcomes, oral health concerns, and personal preferences. Both are effective ways to attain a straighter, more confident smile.

Dental care

Common Reasons Your Lip Corners Are Cracking

Cracked lip corners, or angular cheilitis, can be uncomfortable and ugly. Understanding the common causes of this phenomenon is critical for successful prevention and treatment. This blog will look at the numerous factors that cause cracked lip corners and how to treat this common dental condition.

A Few Reasons

  1. Fungal Infections (Angular Cheilitis): Angular cheilitis is commonly caused by Candida yeast overgrowth in the mouth’s warm, moist areas.

Symptoms: In addition to cracking, you may experience redness, irritation, and burning.

  1. Bacterial Infections: Cracks in the corners of the lips can harbor germs and cause secondary infections.

Symptoms: Bacterial infections can exacerbate discomfort by creating increased redness and swelling.

  1. Nutrient Deficiencies: Lack of B vitamins, iron, and zinc can lead to cracked lip corners.

Nutrient Role: These nutrients are essential for keeping the skin and mucous membranes healthy.

  1. Moisture or Dryness: Excessive drooling, lip licking, or prolonged contact with moisture can cause cracked corners.

Dry Weather Impact: Conversely, dry weather or insufficient hydration can cause dry, cracked lips.

  1. Ill-fitting dentures or braces can cause friction and irritation at the mouth’s corners.

Constant Movement: Continuous movement while speaking or eating might aggravate existing cracks.

  1. Allergic Reactions: Lip products, toothpaste, and other oral care items might cause contact dermatitis.

Inflammatory Response: Allergic inflammation may contribute to the formation of cracks.

  1. Habits such as thumb-sucking: In children, prolonged thumb-sucking or dummy use can lead to persistent wetness and damaged lip corners.

Its effect: Thumb-sucking can also cause strain on the palate, affecting oral tissues.

Addressing cracked lip corners

  1. Use antifungal or antibacterial creams for topical treatment:

Antifungal or antibacterial lotions can help treat angular cheilitis by targeting the underlying illness.

Prescription drugs: For severe situations, prescription-strength drugs may be required.

  1. Addressing nutrient deficiencies:

Balanced Diet: To correct nutrient deficiencies, follow a well-balanced diet rich in B vitamins, iron, and zinc.

Supplements if Required: Consult a healthcare provider about the need for supplements.

  1. Proper Hydration and Moisturising:

Hydrate well: Drink plenty of water, especially during dry weather.

Lip Balm: Use a hypoallergenic lip balm to moisturize your lips and prevent them from drying.

  1. Denture and brace adjustments: 

Consult a dentist: See a dentist for adjustments if ill-fitting dentures or braces contribute to cracking.

Regular Check-Ups: Regular dental check-ups guarantee that oral appliances are properly fitted.

  1. Identifying and avoiding allergens:

Patch Testing: To discover the allergens that cause contact dermatitis, undergo patch testing.

Switching Products: Replace oral care and lip cosmetics with hypoallergenic options.

  1. Breaking Habits: 

Encourage children to stop thumb-sucking with positive reinforcement.

Orthodontic Consultation: If necessary, see an orthodontist to treat the effects of habits on oral tissues.

Preventive Measures

  1. Maintain Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing and flossing help avoid bacterial overgrowth and illnesses. Routine dental check-ups can help discover and manage problems early on.
  2. Promoting Healthy Mouth Habits: Teach toddlers good mouth hygiene and prevent excessive thumb-sucking. Regular pediatric dental appointments increase awareness and aid in early intervention.
  3. Proactive Lip Care: To prevent cracking, avoid excessive drooling and lip licking. Moisturise as needed: Apply lip balm to hydrate lips, especially during dry weather.
  4. Balanced Nutrient Intake: Maintain a nutrient-rich diet for optimal skin health. Limit your sugary foods and beverages to lower the risk of Candida overgrowth.


Infections, nutritional deficits, habits, or allergies might cause cracked lip corners. Identifying the underlying cause is critical for successful treatment and prevention. Taking preventative actions and visiting a dentist in Crosby, TX, can help you treat fungal or bacterial infections. 

Correcting dental equipment or adopting healthy oral habits helps maintain the delicate skin at the corners of the lips. Regular dental check-ups and an emphasis on preventive care improve oral health, resulting in comfortable, crack-free lip corners.

Dental care

7 Important Pediatric Dental Care Tips To Teach Your Children

Dental Hygiene is a vital part of your lifestyle. It applies to all sections of society of any age. It is essential to ensure kids learn good habits from a tender age and follow the steps to healthier teeth throughout their lives. In this article, you will learn about pediatric dental care tips that will help you improve your kid’s dental routine. 

  • Brush and Floss Twice a Day

Brushing twice daily and regular flossing can help children from plaque and tartar buildup. Regular brushing includes brushing and cleaning your child’s tongue. Bacteria and microbes can assemble on the tongue, causing oral bacteria and bad breath to increase. 

Plaque usually takes a day or two to build up and convert into tartar. And if plaque hardens, it is converted into tartar. It usually requires a dental appointment to get rid of as you cannot brush it off. Tarter is very hard to remove and requires specialized tools to scrape it off, so only a Crosby Pediatric Dentist can do it. 

  • The two-minute rule

Most kids are quite distracted while brushing. Some are too sleepy to concentrate on brushing and feel it is tedious. They must be more responsible to understand the importance of brushing their teeth. A parent must ensure that kids brush their teeth for at least two minutes to remove all germs properly.

  • Limit Sugars

Sugar is one of the leading causes of dental cavities. When your child overeats sugar, it combines with the bacteria in their mouth and converts it into acid. With time, the acid eats away at tooth enamel, which results in cavities and tooth decay. 

Fluoride is naturally added to drinking water and can help reverse tooth decay. Regular brushing and flossing can prevent plaque buildup from sneaking in hard-to-reach places. 

  • Use Your Teeth To Chew Food Only

Kids whose teeth are still coming out tend to chew everything, everywhere. Parents must be cautious that the kids only chew food items so their teeth are not damaged while biting complex objects. A damp washcloth over your kids’s gums can help keep them healthy and prevent germs from building up. 

  • Regular Dental Appointments

Kids who do not follow a good oral hygiene routine might face serious cavities and plaque content. Some of these are hard to detect as they are not easily visible through the eyes. You must visit your dentist twice yearly to ensure your kids are familiar with them. It also helps them to discuss any dental issue they might be facing and identify problems early for timely solutions.

  • Adequate Calcium Intake

Parents who are not certain about their kids’ diet regret it later. A calcium-deficit diet can damage their teeth. Most kids might be calcium deficient, but they are not aware.  

  • Hygienic Routine While They Are Young

Kids are easily inspired and impressionable. It is better to teach them these habits while they are young. Most dental issues in kids are avoidable if identified and treated on time. You can start with the basic two-minute rule twice daily with brushing and flossing. And ensure they are familiar with dental care so they can follow them easily. 


Dental hygiene tips are essential for kids as they are not responsible individuals. They do not care what they eat, brush their teeth, or follow hygiene routines. It is a parent’s responsibility that kids learn and follow their oral hygiene properly. Kids can avoid numerous oral diseases with an effective hygiene routine, as most are easily detectable and treatable. You can visit our Crosby Pediatric Dentist for more information about dental care tips.

Dental care

Can You Get Dentures Immediately After Tooth Extractions?

Dentures are added to the mouth following the extraction of teeth. Though most patients are willing to have dentures placed in their mouths, many are hesitant to commit to the whole process as it requires a more substantial time commitment. In this blog, you will learn how dentures help to boost your personality and beautify your smile. 

What is the process of getting immediate dentures?

The following steps are the procedure of denture addition after an extraction of teeth. 

  • When your dentist extracts your molars, you must usually wait approximately six weeks for healing.
  • In the weeks following the extraction of your molars, your dentist and dental technician will prepare your immediate dentures based on impressions and molds of your existing teeth and jaw.
  • You will have your remaining teeth extracted by your dentist. Then, your new dentures will be placed “immediately.”. 
  • Taking your dentures out at night is normal, but the first night will differ. During that first night, you will leave your dentures in your mouth, and your dentist will take them out the following day.
  • During healing, your dentist will add liners to your dentures and adjust the fit. Your gums will shrink as they heal, so your new dentures will quickly become loose.
  • The second and more refined denture will be prepared by your dentist once your gums, and you have sufficiently recovered from the oral surgery extraction procedure. After your extractions, we will prepare your dentures to be aesthetically pleasing and consider all of the changes to your mouth, gums, and jaw.
  • The shape and size of your jaw will continue to change after six months or so, so it’s likely that your dentures will also need to be relined. It is an ongoing requirement of living with dentures to adjust them to ensure a comfortable and secure fit while accommodating your changing jaw size. 
  • The frequency with which you need to make adjustments will vary from person to person. During regular dental checkups, your dentist will examine your gums and assess how well your dentures fit.

Wait Time between teeth extraction and denture placement.

Getting dentures takes a lot of work and time. It will take three to six months after the teeth are pulled for the patient to receive custom-made dentures. As a result of this wait period, the gum tissue will have ample time to heal. The dentist will provide you with temporary immediate dentures while your gum tissue heals so that the dentures will fit perfectly. You do not need to worry about your gums during this period.

Benefits of immediate dentures

Who doesn’t want a beautiful smile? Most of us desire a perfect set of pearly whites. But if tooth extraction is essential due to some medical condition, your smile might not look the same. You can opt for dentures immediately after the extraction to maintain your smile. It will allow you to readjust your normal lifestyle easily and talk, chew, and stay as if nothing has changed. 

Our teeth are an essential part of our personality. If, after extraction, one might feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or ashamed, it is better to replace the extractions immediately with dentures. 

Final Thought

The dentures are a lifesaver if you find your outer appearance essential to your personality. Most people are concerned about how they look. And a healthy set of teeth makes your personality whole. With advanced technology, replacing your extracted teeth with dentures almost immediately is impossible. In a single appointment, your teeth can become whole again.

You can also consult our dentist about tooth extraction, dentures, and tooth replacement in detail to understand how it will be done. Dentures in our natural teeth color are a temporary alternative to missing teeth, but they need care. With good hygiene and maintenance, they can also have a long life.

Dental care

How To Prevent And Treat Angular Cheilitis

Angular Cheilitis is a mouth sore caused by fungal and bacterial infections. It is easily treatable with medications and is expected in the corners of the mouth and the outside area of your lips. 

Angular cheilitis is usually diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist, who examines your mouth and checks for other skin irritations. They will ask about your medications and lifestyle and review your personal and family history. 

It is a short-lived disorder that usually consists of red and swollen patches. In this blog, you will learn in detail about Angular Cheilitis and understand how they are treated.

Symptoms of Angular Cheilitis

The most common symptom of Angular Cheilitis is that it appears on the corner of the mouth. It can be a painful blister that might even have redness and bleeding. Here are some of the common symptoms of Angular Cheilitis: 

  • bleeding
  • red
  • swollen
  • cracked
  • blistered
  • crusty
  • itchy
  • painful

Other symptoms of Angular Cheilitis include the following:

  • oral yeast infection or thrush
  • Eczema-like rash on the lower face
  • redness on the palate of the mouth 
  • saliva at the corners of the mouth
  • deep cracks called fissures

What causes Angular Cheilitis?

Certain reasons might lead to Angular Cheilitis. Usually, the saliva collected in the corners of the mouth causes the condition when it dries and cracks the surrounding tissue. This moist but cracked tissue invites yeast and bacteria formation, turning it into a blister-like form. Candida yeast and Staphylococcus bacteria are common Angular Cheilitis-causing germs.

Risk Factors

Certain risk factors are associated with Angular Cheilitis. It might include:

  • poor-fitting dentures
  • having misaligned teeth
  • losing a substantial amount of weight
  • frequently licking your lips
  • being a smoker
  • Nutritional deficiencies, particularly vitamin B deficiencies
  • frequent use of antibiotics
  • using retinol products
  • having a weakened immune system
  • being over the age of 75
  • having dry mouth
  • having inflammatory disorders like Sjögren’s syndrome
  • Chronic illnesses such as diabetes or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • having Down syndrome

How is it treated?

Treatment options for Angular Cheilitis can include topical steroid creams, oral antifungal medications, and antibiotics you can apply to the affected area or take by mouth. Most cases clear up within two weeks with treatment. Lip balms and petroleum jelly can also moisturize and protect the lips. Talk to your doctor if your condition does not improve after a few days. 

Other treatment options may include:

  • topical antiseptics to keep mouth sores clean
  • topical steroid ointment
  • Reducing mouth creases with filler injections

How to prevent Angular Cheilitis

You can prevent Angular Cheilitis by maintaining a good hygiene routine and practicing strict skin care. These tips will help you stay healthy and prevent harmful bacteria from building up in your mouth.

  • Keep your lips moisturized rather than licking them 
  • It would be best if you quit smoking
  • Manage diseases such as diabetes and anemia
  • Prevent vitamin or mineral deficiencies by eating a healthy diet


It is common for angular cheilitis to develop due to saliva accumulation in the corners of your mouth, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive. The condition is more common among older people, babies, and young children and can usually be treated with medication. 

Our dental office in Crosby TX can determine the exact cause of the disease, which will determine the course of treatment. Otherwise, it can last for years and permanently change your skin. Angular cheilitis is easily treatable and does not require any advanced diagnosis. But if it does not clear up within a week or two, it can be painful and even bleed, worsening your skin condition.

Dental care

Bleeding Gums When Flossing: Should You Call Your Dentist?

Maintaining good dental health requires a consistent flossing routine. Daily flossing, combined with regular brushing, helps remove plaque and prevent it from hardening on your teeth. However, it’s not uncommon for some people to experience bleeding gums while flossing. While this can be a normal occurrence in some cases, it’s essential to understand the reasons behind it and when it warrants a call to your dentist.

Common Reasons for Gums to Bleed While Flossing

Several factors can contribute to gums bleeding when flossing:

  • Periodontal Disease: Gum bleeding can be a sign of periodontal disease (gum disease). Early detection and treatment are crucial for reversing its effects. Professional dental cleanings can remove plaque and tartar buildup. Proper at-home oral care can help gums heal.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those occurring during menstruation, pregnancy, puberty, or menopause, can lead to changes in gum health. Hormones like progesterone can increase blood flow and make gums more susceptible to bleeding.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as vitamin deficiencies (e.g., vitamin K or C deficiency), can cause gum bleeding. Vitamin C is essential for tissue growth and repair, while vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting. Conditions like diabetes, leukemia, and hemophilia can also affect gum health.
  • Incorrect Flossing or Brushing: Using a hard toothbrush or applying excessive pressure while brushing can damage the gums and lead to bleeding. Soft or extra-soft toothbrushes are recommended. Using an old toothbrush with worn bristles can also increase the risk of gum irritation.

Why Calling Your Dentist is Essential

Contacting your dentist is essential when you experience bleeding gums for several reasons:

  • Early Detection and Treatment: Dentists can diagnose and treat gum bleeding, even in the early stages of gum disease (gingivitis). Early intervention can prevent the condition from progressing to more severe gum disease, which can result in irreversible damage to teeth and supporting structures.
  • Personalized Oral Care Guidance: Dentists can provide personalized advice on oral care practices, including correct brushing and flossing techniques. They may recommend specific oral hygiene products and educate patients on maintaining gum health at home.
  • Professional Dental Cleaning: Regular dental check-ups include professional cleanings by dental hygienists. These cleanings remove plaque and tartar from teeth and gums, enhancing daily oral care efforts and improving overall oral health.
  • Addressing Systemic Health Factors: Dentists evaluate gum bleeding in the context of a patient’s overall health. They may collaborate with medical professionals to address systemic conditions like diabetes, which can contribute to gum bleeding. A holistic approach ensures comprehensive dental and medical care.

In conclusion, bleeding gums, especially during flossing, should not be ignored. While it can be a common occurrence due to various factors, it may also indicate an underlying dental condition. Good gum health is essential for overall oral hygiene. 

If bleeding persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it’s crucial to seek professional dental care. Early detection and treatment can prevent complications and maintain gum health. Don’t hesitate to contact your dentist in Crosby, TX, for a thorough evaluation and guidance on maintaining optimal oral health.

Dental care

Invisalign For Teens: A Parent’s Guide To Straightening Smiles

If your teen is interested in Invisalign, it’s essential to make an informed decision about this popular orthodontic treatment. Starting orthodontic care for your teen is a significant decision, and Invisalign offers a discreet and customizable alternative to traditional braces. This article provides insights into teen dental care and highlights the benefits of Invisalign for teenagers.

What is Invisalign for Teens?

Invisalign for Teens is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth. These aligners are made of clear plastic and are virtually invisible when worn. They provide a comfortable and effective way to achieve a beautiful smile without traditional braces. Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed for eating, drinking, and oral hygiene.

Teenage Benefits of Invisalign

There are several advantages to choosing Invisalign for teens:

  • Visual Appeal: Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible, making them an attractive option for teens who may be self-conscious about their appearance during social and academic activities.
  • Removability: Invisalign aligners are removable, making it easier for teens to maintain proper oral hygiene and enjoy their favorite foods without restrictions. They can also remove the aligners for sports or playing musical instruments.
  • Comfort and Safety: Invisalign aligners are designed to be comfortable, reducing the risk of sores or irritation often associated with traditional braces. They are also a safer option for active teens, as there is a lower risk of injury during physical activities.
  • Effective Treatment: Invisalign can effectively straighten teeth and address common orthodontic issues, providing teens with a healthy and confident smile.

Cost of Invisalign for Teens

The cost of Invisalign for teens typically ranges from $3,000 to $5,000, depending on the individual’s condition and treatment duration. Many orthodontists offer flexible payment plans to make the treatment more affordable for families.

Getting Ready for Invisalign Therapy

Before starting Invisalign treatment, your teen should consult with an orthodontist who is experienced with Invisalign. The orthodontist will take impressions of your teen’s teeth to customize the treatment plan. Proper oral hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing, is essential to ensure successful treatment with Invisalign aligners.

Teenage Invisalign Aftercare Tips

To ensure the success of Invisalign treatment, it’s crucial for teens to follow their orthodontist’s aftercare guidelines:

  • Brush and floss after each meal before reinserting the aligners.
  • Wear the aligners for at least 22 hours a day, as directed by the orthodontist.
  • Attend scheduled follow-up appointments with the orthodontist to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything other than water while wearing the aligners, as this can damage them and prolong treatment.


Invisalign for Teens offers a discreet and flexible solution for straightening teeth and improving oral health. Parents can confidently explore this advanced option for their teenagers, ensuring not only effective teeth straightening but also overall dental well-being. 

Invisalign is a valuable choice in the field of teen orthodontics, combining practicality and aesthetic appeal on the journey toward a confident and aligned smile. Consulting with experienced orthodontists, such as those in Crosby, TX, ensures the best possible outcome for your teen’s orthodontic care.

Dental care

What Happens If I Don’t Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically erupt in late teens or early 20s. Many individuals wonder if it’s necessary to have their wisdom teeth removed, especially if they aren’t causing any pain. This article explores the complications associated with wisdom teeth and emphasizes the importance of preventive dental care.

Preventive Efforts

It’s essential to note that the absence of wisdom tooth pain doesn’t necessarily mean there’s nothing wrong with your wisdom teeth. They can be impacted or trapped, meaning they cannot properly emerge through the jawbone into the mouth. Wisdom teeth can also erupt at an angle, potentially causing issues with adjacent teeth or your bite.

Delaying their removal can result in complications such as extreme numbness, limited jaw movement, significant bleeding, or damaged neighboring teeth due to the increasing hardness of jawbones with age.

Is Removal Required When?

Wisdom teeth removal is necessary when they become problematic or when X-rays indicate potential future issues. Some valid reasons for removal include:

  • Damage to Other Teeth: Extra molars can shift adjacent teeth, leading to bite problems and oral discomfort.
  • Jaw Damage: Cysts may form around developing wisdom teeth, potentially damaging nerves and hollowing out the jaw.
  • Sinus Issues: Wisdom teeth problems can cause sinus pressure, pain, and congestion.
  • Inflamed Gums: The surrounding tissue may swell and become challenging to clean properly.
  • Cavities: Gum disease can result in cavities by creating bacterial pockets between teeth.
  • Alignment: Impacted wisdom teeth can exert pressure on neighboring teeth, necessitating orthodontic treatment.

Potential Issues with Unremoved Wisdom Teeth

Some potential issues associated with unremoved wisdom teeth include:

  • Impaction: Wisdom teeth often erupt abnormally due to space constraints, causing pain, swelling, and discomfort. In severe cases, they can lead to cyst formation or damage to neighboring teeth.
  • Crowding: A delayed eruption of wisdom teeth can lead to crowding and misalignment of adjacent teeth, complicating orthodontic treatment.
  • Infection and Gum Disease: Partially erupted or impacted wisdom teeth create spaces for bacteria to thrive, increasing the risk of infection, pain, swelling, and potential systemic health concerns.
  • Tooth Decay: Wisdom teeth, being located at the back of the mouth, can be challenging to clean thoroughly, making them more susceptible to cavities and decay.
  • Formation of Cysts: Impacted wisdom teeth may develop fluid-filled sacs and cysts, causing damage to neighboring teeth and the jawbone. Removing cysts may require more complex surgical procedures.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Persistent pain, discomfort, and headaches can result from unremoved wisdom teeth. The pressure exerted by impacted wisdom teeth can lead to long-term issues affecting daily functioning.


The decision to remove wisdom teeth depends on various factors, including the individual’s mouth structure, tooth positioning, and age. Consulting experienced dentists is essential to make informed decisions about wisdom teeth removal. In some cases, monitoring the situation over a few months may be an option, but any signs of complications, swelling, or unusual odors near the back teeth should prompt a reevaluation. Wisdom tooth extraction is a common dental procedure, and timely removal can help prevent potential issues and maintain oral health.

Dental care

Diet And Nutrition Tips For Healing Cracked Mouth Corners

Taking care of your mouth, especially when dealing with cracked corners, can be painful and challenging. It’s important to consider nutrient deficiencies, as well as factors like weather and fungal infections that may exacerbate the condition. This article discusses the role of diet, nutrition, and overall oral health in addressing cracked mouth corners and emphasizes the importance of consulting a dentist for advice, particularly in the Crosby, TX area.

Method 1: Applying Topical Treatments at Home

  • Petroleum Jelly: Applying a small amount of petroleum jelly from a clean, fresh jar to the cracked corners of your mouth can help relieve discomfort. It acts as a barrier between your skin and saliva, preventing excessive wetness and subsequent drying.
  • Coconut Oil: Another option is to use coconut oil to hydrate the affected area. Apply a small amount of liquid or solid coconut oil to the cracked corners of your mouth. Like petroleum jelly, coconut oil can help heal oral fissures affordably.

Method 2: Using Dietary Changes to Promote Healing

  • Increase Iron Intake: Iron deficiency is a common underlying issue that can lead to cracks in the corners of your mouth. Boosting your iron intake through dietary changes can help prevent and speed up the healing of these cracks.
  • Include Vitamin B-rich foods: Vitamin B plays a crucial role in healing underlying infections and promoting skin repair. If you have cracked mouth corners, increasing your consumption of foods rich in vitamin B can be beneficial.

Method 3: Seeking Medical Attention

  • Visit a Doctor: If your symptoms are severe or home remedies aren’t providing relief, it’s advisable to see a doctor. If the cracks in the corners of your mouth don’t improve within a week or if you experience severe symptoms such as burning, intense lip discomfort, or the presence of red or purple spots, seek medical attention. Not all cases of cracked mouth corners can be treated effectively at home.
  • Antifungal Cream for Yeast Infections: If yeast is the cause of your mouth corner cracks, your doctor may prescribe an antifungal cream or recommend an over-the-counter option. Follow the dosage and frequency instructions on the label or any additional guidance provided by your doctor.
  • Topical Steroid Cream for Bacterial Infections: For bacterial fissures, your doctor may suggest a topical steroid cream. In more severe cases, a prescription-strength steroid cream may be prescribed. In moderate cases, over-the-counter hydrocortisone steroid cream may be recommended.

Method 4: Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits

  • Consistent oral hygiene practices are crucial for both preventing and treating cracked mouth corners. Regularly flossing, using a mild antiseptic mouthwash, and brushing your tongue can help eliminate bacteria and prevent infections. Ensure you clean and replace your toothbrush regularly to prevent bacterial growth.

Method 5: Use a Humidifier and Stay Hydrated

  • Dehydration can contribute to dry, cracked skin, including the corners of your mouth. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day is essential for proper hydration. Additionally, using a humidifier in your living or sleeping space can help maintain moisture in the air, preventing excessive dryness that can worsen cracks in the corners of your mouth.


Dealing with cracked mouth corners, possibly due to nutrient deficiencies, can be uncomfortable. Factors like weather and fungal infections can exacerbate the condition. Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is crucial for healing. 

Home remedies like petroleum jelly or coconut oil can provide protection and hydration. Increasing iron and vitamin B intake can address underlying issues and aid in recovery. If symptoms are severe or home treatments are ineffective, seeking medical advice is recommended. 

Doctors may prescribe antifungal or steroid creams based on the diagnosis. A holistic approach that combines home care, dietary changes, and medical guidance can promote oral health and facilitate healing.

Dental care

What Are The Warning Signs Of A Root Canal Infection?

Root canals are not something many people look forward to. The procedure is generally painless and very common. The fear and mystery surrounding this treatment can be alleviated by understanding what it entails and its warning signs.

Infected or badly decayed teeth are treated with root canals to restore and save them. Endodontics is another name for this treatment.  Once bacteria infect the pulp tissue inside the tooth’s chamber, a root canal infection can worsen quickly.

Therefore, this makes treating the condition more important. So, if you are wondering what a root canal is and how to spot it in the early stages then you have stumbled on the right article!

What happens to teeth if you have a root canal infection? 

Before jumping onto the warning signs it is vital to understand what happens to your teeth if you are suffering from Endodontics. There are a number of parts that make up the tooth structure.

It is the crown that appears in the mouth, while the root is the part that holds the tooth in place and extends into the jaw. Hence, when pulp tissue, or the blood supply, is damaged, bacteria multiply within the pulp chambers and canals causing root infection. 

Leaving an infection untreated can result in swelling that may spread to other areas of the neck, face, or head, along with an abscess.

What are some common signs of a root canal infection? 

Now that you know how endodontics affects the teeth let us see some of the common signs of the same: 

  • Pain and Inflammation at the Gum Line: Mouth inflammation can result from an endodontic infection. Sore gums and red gums can be caused by the same. However, irritation and swelling typically affect the area around the infected tooth, meaning they do not affect the entire area.
  • Discoloration (a darkening) of the tooth: An infected tooth may appear darker, or even yellow than usual. Root canal tissue becomes dark brown when infected, changing the look of the teeth. So, if you notice any change in your tooth color along with pain and terseness it can be a warning sign of endodontics. 
  • Heat or cold sensitivity or pain: Recurring pain and sensitivity in teeth is the sign that the patient might have to undergo medical care or a proper root canal infection treatment. In addition, if the pain is high and you are facing issues with the bite you must visit your dentist immediately.  Furthermore, you can also experience sensitivity to cold and hot foods and drinks as a starting sign of an endodontic issue. 
  • Bad breath: People with endodontic infections suffer from chronic bad breath. If you continue to have bad breath despite brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash it may be caused by an infection. An unpleasant odor is produced by the bacteria that cause root canal infections. Because of this, patients often experience bad mouth taste. It can become even worse if an abscess forms.

If you see any of the above-mentioned being persistent you must visit your dentist as soon as possible. The procedure usually takes two visits and is generally considered not to be any more uncomfortable than a filling since an anesthetic is used by the dentist before the procedure. 

An antibiotic course may be recommended by the dentist before the week preceding the root canal if there is already an abscess. In this way, dentists can then perform root canal treatment under anesthesia.

Therefore, visiting your dentist as early as possible will save you from further infections and tooth loss.

Dental care

The Cost of Dental Sealants: Is It Worth The Investment?

Preventive measures are vital for maintaining optimal dental health, which in turn affects overall health. Dental sealants are one such preventive tool, designed to shield teeth from decay and cavities. However, there’s often uncertainty regarding the cost-effectiveness of dental sealants.

In this article, we’ll explore dental sealants, the factors influencing their cost, and whether investing in this preventive dental procedure or opting for dental insurance coverage, is worthwhile.

Understanding Dental Sealants:

Dental sealants are thin protective coatings applied primarily to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. By doing so, they form a barrier, preventing food and plaque from reaching the tooth enamel, thereby protecting against decay.

Benefits of Dental Sealants:

  • Dental sealants significantly reduce the risk of decay when applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth.
  • Compared to the cost of treating a cavity, dental sealants emerge as a cost-effective preventive measure.
  • The application of dental sealants is pain-free, requiring no anesthesia or drilling.
  • The procedure is quick, and often completed during a routine dental checkup.
  • Dental sealants benefit individuals of all ages, not just children.
  • With proper care, they can offer protection for several years.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Dental Sealants:

  • Geographic location can influence the cost, with prices varying based on local living standards and the availability of dental care.
  • The expertise and experience of the dental professional can also affect the cost.
  • The type of sealant material chosen can influence the price.
  • The number of teeth requiring sealants will impact the overall cost.
  • Dental insurance may cover a portion or the entirety of the cost, reducing out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Some dentists offer discount plans or packages to make dental sealants more affordable.

Cost vs. Benefits Analysis:

When evaluating the worth of dental sealants, consider the following:

  • Dental fillings, the standard treatment for cavities, can be more expensive than preventive sealants.
  • Dental sealants offer long-term savings by preventing decay for extended periods. Their cost-effectiveness becomes evident when viewed as an investment in long-term oral health.
  • Dental sealants are a proven preventive measure against tooth decay.
  • Preventing cavities not only saves money but also avoids the inconvenience and potential discomfort of invasive dental procedures.
  • Dental sealants preserve the natural aesthetics of teeth.

Accessibility and Affordability of Sealants:

The decision to opt for dental sealants depends on various factors, including the accessibility and cost of dental care in a particular region. For individuals with limited access to dental care or those on a tight budget, sealants can be a valuable and affordable preventive option.

Insurance Coverage:

Many dental insurance policies cover sealant procedures for children and may offer partial coverage for adults. Reviewing your insurance policy can provide clarity on potential costs.

Consultation with a Dentist:

Before deciding on dental sealants, consult a dentist or dental professional. They can provide tailored advice based on your dental health and budget.

Maintaining Dental Sealants:

For longevity, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Maintain a routine of brushing with fluoride toothpaste and daily flossing.
  • Limit the consumption of sugary and acidic foods and drinks, as they can promote decay.
  • Regular dental checkups allow the dentist to assess the condition of your sealants and make necessary adjustments.
  • Monitor your sealants and consult your dentist if you have concerns.

In Summary:

Dental sealants offer a preventive measure against cavities, potentially saving money and preserving the health of teeth for an extended period. It’s essential to weigh the benefits of dental sealants against the cost and potential discomfort of treating cavities. Before making a decision, consider your oral health goals, budget, and access to dental care. If in doubt, consult a dentist for guidance.


Dental care

Why Is Early Detection of Oral Cancer Important?

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been significant, leading to the suspension of routine dental care in March 2020. Many dental offices limited their services to phone consultations and remote triaging, resulting in longer waiting times for patients.

This reduced capacity in dental clinics due to new operating procedures highlights the importance of oral cancer screening and early detection, as discussed in this article.

Risk Factors Associated with Oral Cancer

While oral cancer is a significant health concern, many cases are preventable. Smoking and alcohol use are the primary risk factors associated with oral cancer and are present in 90% of cases. The first step in assessing a patient’s risk of oral cancer should involve identifying their specific risk factors. 

This information, combined with considerations such as caries, periodontal health, and tooth wear risk, can help determine an appropriate recall interval for follow-up.

Importance of Oral Cancer Screening

Ninety percent of oral cancer cases are squamous cell carcinomas, with the tongue being the most commonly affected site, followed by the tonsils, floor of the mouth, lower lip, and lateral borders of the tongue. Routine dental examinations should include a thorough screening for oral cancer, as potentially malignant changes in the oral cavity often precede the development of oral cancer. 

In addition to a visual and tactile examination of the oral mucosa, a comprehensive risk assessment should be conducted, including questions about the patient’s alcohol and tobacco use.

A systematic approach is crucial during oral cancer screenings to ensure that all relevant areas are examined accurately. Dentists can create their own screening protocol as long as it covers all essential regions.

Key areas to examine during oral cancer screenings include:

  • Buccal mucosa
  • Lateral borders of the tongue
  • Dorsal and ventral surfaces of the tongue
  • Lips and vestibule
  • Hard and soft palate
  • Lymph nodes
  • Gingivae
  • Oropharynx

Signs and Symptoms

Leukoplakia and erythroplakia are the first clinically noticeable abnormalities that may indicate a potentially malignant condition. Leukoplakia appears as a white plaque with variable risk, and other potential causes should be ruled out before treatment. 

Erythroplakia is a red lesion with a high propensity for malignancy, and it cannot be clinically or pathologically associated with another condition.

Signs that warrant an immediate referral for further evaluation (two-week wait) include:

  • Ulceration or unexplained swelling in the oral cavity lasting more than three weeks
  • Red, white, or mixed red and white patches in the oral mucosa indicative of erythroplakia or erythroleukoplakia lasting more than three weeks
  • Pain or difficulty swallowing lasting more than three weeks
  • Sore throat lasting more than three weeks
  • Hoarseness persisting for more than three weeks
  • Unexplained tooth movement not related to periodontal disease
  • Numbness or nerve injury of unknown origin


Early detection of oral cancer is crucial to improving treatment outcomes. Given that alcohol and smoking account for 90% of cases, dental professionals should assess each patient’s risk during routine examinations. 

A systematic approach, along with comprehensive screenings covering essential regions such as the tongue, lips, and oral mucosa, is essential for detecting potentially malignant conditions. Clinically noticeable abnormalities like leukoplakia and erythroplakia warrant immediate referral for further evaluation. 

Dental practitioners play a crucial role in raising awareness, educating patients about associated risks, and participating in awareness campaigns. Prioritizing oral cancer screenings can enhance early intervention and preventive efforts, ultimately safeguarding oral health.

Dental care

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Routine dental exams are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and overall health. It is crucial to find a local dentist to address your dental needs. This article will highlight the benefits of regular dental check-ups and the significance of preventive dentistry. By following these guidelines, you can achieve and maintain a healthy smile.

Understanding Dental Check-Ups

Dental check-ups are vital to prevent oral disorders. These examinations help detect and prevent issues such as oral cancer, gum disease, and tooth decay. Access to high-quality dental care is available to everyone through a vast network of dental facilities and professionals.

Benefits of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular dental check-ups offer various benefits for oral health. They aid in the prevention and early detection of dental problems, preventing their progression. Comprehensive dental exams can help avoid mouth infections, gum disease, and cavities, preserving your smile’s health.

Professional dental cleanings effectively remove stubborn plaque and tartar, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Routine dental appointments improve gum health, reduce gum inflammation, and help prevent conditions like gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Overall Health Benefits

The impact of good dental health extends beyond oral hygiene and influences overall health. Scientific research has established links between oral health and conditions such as respiratory infections, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene can help reduce these risks and enhance overall health.

Studies suggest a possible connection between heart issues and gum disease. Regular dental check-ups and oral care can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Individuals with diabetes can also benefit significantly from dental treatment, as maintaining dental health aids in blood sugar control. The interrelationship between diabetes and gum disease underscores the importance of regular dental examinations for diabetes management.

Aesthetic Benefits and Cosmetic Enhancement

Regular dental check-ups offer not only health benefits but also aesthetic advantages. Dental cleanings play a vital role in maintaining a whiter and brighter smile by removing discoloration and surface stains. Addressing issues like bad breath during these check-ups can boost confidence and improve social interactions, leaving you with fresher breath.

Value of Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is of utmost importance in the dental field. Regular check-ups can help individuals avoid complex and expensive dental procedures. Preventive care reduces the risk of costly dental surgeries and ensures ongoing oral health. Public awareness initiatives and government efforts emphasize the significance of preventive dentistry and work toward making dental care accessible to all.

Dental Check-Ups with Dentist Near Crosby, TX

Dental check-ups with Crosby Family Dental near Crosby, TX, offer excellent care from experienced professionals. Our dental facility provides comprehensive oral exams, advanced treatments, and preventive care. Whether you require routine check-ups or specialized dental services, our top dentist near Crosby, TX, can take care of your oral health. Trust our expertise and schedule your dental examination for a confident and healthy smile.


Regular dental check-ups offer a range of unexpected benefits that extend beyond oral health to enhance overall well-being. By prioritizing preventive dentistry, finding a local dentist, and scheduling regular check-ups, individuals can protect their smiles and avoid complex and costly treatments. Regular dental examinations are a proactive step toward a healthier and happier you. Take control of your oral health and schedule a dental check-up today to embark on the path to ideal oral well-being.

Dental care

Can An Orthodontist Fix A Crooked Smile?

A misaligned smile can impact not only your appearance but also your confidence and overall dental health. Fortunately, modern orthodontics offers effective solutions to straighten and enhance uneven teeth. With accessible orthodontic treatments, individuals can correct their crooked smiles and enjoy long-lasting results.

Understanding Crooked Smiles

Various factors can contribute to a misaligned smile, including genetics, jaw abnormalities, or early habits like thumb-sucking. Aside from affecting appearance, misaligned teeth can lead to practical issues such as uneven tooth wear, an increased risk of gum disease, and challenges in cleaning between teeth.

The Solution for a Crooked Smile: Orthodontics

Orthodontics, a specialized branch of dentistry, focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and treating misaligned teeth and jaws. Orthodontic professionals use a range of tools and techniques to straighten teeth, align bites, and improve overall oral health.

Assessment of the Situation

The first step in straightening a crooked smile is a comprehensive orthodontic evaluation. During this assessment, the orthodontist examines the patient’s jaw structure, facial profile, and teeth. X-rays, photographs, and impressions may be taken to fully understand the misalignment and determine the most suitable treatment approach.

Orthodontic Treatment Options

Several popular orthodontic treatment options are available:

  • Traditional Braces: Conventional braces consist of metal brackets attached to each tooth, connected by wires, and secured with bands. This time-tested orthodontic method effectively addresses various levels of misalignment and provides precise control over tooth movement.
  • Clear Aligners: Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, have gained popularity due to their discreet and removable nature. These custom-made transparent plastic trays gradually shift the teeth into their correct positions. Clear aligners are especially appealing to individuals seeking a less noticeable alternative to braces.
  • Ceramic Braces: Ceramic braces use tooth-colored or clear brackets and wires, making them less conspicuous than traditional braces. This option offers the aesthetic appeal of braces without compromising their effectiveness.
  • Lingual Braces: Lingual braces are virtually invisible when placed on the inner surface of the teeth. They provide the accuracy of traditional braces while offering a discreet treatment option for those who prefer it.

The Treatment Process

The orthodontic treatment process for a crooked smile typically includes the following steps:

  • Initial Consultation: The orthodontist conducts a thorough examination, discusses available treatment options, and addresses any questions or concerns during the initial appointment.
  • Treatment Planning: Based on the assessment results, the orthodontist develops a personalized treatment plan outlining the recommended course of action and the expected timeframe for completion.
  • Appliance Placement: Depending on the chosen treatment plan, the patient’s teeth are fitted with braces or clear aligners. This involves attaching brackets to each tooth and threading wires through them for traditional braces. Custom sets of clear aligners are provided to gradually reposition the teeth.
  • Regular Adjustments: Regular appointments with the orthodontist are essential during treatment. These visits allow for adjustments to braces or aligners, ensuring consistent progress toward the desired outcomes.
  • Completion and Retention: Once the teeth are properly aligned, the orthodontist removes the braces or clear aligners. To prevent relapse, a retainer may be recommended. Retainers help maintain the new alignment while the surrounding tissues adapt.


A crooked smile doesn’t have to be a permanent condition. Thanks to advancements in orthodontic treatments, individuals seeking Orthodontics in Crosby, TX, can now enjoy the numerous benefits of a straighter, healthier smile at Crosby Family Dental. The first step in transforming a crooked smile into a confident and radiant symbol of oral health and well-being is to consult with an experienced orthodontist, whether you choose clear aligners, traditional braces, or another orthodontic solution.

Dental care

5 Cosmetic Dentistry Options For a Beautiful Smile

Have you ever wondered what you might look like with a gorgeous, white smile as you gaze at your teeth in the mirror? We all desire a beautiful smile, and cosmetic dentistry, particularly dental implants, can help you achieve this goal.

You might have contemplated cosmetic dentistry but are uncertain about its scope or which services are suitable for you. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

  1. Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers often come to mind when people think of cosmetic dentistry. These thin porcelain sheets, approximately the thickness of a contact lens, are used to create porcelain veneers. They are meticulously placed on the front surface of teeth to conceal imperfections and create a stunning smile. 

Porcelain veneers can enhance the color, size, and shape of your teeth. They are particularly effective in addressing issues such as gaps, wear and tear, chips, misalignment, or discoloration.

  1. DURAthin Veneers

DURAthin veneers are an excellent choice for individuals looking to close gaps between their teeth or adjust their tooth size. In many aspects, they resemble conventional porcelain veneers, but they offer several key advantages that make them preferable for many patients. 

Firstly, DURAthin veneers are often referred to as “prep-less veneers” because they require minimal drilling or enamel removal. They provide a natural appearance and a quicker healing process. Additionally, they have been reported to enhance jaw movement.

Individuals with natural teeth that already have good shape and color are the ideal candidates for DURAthin veneers. Like porcelain veneers, a consultation appointment is essential. Our cosmetic dentist will assess your teeth to determine the best fit for you. They will then order your custom veneers and perform the minimal preparation required for the final bonding.

At your next appointment, the veneers will be carefully bonded, and you will receive a follow-up appointment to monitor their progress. DURAthin veneers offer a carefree solution for achieving a beautiful smile.

  1. Inman Aligner

When it comes to straightening the anterior teeth—the teeth that are visible when you smile—the Inman Aligner works wonders. The Inman Aligner applies gentle pressure to your teeth for a period of six to eighteen weeks.

If you have concerns like protruding front teeth, buck teeth, or crowded teeth, the Inman Aligner is an excellent cosmetic dental option for you. Patients can benefit from the convenience and flexibility of the removable approach.

  1. Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is often the most affordable and straightforward cosmetic dental procedure. It can significantly enhance your smile, especially if your primary concern is dark yellow or brown-stained teeth. While teeth whitening won’t repair cracked, broken, or damaged teeth, it can greatly improve the appearance of stained teeth.

  1. Dental Crowns

Have you ever known someone who underwent dental implant surgery? To restore the natural appearance of your smile, a “tooth” must be placed on top of the implants. These new teeth are called dental crowns.

The dentist will begin by taking x-rays of your teeth, identifying any issues that need to be addressed, and then treating the problematic tooth before placing the crown. They will shape and trim it to ensure a snug fit over the crown. Finally, the crown will be cemented, and follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress.


Whether you’re seeking a cosmetic dentistry solution for a minor issue, such as stained teeth, or a more complex one, seeking professional assistance is crucial. Your smile should not lead to self-consciousness or affect your confidence. Cosmetic dentistry offers various options to help you achieve the stunning, white smile of your dreams, allowing you to feel more confident in all aspects of your life.

Dental care

Emergency Dental Care For Children: What Parents Should Know

As parents, we always want the best for our children, including their dental health. However, accidents and emergencies can happen, and knowing how to handle them is crucial. In this article, we’ll discuss what parents should know about emergency dental care for children to ensure their little smiles stay bright and healthy.

Common Dental Emergencies

Children are active and curious, making them prone to accidents that can result in dental emergencies. Here are some common situations parents might encounter:

  • Knocked-Out Tooth: A knocked-out tooth is a common childhood injury. Whether it’s due to a fall, a sports mishap, or any other reason, it requires immediate attention.
  • Chipped or Broken Tooth: Children may chip or break a tooth while playing or due to a fall.
  • Toothache: Severe toothaches can be debilitating for children and are usually a sign of an underlying issue that needs immediate attention.
  • Object Stuck Between Teeth: Sometimes, children may get an object stuck between their teeth, causing pain or discomfort.
  • Bleeding Gums: If your child’s gums are bleeding excessively, it could be a sign of an injury or an underlying dental problem.

Immediate Steps to Take for Emergency Dental Care

When faced with a dental emergency involving your child, it’s essential to stay calm and take immediate action. Here’s what you should do in various situations:

Knocked-Out Tooth:

  • Retrieve the tooth by holding it by the crown (the top part) and not the root.
  • Rinse it gently with water if it’s dirty, but do not scrub or remove any attached tissue.

Chipped or Broken Tooth:

  • Save any broken fragments.
  • Rinse the child’s mouth and the broken pieces with warm water.
  • Control bleeding by applying gentle pressure to the area with a clean cloth.
  • Seek dental care immediately to determine the extent of the injury and any necessary treatment.


  • Rinse the child’s mouth with warm water.
  • Floss gently to ensure there are no food particles causing the pain.
  • Avoid placing aspirin or other pain relievers directly on the tooth or gums, as this can damage the tissues.
  • Contact a dentist for a thorough examination to identify the cause of the pain.

Object Stuck Between Teeth:

  • Gently try to remove the object with dental floss. Avoid using sharp or pointed objects.
  • If the object cannot be removed, contact a dentist for assistance.

Bleeding Gums:

  • Rinse the child’s mouth with warm water.
  • Use clean gauze or a cloth to apply gentle pressure to the bleeding area.
  • If bleeding continues, contact a dentist to rule out any serious issues.

When to Contact a Dentist

While parents can take immediate steps to address dental emergencies, it’s crucial to contact a dentist for professional care and guidance. Dental professionals have the knowledge and tools to assess the situation and provide the appropriate emergency dental care. Here are some instances where you should contact a dentist:

  • Any dental injury, even if it appears minor, to rule out potential hidden damage.
  • If your child’s tooth has been knocked out, prompt re-implantation is essential for a higher chance of saving the tooth.
  • If a chipped or broken tooth has exposed the pulp (the inner part), it can lead to pain and infection.
  • If your child experiences severe or persistent toothache, it could be a sign of an underlying issue like an infection.
  • If an object is stuck between your child’s teeth and cannot be removed easily.
  • If your child’s gums continue to bleed excessively.


Dental emergencies involving children can be distressing, but being prepared and knowing how to react is essential. By taking immediate action and seeking professional emergency dental care, you can ensure that your child’s dental health is well-preserved. Remember, accidents happen, but being informed and proactive can make all the difference in protecting your child’s precious smile.

Dental care

Foods And Habits That Stain Your Teeth

Who doesn’t want a bright, dazzling smile? We all do, but sometimes our daily habits and the foods we consume can take a toll on the whiteness of our teeth. In this article, we’ll discuss some common teeth-staining foods and habits and what you can do to maintain a radiant smile.

Why Do You Have Stained Teeth?

Here are some common habits and teeth-staining foods that you should watch out for:

Coffee and Tea

  • Many of us start our day with a cup of coffee or tea. While they provide a much-needed caffeine boost, they are among the most common teeth-staining foods. The dark pigments in coffee and tea, called tannins, can adhere to the enamel, causing discoloration over time.
  • What to Do: If you can’t give up your daily dose of coffee or tea, consider using a straw to minimize contact with your teeth. Additionally, brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth with water after consumption can help reduce staining.

Red Wine

  • Red wine is known for its rich color and robust flavor, but it’s also a notorious teeth stainer. The deep pigments in red wine can leave behind stains on your teeth, especially if you’re a wine enthusiast.
  • What to Do: Moderation is key. If you indulge in red wine, consider following it up with a glass of water or a snack like cheese, which can help neutralize the acidity and reduce staining. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are also essential to addressing wine stains.


  • While berries like blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are packed with antioxidants and are great for your health, they can also stain your teeth. Their vibrant colors can leave pigments on your enamel.
  • What to Do: Enjoy these delicious fruits, but remember to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth afterward to minimize staining. Adding dairy products like yogurt to your berry snack can help neutralize acids and reduce staining.


  • The spices in curry dishes can leave a yellowish stain on your teeth. Curry’s deep pigmentation can be particularly persistent when it comes to staining.
  • What to Do: To enjoy curry without sacrificing your teeth’s whiteness, try drinking water while eating, and brushing your teeth after your meal. Using a whitening toothpaste may also help combat curry stains.

Soda and Sugary Drinks

  • Soda, with its high sugar content and acidity, can lead to both cavities and teeth staining. The dark-colored sodas, like cola, pose an additional staining risk due to their pigmentation.
  • What to Do: Limit your consumption of sugary and carbonated beverages. When you do indulge, use a straw to minimize contact with your teeth and rinse your mouth with water afterward.

Smoking and Tobacco Products

  • Tobacco products, whether smoked or chewed, are notorious for causing teeth stains. The tar and nicotine in tobacco can turn your teeth yellow or brown over time.
  • What to Do: The most effective way to prevent tobacco-related teeth stains is to quit using these products. It’s a tough challenge, but your smile is worth it. Seek support from healthcare professionals and smoking cessation programs.


  • As we age, our tooth enamel naturally wears down, revealing the yellowish dentin beneath. This process can make our teeth appear more discolored over time.
  • What to Do: While aging is inevitable, there are steps you can take to maintain the whiteness of your teeth as you grow older. Regular dental cleanings and professional whitening treatments can help.


Maintaining a bright, white smile requires some effort and vigilance. While it’s unrealistic to eliminate teeth-staining foods or habits from your life, you can take steps to minimize their impact. Practicing good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, is essential. 

Additionally, visiting Teeth Whitening Crosby, TX, dental clinic can help you address existing stains and prevent new ones from forming. Remember that a radiant smile not only boosts your confidence but also contributes to your overall well-being.

Dental care

What Are The Benefits of Braces Besides Straight Teeth?

An attractive smile can make you more approachable, trustworthy, and successful, according to several studies. In addition to straighter, healthier teeth, braces also have several lesser-known advantages that go beyond their cosmetic value.

Understanding how braces work is essential to understanding the many benefits they offer. Your jawline can also be reshaped by wearing braces as dissolving bone is replaced by new bone growth.

In this blog, you will learn about the benefits of braces and how they affect your overall health. With the help of braces, the teeth can be supported in their straightened positions better and elevate your look. The most effective method of straightening teeth is with braces, and with this blog, you will understand other benefits it offers.

  1. Improved Oral Health

The best way to maintain good dental hygiene is to brush and floss thoroughly daily. But it may be tricky if your teeth are crooked, crowded, or overlapping. Bacteria and plaque thrive in these conditions and cause difficulty in maintaining hygiene.

Using braces can correct overcrowding and crooked teeth. By doing this, you can maintain good dental hygiene and avoid dental problems.

  1. Improved Digestion

The pain of chewing due to tooth or jaw pain can lead to people avoiding certain healthy foods. The digestive system can also be adversely affected by this inability to chew properly.

Misaligned teeth slow down the digestion process because they have trouble breaking down food properly. The teeth begin grinding food when chewing, which is why it is an essential part of the digestive process. If teeth are aligned right, digestion can be improved.

  1. Better Chewing

Incorrectly aligned teeth and jaws can lead to difficulty in chewing and biting food. When left untreated, this can result in excessive wear and tear on the teeth and also weaken the jaw. In addition to causing pain and irritation, this may worsen existing conditions.

Additionally, misaligned teeth interfere with chewing effectively and negatively affect your digestive system, causing food to pass through more slowly and ineffectively.

  1. Better Bone Structure

When tartar and plaque build-up is present between misaligned teeth and along the gum line, the jawbone is weakened. It leads to gum swelling, bleeding, and loose teeth. The gums can further erode if a tooth falls out. Gaps between teeth can also cause the teeth to be crowded together. A misaligned tooth can also result in bone erosion when too much pressure is placed on the jawbone.

  1. Decreased Teeth And Jaw Pain

Jaw problems and misaligned teeth are often related. An improper jaw alignment can lead to several symptoms, including headaches, a jaw that pops, pain in the jaw, neck, or shoulders, and sleep cycle disorders. 

Having misaligned teeth and jaws can affect your jaw muscles and joints. Although these joints can adapt to lousy positioning, they often compensate in a way that results in more damage.

Misaligned teeth and jaw problems often occur simultaneously in patients with jaw issues. With straighter teeth, all these problems can be avoided.

Final Overview

The main benefit of braces is that they give you a beautiful smile. For children and adults alike, a great smile can boost self-esteem significantly. It is also possible to reshape the jawline by exerting pressure on the teeth.

Each patient’s treatment time will vary based on their needs and goals. A misaligned jaw or teeth can affect many facets of your life. Dental alignment issues can affect a person’s appearance and overall health.

Moreover, misaligned teeth can negatively affect a person’s ability to eat and speak. That is why visiting your dentist to consult about braces and misaligned teeth and resolving your issues today is crucial.

Dental care

Common Partial Dentures Problems And How To Fix Them

If you have lost any of your natural teeth, partial dentures are a great option. They aid with speaking and chewing in addition to improving the appearance of a smile. However, partial dentures can present certain challenges, just like any other dental appliance. Discomfort and the adjustment period to dentures can seriously affect a patient’s quality of life, causing pain and sore spots to speaking difficulties. This blog will discuss common issues with partial dentures and offer solutions.

Typical Issues With Partial Dentures and Solutions

Denture Discomfort: This is one of the most common issues for new partial denture wearers. A foreign object in the mouth can cause irritation and pain. Here are several steps to resolve this problem:

Be patient: Remember that getting used to dentures takes time. They may feel invasive at first, but your mouth’s tissues will adjust over time, and the discomfort should decrease.

Frequent adjustments: Schedule regular adjustments with your dentist. They can fine-tune the fit of your partial dentures for optimal comfort.

Dental hygiene: Good dental hygiene is essential to avoid infections or tender spots. Clean your mouth and dentures gently to prevent inflammation.

Sore Spots: Friction between the soft tissues of your mouth and partial dentures can cause localized areas of discomfort or inflammation. Here’s how to treat sore spots:

Speak with your dentist: If you notice sore spots, contact your dentist. They can identify the problem areas and adjust your dentures accordingly.

Oral gel: Over-the-counter oral gels may provide temporary relief. These gels can numb the sore areas and reduce discomfort until you can see your dentist.

Rinse with warm salt water: This can help the healing process by soothing uncomfortable areas.

Getting Used to Dentures:

Adjusting to a new set of partial dentures can be challenging. Here’s how to make it more manageable:

Get comfortable with speaking: Speaking with partial dentures can be difficult at first. Improve your clarity by reading aloud or repeating challenging words until you’re comfortable.

Begin with soft foods: Start with a soft diet to ease the transition. Gradually reintroduce harder foods as you become accustomed to chewing with your dentures.

Listen to your dentist: Follow the specific instructions your dentist gives you for adjusting to your dentures.

Denture Discomfort and Speech Problems:

Speech problems can be a common concern for partial denture wearers, often due to the bulkiness of the dentures. Here are some strategies for dealing with speech issues:

Practice makes perfect: To become comfortable speaking with your dentures, practice by reading aloud or having conversations with friends and family. The more you speak, the more natural it will sound.

Denture adhesive: This can help keep your partial dentures in place and reduce the chance of movement while you speak.

Professional advice: If speech problems persist, consult your dentist for further adjustments to ensure your dentures fit comfortably and don’t interfere with your speech.

In summary:

Partial dentures can significantly improve the lives of those missing teeth, but they come with their own set of challenges. Many wearers experience sore spots, speech difficulties, and general discomfort. Thankfully, these issues can be resolved with the right approach and guidance.

Patience is key when adjusting to partial dentures. Your dentist plays a vital role in ensuring your comfort and satisfaction with your dentures. With regular check-ups and adjustments, you can overcome most problems related to denture discomfort.


Dental care

5 Dental Procedures To Repair Your Cracked or Broken Tooth

The intensity of the crack determines the type of treatment you need. A small crack or chip in a tooth is usually easy to fix, but severe fractures and breaks require more intensive broken tooth treatments or extractions. Every day you delay seeing a dentist increases the risk of infection in the tooth’s pulp and the gum and bone beneath the damaged tooth.

In this blog, you will learn about five dental procedures for tooth restoration options. The pain or headache you experience in the morning could indicate that you have damaged your teeth.

  1. Simple Bonding

Simple bonding is done in the case of tiny cracks and is repaired using a white composite or resin to fill the crack. Like putty, composite resin blends into the color of your teeth. Patients with craze lines, which run down their teeth’s enamel, should consider this treatment. It is one of the most simple remedies for more minor or superficial cracks.

  1. Veneers

There are three main types of veneers available in the market. It includes porcelain, composite, and lumineers. It helps to match the color of teeth and also reshape the overall appearance of the teeth.

For cracked and broken teeth, they are a great option that can last a lifetime. Patients who grind their teeth, however, may find them less suitable because they may be damaged.

  1. Crowns

A crown is a cap that is placed over the teeth’ surface, and it strengthens the teeth’s structure. It is one of the best options for fractured structures in teeth patients or someone who grinds teeth. Crown materials come in a variety of choices. Permanent crowns are usually made of metal or porcelain fused to metal, ceramic, or resin.

Your dentist can help you decide which material is best for your needs due to the different advantages these materials offer. The most durable material is metal, so you should opt for all-metal crowns. Although these types of breaks aren’t painful, if left untreated, you might lose the entire tooth.

  1. Root Canal

The purpose of a root canal is to remove the damaged nerve from the tooth so the infection will not spread further. Following a root canal, a crown is usually placed on the tooth to give it additional strength.

The enamel on our teeth covers the pulp inside. Nerves and blood vessels are found here in the tooth’s center. An exposed pulp in a tooth can lead to an infection in this area if it suffers a significant break or cracks. Endodontists specialize in root canal treatments, but many dentists also handle them.

  1. Dental Implants

Dental implants may be the best solution when a tooth is severely broken or cracked. The procedure entails extracting the remaining tooth, inserting a dental device into the root, and covering it with a crown that resembles a natural tooth. It is relatively easy and painless to get an implant. An implanted prosthetic tooth is placed on top of the screw after the screw is inserted. The process of implantation takes place over several appointments.

Final Overview

Dental procedures are essential even in the case of a hairline fracture. You must visit your dentist after a fall or if pain persists in your teeth. Sometimes, the crack is so small that you might not notice it, so regular dentist visits are necessary. Every six months, a thorough dental exam can help you prevent many dental conditions and detect any cracks or diseases.

Our dentist near Crosby, TX, can provide the proper treatment for you, whether you need root canal treatment, a standard filling, or a complex dental procedure. For good oral health, regular dental visits are essential.

Dental care

Understanding The Significance of Oral Cancer Screening

Regarding our health, we often prioritize regular check-ups for vital organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys. However, one area that is frequently overlooked is oral health. The significance of oral cancer screening cannot be emphasized enough. This article will explore why oral cancer awareness is vital, what it involves, and how it can save lives.

What is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that can affect any part of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, and throat. It often begins as a small, painless sore or lump but can progress rapidly if not detected and treated early. While anyone can develop oral cancer, certain factors increase the risk, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a family history of cancer.

The Importance of Oral Cancer Awareness and Early Detection

Early detection is the key to successfully treating oral cancer. Unfortunately, many cases are not diagnosed until they have reached an advanced stage, making treatment more difficult and less effective. It is why oral cancer awareness and regular screening are so crucial.

Who Should Get Screened?

Oral cancer can strike anyone, but some individuals are at higher risk than others. If you fall into any of the following categories, it’s especially important to get screened:

  • Tobacco Users: Smoking and using smokeless tobacco products are major risk factors for oral cancer. If you smoke or use tobacco, regular screenings are essential.
  • Heavy Alcohol Consumers: Excessive alcohol consumption is another significant risk factor. Using tobacco and alcohol together increases the risk even further.
  • HPV Infection: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a known risk factor for oral cancer. If you have a history of HPV infection, discuss screening with your healthcare provider.
  • Family History: Your risk may be elevated if you have a family history of oral cancer. Inform your healthcare provider about your family’s medical history.

What Does Oral Cancer Awareness Screening Involve?

Oral cancer screening is a painless and straightforward process that can be done during a routine dental check-up or medical examination. A screening will involve the following:

  • Visual Examination: The healthcare provider will start by visually inspecting your mouth, looking for any abnormalities, such as sores, lumps, or white or red patches.
  • Physical Examination: They may also use gloved hands to feel for lumps or irregularities in the oral cavity and neck.
  • Advanced Techniques: Sometimes, your healthcare provider may use advanced tools such as a light or dye to enhance the examination.
  • Biopsy: If any suspicious areas are found, a small tissue sample (biopsy) may be taken for further analysis. It helps confirm whether cancer is present.

Benefits of Oral Cancer Screening

  • Early Detection: The primary benefit of oral cancer awareness and screening is the early detection of cancerous or precancerous lesions. Early-stage oral cancer is highly treatable, with a much better prognosis than advanced-stage cancer.
  • Peace of Mind: Regular screening can provide peace of mind, knowing that your oral health is being actively monitored. It allows for prompt intervention if any issues arise.
  • Cost-Effective: Early detection and treatment of oral cancer are life-saving and cost-effective. Treating advanced-stage cancer is far more expensive and challenging.


In conclusion, oral cancer screening is a simple yet incredibly significant aspect of maintaining your overall health. Whether you fall into a high-risk category or not, regular screenings should be a part of your healthcare routine. Early detection through oral cancer screening can save lives, improve treatment outcomes, and ultimately lead to a healthier and happier life.

Remember, your oral health matters, and taking proactive steps like screening can make all the difference. So, the next time you visit your dentist or healthcare provider, don’t hesitate to ask about oral cancer screening—it might just be one of the most important conversations you ever have about your health.

Dental care

The Perfect Nighttime Dental Hygiene Routine

Maintaining regular appointments with your dentist is essential. However, what’s even more crucial is your at-home dental hygiene routine. This is the primary defense against tooth decay and other periodontal issues.

While many of us brush our teeth in the morning, a nighttime routine for dental health is indispensable. To preserve that radiant smile, it’s vital to brush, floss, and rinse your teeth every evening.

During the eight hours of sleep, a lot can transpire inside our mouths. If food particles and debris aren’t cleaned away before bedtime, the risk of accumulating bacteria, plaque, cavities, and other dental issues increases significantly.

If you’re seeking guidance on nighttime dental care, this article provides several tips to maintain your oral health.

Why is a Nighttime Dental Routine Essential?

Throughout the day, we consume various foods. To prevent cavities and more severe periodontal issues, a nighttime dental hygiene routine is crucial. Here’s why:

  • Reduced Saliva Production at Night: Our mouths constantly produce acid during the day, but our saliva, rich in calcium, neutralizes these acids. Saliva production decreases during sleep, elevating acid levels in our mouths. This environment allows bacteria to thrive, leading to tooth decay. Nightly brushing, especially with fluoride toothpaste, can help maintain saliva levels and counteract bacterial damage.
  • Food Particles Stuck on Teeth: Some high-fiber foods leave tiny particles that can cling to your teeth. If not removed before sleeping, they can attract bacteria, leading to cavities. Proper brushing ensures these particles are eliminated.
  • Plaque Buildup: Plaque, a thin bacterial film, can evolve into tartar, which can’t be removed at home. Regular nighttime brushing can prevent plaque accumulation. If left unchecked, plaque can lead to various dental complications.

Tips for Optimal Nighttime Oral Care

Here are some strategies to maintain oral health and prevent dental issues:

  • Brush Before Sleep: Brushing before bed helps ward off numerous dental diseases. If you’re particularly susceptible to gum disease or cavities, consider brushing after dinner and again before sleeping. Ensure you brush for at least two minutes.
  • Brush Correctly: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle strokes. Overly aggressive brushing can erode enamel. Begin with the outer surfaces of both the upper and lower teeth, then the inner surfaces, and finally, the chewing surfaces. Use the brush tip to clean the backs of your front teeth with gentle up-and-down motions.
  • Consider an Electric Toothbrush: Electric toothbrushes, with their oscillating and rotating movements, can be more effective at plaque removal than manual brushes.
  • Floss Nightly: Flossing dislodges food particles from between teeth. If not removed, these particles can attract bacteria overnight, leading to decay. If plaque hardens, it becomes tartar, which requires professional removal.
  • Rinse with Mouthwash: Beyond freshening breath, therapeutic mouthwashes can strengthen teeth and treat certain oral health conditions. Ensure you’re using a therapeutic-grade mouthwash, not just a cosmetic one that merely masks bad breath. Consult your dentist for recommendations.
  • Address Teeth Grinding: If you suspect you grind your teeth at night (bruxism), consult your dentist. They may recommend a nighttime mouthguard.


In addition to the nighttime dental care tips provided, regular visits to your dentist for professional cleanings and check-ups are essential to prevent serious gum diseases and maintain overall oral health.


Dental care

5 Easy Tips To Keep Your Retainer Clean

After orthodontic treatment, using a retainer is essential to maintain the results of your newly straightened smile. However, it’s equally crucial to keep your retainer clean to ensure its effectiveness and uphold your oral health. Here are five straightforward steps to ensure your retainer remains in optimal condition.

Why Retainer Maintenance Matters

Retainer maintenance is a vital aspect of post-orthodontic care, ensuring the longevity and functionality of your retainer. A key component of this care is establishing a consistent cleaning routine. After each use, rinse your retainer with lukewarm water or a specialized cleaning solution to eliminate saliva and residual food particles.

Then, gently brush the retainer’s surface with a soft-bristled toothbrush using mild soap or the cleaning solution recommended by your orthodontist. Pay special attention to crevices to eradicate plaque and bacteria. By adhering to this simple daily cleaning regimen, you can prevent unpleasant odors and discoloration. Additionally, when not in use, store your retainer in its case to protect it.

5 Tips for Retainer Care

Clean After Every Use

One of the most effective ways to maintain your retainer’s cleanliness is to rinse it thoroughly after each use. Use lukewarm water or a specialized cleaning solution to remove any lingering saliva or food particles. Avoid soaking your retainer in hot water, as this can distort its shape.

Establish a Regular Cleaning Routine

Just like your teeth, your retainer requires consistent cleaning. Consider using a separate soft-bristled toothbrush dedicated to your retainer. Gently scrub its surface and all its crevices using a non-abrasive, mild soap or a cleaning solution prescribed by your orthodontist. After brushing, rinse the retainer thoroughly.

Soak Your Retainer Periodically

In addition to daily cleaning, periodic soaking can help deep-clean your retainer. This process aids in eliminating stubborn germs and prevents odor buildup. Here are some soaking methods:

  • Use effervescent denture cleaning tablets. Dissolve a tablet in warm water and soak your retainer as directed.
  • Mix equal parts of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak your retainer in this solution for about 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Combine equal parts of water and white vinegar and soak your retainer for 30 minutes. Rinse well before using.
  • Always consult your orthodontist before trying any soaking solution to ensure it’s safe for your retainer’s material.

Handle with Care

To ensure your retainer remains germ-free and in top condition, handle it with care. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, and store it in its case when not in use. Keep sharp objects away to prevent scratches or damage.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

A clean retainer is just one component of your overall oral health. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss daily. This not only maintains your teeth’s health but also ensures your retainer remains clean when you wear it.


Your retainer plays a crucial role in maintaining the results of your orthodontic treatment. By establishing a consistent cleaning routine, handling it with care, and ensuring good oral hygiene, you can ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Remember, a clean retainer means a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile.

Dental care

Root Canal vs Tooth Extraction: Which is the Right Option for You?

When a tooth is infected or severely damaged, it can cause excruciating pain and discomfort. Root canal treatment and tooth extraction are the two most common solutions to such dental problems. While both options are effective, they differ in terms of cost, recovery time, and overall impact on oral health. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each procedure to help you determine which is the right option for you.

Root Canal vs Tooth Extraction: A brief about the treatments.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

In dentistry, root canals are performed to repair an infected or damaged tooth. During the procedure, the dentist will remove the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth’s root and replace it with a filling. The tooth is then sealed with a crown or filling to prevent further infection.

Pros of Root Canal Treatment:

  1. Saves your natural tooth: The most significant advantage of this treatment is that it preserves your natural tooth. It is essential for maintaining the structure of your jaw and preventing bone loss.
  2. Quick recovery time: The recovery time for this treatment is relatively quick, and most patients can return to normal activities the same or the next day.
  3. Cost-effective: Root canal treatment is usually less expensive than a tooth extraction, followed by a dental implant or bridge.

Cons of Root Canal Treatment:

  1. Requires multiple appointments: An endodontic treatment typically requires two or more appointments with your dentist, which can be inconvenient for some patients.
  2. Possible complications: In this treatment, complications such as infection or nerve damage can occur.
  3. Crown placement: A crown is usually required to protect the tooth from further damage after the treatment, which can add to the overall cost of the treatment.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

During a tooth extraction, the tooth is removed from the socket in the jawbone. It is typically done when a tooth is too damaged or infected to be saved with root canal treatment.

Pros of Tooth Extraction:

  1. Quick procedure: Tooth extraction is relatively quick and can be completed in one appointment.
  2. Lower risk of complications: Compared to root canal treatment, tooth extraction has a lower risk of complications.
  3. No need for additional treatments: After a tooth is extracted, there is no need for additional treatments such as crowns or fillings.

Cons of Tooth Extraction:

  1. Can lead to bone loss: The jawbone may deteriorate over time when a tooth is extracted. It can lead to problems with neighboring teeth and make it difficult to get dental implants or bridges in the future.
  2. Requires recovery time: Patients may experience swelling and discomfort for several days after tooth extraction. They may also need to modify their diet and avoid certain activities while they heal.
  3. Can be expensive in the long run: While this treatment may be less expensive initially, the long-term cost can be higher if a dental implant or bridge is needed to replace the missing tooth.

Root Canal vs Tooth Extraction: Which Option is Right for You?

The decision between a root canal vs tooth extraction depends on several factors, including the severity of the damage or infection, the location of the tooth, and your overall oral health. In general, root canal treatment is preferred when it is possible to save the natural tooth, while tooth extraction is a better option when the tooth cannot be saved or poses a risk to neighboring teeth.

Your dentist can help you decide based on your specific needs and circumstances. In some cases, they may recommend a combination of both procedures. For example, if a tooth is badly decayed but can still be saved with root canal treatment, a dental crown may be placed to protect the tooth from further damage.

Lastly, when it comes to root canal vs tooth extraction; both are two common dental procedures for treating infected or damaged teeth. While both options are effective, they differ in cost, treatment time, usage, etc., so your dentist can help you decide which option is better. 

Dental care

Get Your Oral Health Problems Solved By The Best Dentist In Crosby, TX

Oral health is integral to our overall well-being, and finding the right dentist to address your dental concerns is crucial. If you reside in Crosby, Texas, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore the importance of oral health, discuss common dental problems, and guide you on choosing the best dentist in Crosby, TX, to ensure your oral health is in good hands.

Why Oral Health Matters

Oral health goes beyond just having a bright smile; it significantly impacts your overall health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to a host of health issues, including gum disease, tooth decay, and even systemic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Regular dental check-ups and prompt treatment of dental issues can help prevent these problems and maintain your overall health.

Common Dental Problems That Require Dental Care

Before we delve into finding the best dentist in Crosby, TX, let’s familiarize ourselves with some common dental problems that may require professional attention:

Tooth Decay: Tooth decay, often caused by poor oral hygiene and an unhealthy diet, can lead to cavities, tooth sensitivity, and even tooth loss if left untreated.

Gum Disease: Gingivitis and periodontitis are common gum diseases. Symptoms include swollen, bleeding gums and, in severe cases, bone loss around the teeth.

Tooth Sensitivity: Sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages can be indicative of underlying dental issues, such as enamel erosion or exposed dental nerves.

Toothache: Persistent toothaches can signal various problems, including cavities, infections, or even a cracked tooth.

Bad Breath: Chronic bad breath, known as halitosis, can be a sign of an underlying dental problem, like gum disease or untreated cavities.

Oral Cancer: It is crucial to detect oral cancer early in order to treat it effectively. Oral cancer screenings are often included in regular dental check-ups.

Choosing the Best Dentist in Crosby, TX

Now that you understand the importance of oral health and are aware of common dental issues, let’s discuss how to choose the best dentist in Crosby, TX, to address your specific needs:

Qualifications and Credentials: Before choosing a dentist, look at his or her credentials. Ensure they are licensed and accredited by relevant dental organizations. A highly qualified dentist is more likely to provide quality care.

Experience: Experience matters in dentistry. Look for a dentist who has been practicing for several years and has a track record of successful treatments.

Services Offered: Different dentists may specialize in various areas of dentistry, such as general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, or oral surgery. Locate a dentist who offers the services you need.

Patient Reviews: Reading online reviews and requesting referrals from friends and family can provide insights into the dentist’s reputation and patient satisfaction.

Technology and Equipment: Modern dental technology can make treatments more comfortable and efficient. Choose a dentist who keeps up with the latest advancements in the dental care industry.

Paying Options: Check with your dentist if they accept the insurance plan you have. Also, inquire about payment options and whether they offer financing for more extensive treatments.

Emergency Care: The need for dental care can arise at any time. Find a dentist who offers emergency dental care or has arrangements for after-hours emergencies.


Your oral health is not something to be taken lightly. It affects not only your smile but also your overall well-being. Regular dental check-ups and timely treatment of dental issues are essential for maintaining good oral health. If you’re looking for the best dentist in Crosby, TX, consider the above factors when deciding. Investing in your oral health today can lead to a brighter, healthier smile and a happier, healthier you in the future. 

Don’t hesitate to schedule that dental appointment and start your journey toward optimal oral health in Crosby, TX, with Crosby Family Dental!

Dental care

Emergency Dental Care In Crosby, TX: What You Need To Know

It is common for dental emergencies to occur at any time and to anyone. In a serious dental situation, it is vital to get emergency dental care in Cosby, TX. It is essential to understand the necessary measures to deal with serious dental issues or any oral emergency.

A tooth falling out, toothache, or chipped tooth are severe dental conditions that might require immediate attention from your dentist. Dentists can examine the problem area closely and treat it better. They can resolve painful dental problems quickly with timely treatment and preventive measures.

Are Toothaches a Dental Emergency?

A toothache is a dental emergency as it might be a trigger for an underlying condition. Pain can be an indicator of nerve damage or jaw bone damage. You can ease the excessive pain by visiting your dentist immediately, and timely dental treatment can help you identify the cause of the pain. 

A dentist can check and understand your dental conditions better after the examination. Avoid home remedies if pain persists, as it can cause more damage in the future if the underlying issue of pain is not resolved.

Common Dental Emergencies

People usually ignore dental emergencies and take situations lightly until the pain worsens or the condition worsens. A knocked-off tooth, tooth abscess, and other tooth infections are ignored but can cause extensive damage to your dental health. Instead of ignoring the symptoms, people should visit the dentist to discover the underlying situation and treatment they need. Some common dental emergencies are mentioned below.

  • Chipped tooth
  • Tooth filling fell out
  • Dental crown pain
  • Broken tooth
  • Tooth abscess
  • Excessive dental pain
  • Swelling in gums 

Cause of Dental Emergencies

Sports injury, falling from your bike, work-related accidents, or car accidents can result in dental injury and might require emergency dental care in Crosby, TX. Other causes of dental injury include chipping teeth from eating hard food or cutting or biting complex objects. 

Ignoring dental conditions and avoiding treatment can also make a dental injury an emergency. Precaution is always better than the cure, but when a treatment for a disease is necessary, it must not be delayed. Regular dentist visits can ensure that you take precautions to avoid dental emergencies. 

Steps to Take In Emergencies

The first step is to call your dentist. Try to reach your dentist immediately in emergencies. If your dentist is unavailable, you can visit the nearest hospital emergency room for urgent dental care. After an accident, ensure your doctors know about your dental injuries and the symptoms you suffer. 

You can also opt for dental insurance plans for better coverage. Emergency dental services are necessary to treat damage to your teeth and underlying conditions properly. You can minimize dental injuries and their damage with the proper medication and timely treatment.

Final Thought

Affordable emergency dental care in Crosby can help minimize damages for better dental health on a budget. Regular dental checks can ensure a healthier set of pearly whites and preventive measures to avoid periodontal diseases and abscess formation. 

Some dental emergencies are avoidable with regular dental appointments. Pain or other symptoms should be taken seriously and treated immediately to avoid more damage. Taking your dental health seriously is necessary for improved dental care and hygiene. 

Contact us at Crosby Family Dental for emergency dental care today.

Dental care

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Dental Implants

In recent years, dental implants have revolutionized modern dentistry by providing a durable, natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. However, the cost of dental implants can vary significantly based on various factors. If you’re considering dental implants in Crosby, TX, it’s essential to understand what influences the cost of this life-changing procedure. In this article, we’ll explore the key factors that affect the dental implant cost in Crosby, TX, and guide you in making an informed decision.

Reasons Affecting Dental Implants Cost

There are several reasons that could affect the cost of implants, starting from the material to the placement. Let us see some of the common reasons for the same:

1. Dental Implant Material

One of the primary factors influencing the cost of dental implants is the material used. It is usually titanium or zirconia that is used for dental implants. While titanium implants are more commonly used due to their durability and biocompatibility, zirconia implants are an alternative for individuals with specific allergies or aesthetic concerns. Titanium implants are more cost-effective, making them a popular choice for many patients.

2. Number of Implants

The number of dental implants you require will naturally impact the overall cost. If you need a single tooth replacement, the cost will be lower than if you need multiple implants to support a bridge or denture. Your dentist will assess your specific needs and provide a treatment plan tailored to your situation.

3. Bone Density and Quality

The quality and density of your jawbone play a crucial role in determining the cost of dental implants. Additional procedures like bone grafting or sinus lifts may be necessary if you have insufficient bone volume or density to support an implant. These procedures can increase the overall cost of your implant treatment.

4. Location of the Implant

The location of the dental implant in your mouth can also affect the cost. Implants placed in the front (anterior) of the mouth, which are more visible when you smile, often require more precision and customization, potentially increasing the cost compared to implants placed in the back (posterior) of the mouth.

5. Dental Implant Specialist

The choice of a dental implant specialist in Crosby, TX, can influence the cost of the procedure. Experienced specialists like the ones at Crosby Family Dental, who have a proven record, may charge a little more than less specialized clinics at Coorsby but offer a higher level of expertise, reducing the risk of complications and ensuring the success of your implant.

6. Additional Procedures

Patients may sometimes require additional procedures before or after implant placement, such as tooth extractions, periodontal treatment, or customized abutments. These procedures can add to the overall cost of your dental implant treatment.

7. Dental Insurance

Dental insurance coverage for implants varies widely, and some plans may not cover implant procedures at all. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider to understand what portion of the cost, if any, will be covered. Additionally, some offices and dental implant specialists in Crosby, TX, offer financing options to help patients manage the expense of dental implants.


The dental implant cost in Crosby, TX is influenced by multiple factors, including the choice of implant material, the number of implants required, bone quality, the location of the implant, the expertise of the dental implant specialist, additional procedures, and dental insurance coverage. To get an accurate estimate for your dental implant treatment, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified dental implant specialist in Crosby, TX.

When searching for a dental implant specialist in Crosby, TX, consider seeking recommendations, reading reviews, and scheduling consultations to discuss your needs and budget. By understanding the factors that affect the cost of dental implants and making an informed decision, you can restore your smile and oral function with confidence.

Dental care

How To Find The Best Dentist In Your Local Area?

Whether moving to a new location or switching your previous dentist, finding a new dentist can be difficult. Trusting a stranger with your teeth is a stressful adjustment you might face. Most patients go through random dentists’ websites and search patients’ online reviews, but the dentist-finding process is more straightforward with the right strategy. 

To find a dentist in Crosby, TX, keep reading this blog. This blog offers a strategy and process to find a dentist perfect for your needs. 

Get Recommendations

Word-of-mouth recommendations are the best form of advertisement for local dentists. Ask your neighbors, friends, and other truthful people about the dentist they visit. Collect information like are they gentle? What are the costs for regular appointments? What are the procedures they have done? You can find the best dentists from these sources. With little research, these recommendations can be beneficial in finding a Crosby Dental Office, TX, suitable for you.

Search for Online Reviews

Online reviews are also great for finding the right fit for your dental needs. People who are new and strangers in town can visit the dentist based on online ratings. You can find the right dentist for your requirements. For example, if you need dental cleaning, or if you need help with your cavities, ensure to search accordingly. Some dental clinics also post their prices or take appointments online. 

Online video testimonials are also helpful to understand dental procedures a dentist performs. Look for people’s reviews, time constraints, and budgets. With some research, you can reach the right dental clinic that will be best for you.

Go Through Clinic’s Website

After getting recommendations and looking through online reviews, you must have many potential dentists you can visit. But to ensure you have selected the right dentist, go through their website once to confirm a few details. These details are as follows:

Accessibility from Home

A dentist’s office should be easily accessible from your home. If the dental clinic is too far, you might avoid frequent visits and not have a second option in case of any dental emergency. 

Before and After Photos

These help get a rough idea of whether the procedures are professional. With these photos, you can trust the dentist that your teeth will be cared for.

Services and Procedures Offered

A dental clinic’s services are mentioned on their websites, with prices. Check if the list of services you need is similar to the one the clinic offers. These services also include the procedure you might want in the future because changing dentists every few months is stressful.

Experience and Testimonials

The dentist’s websites also contain various video testimonials to help you understand the procedure better. All the patient’s reviews and testimonials bring trust and confidence in you before the dental visit. It will help you to select the right dentist and encourage you to visit them regularly.

Working Hours

Always ensure your dentist is available on days and times you prefer. If dental appointments are unsuitable for your timelines, you might skip the visits frequently, negatively impacting your dental health. 

Final Thought

Once you have found the right dentist in Crosby, TX, visit them regularly. A suitable dentist can help you maintain oral hygiene and prevent periodontal diseases with proper precautionary measures. The research you need to find your right dentist is worth it and a must. 

Visit Cosby Family Dental and find the right fit with solutions for all your dental needs. Contact us Today!

Dental care

What Happens During Professional Teeth Cleaning?

A teeth cleaning appointment typically lasts approximately an hour. Feeling a bit anxious about your upcoming dental cleaning? There’s no need to worry – rest assured, it will be a comfortable experience, and you’ll leave with all your plaque and tartar effectively removed.

Tartar and plaque are hardened residues in your mouth that you cannot remove without professional help. Brushing too hard can also hurt your gums if you try too hard. 

Some Cleaning Processes You Will Go Through During Teeth Cleaning

  • Oral examination

Your dentist will first examine the inside of your mouth and detect any issues and its cause. It can also involve a few X-rays for a more thorough checkup. If any periodontal disease or severe problem is present, the dentist might cancel the cleaning procedure for a while. This examination is necessary to avoid any complications or infections later. 

  • Plaque and tartar removal

The dental checkup and cleaning involve plaque and tartar removal. Your dentist will scrape and remove all the harsh residue hardened on the spot. The more tartar, the more time it will take to remove it. 

Tartar is so hardened that you cannot remove it independently and requires professional help. It is always a better idea to avoid plaque formation in the first place by brushing and flossing more often. 

  • Teeth polishing

After all residual removal, your teeth will need a clean look; tooth polish will do just that. Don’t worry, since the process is not painful at all. This process will brighten up your smile and polish every inch of your teeth surface. 

Your dentist might also use a toothpaste flavor of your choice for a better mouth feel. It is a must if you want your teeth to shine bright white after the teeth cleaning procedure.

  • Floss

Home flossing is different from expert flossing during your dental checkup and cleaning. During teeth cleaning, it is necessary to clean between teeth. It can remove in-depth collected plaque and tartar residue between your teeth. 

If you floss once daily, you might need an expert dental session for professional cleanup. But it’s better to ensure no tartar in your mouth. A clean mouth can prevent a lot of periodontal diseases. 

  • Rinsing

A gargle with water is a must after cleanup. After the procedure, your dentist might ask you to rinse your mouth with water. It will remove all the gunk scraped out by the dental hygienist. Rinsing your mouth will help you eliminate all the saliva collected during the teeth-cleaning process. 

  • Fluoride treatment

The final phase of your teeth cleaning regimen involves a fluoride treatment. This protective fluoride solution is designed to combat cavities for an extended period, typically several months. It is administered as a gel applied to a mouthpiece customized to fit your teeth, a quick and easy process lasting just one minute.

Then your dentist will paint fluoride varnish on your teeth for total coverage. It hardens when in contact with saliva so you can eat and drink soon after. This treatment is a must after the teeth cleaning process to ensure the safety of your teeth from cavities.

Final Thoughts

You must visit your dentist for a professional dental cleaning session twice yearly for better teeth and gums. With this cleaning process, you can protect your teeth from numerous diseases. A teeth-cleaning process can help you eradicate tartar and restore your smile’s shine. 

A regular dental appointment is necessary to avoid upcoming issues and save you time and money. A healthy mouth needs regular brushing twice and flossing once every day. But professional help is something you can always rely upon. You can get a healthy mouth, clean teeth, and healthier gums with professional dental care.

Dental care

How Acidic Drinks Affect Your Teeth

A recent study found that regular consumption of energy drinks was associated with an increased risk of dental decay. The high sugar and acid levels in energy drinks harm teeth and gums. Tooth enamel can be irreparably damaged by drinks high in sugar and acids, making teeth more sensitive and at risk of decay. 

Since energy drinks are extremely acidic, they can erode tooth enamel over time. The outer layer of enamel can be weakened by prolonged exposure to this acid. Furthermore, the sugar in your mouth is consumed by the bacteria already present, resulting in acid. The bacteria’s acid is recycled and damages the tooth enamel again. 

There is a higher chance of tooth decay when a lot of sugar is in the mouth because the bacteria will multiply and become overactive.

What beverage is bad for teeth?

Find out which beverages are the worst for your teeth here. Many other beverages, not just energy drinks, can be detrimental to your teeth and gums:

  • Carbonated soft drinks are harmful to your body and teeth. Tooth decay has been linked to soda drinking in several studies. Since the strong acidity of soda can erode tooth enamel. 
  • Due to the high citric acid and phosphoric acid levels, even sugar-free sodas could be better for your teeth. Drinking soft drinks regularly can lead to tooth disease and enamel erosion due to these beverages’ high sugar and acid content. 
  • Alcohol is a diuretic, creates dry mouth, and encourages staining. Drinking alcohol decreases saliva production, which can lead to major issues, including tooth decay and gum disease over time. 
  • Coffee: Caffeine in coffee can dull teeth. Coffee, like alcohol, can cause dry mouth because it decreases saliva production. Adding sugar to your coffee is a certain way to ruin your teeth.

What Does It Do to Your Teeth?

Sugary residue from sports and energy drinks can damage teeth, just like the plaque and bacteria that cause cavities in the first place. Therefore, energy drinks and sports beverages can lead to tooth decay in the same manner that soda and other sugary drinks might. However, the caffeine in these beverages can make them much more dangerous. 

There are harmless, naturally occurring bacteria in everyone’s mouth. They feed on the sugars in the waste products of energy and sports drinks, producing acid. The enamel’s protective outer layer is weakened when this acid touches it. This is the earliest sign of a cavity, a terrible problem for your kid’s teeth. 

Various energy drinks, including those without added sugar, have an extremely acidic pH. These beverages are extremely acidic, with a pH below the neutral 7.0 mark. At a pH of 5.5, tooth enamel becomes fragile and more susceptible to decay and even tooth rot. Regularly consuming these drinks is associated with an increased risk of dental caries.

Which alternatives to sugary energy and sports drinks are better for you?

Diet sodas, sugar-free drinks, and even 100 per cent citrus fruit juices are terrible for your child’s teeth, but few people realize this. Cavities and other problems are caused by the high quantities of phosphoric acid, citric acid, and tartaric acid in these drinks. 

Wrapping Up

Think about something better for you to eat instead. As an alternative to sugary sports drinks, coconut water is a great option. Try whipping up a smoothie in your kitchen with fresh or frozen fruit. Water, particularly fluoridated water, is the best option for preventing tooth decay and preserving the health of children’s teeth. 

All dentists agree that drinking energy drinks regularly harms your teeth. Stop drinking energy drinks immediately if you care about your dental health. If you find it too challenging, try reducing your consumption of energy drinks over time instead. Making your biannual dental appointment a top priority is crucial to prevent irreversible tooth damage since a dental practitioner may swiftly see dental erosion and damage indicators. 

Dental care

The Benefits of A Dental Bridge

The Benefits of A Dental Bridge

The loss of teeth can pose severe problems for oral hygiene and self-confidence. Nonetheless, modern dentistry has provided several options for replacing teeth and restoring both function and aesthetics. Dental bridges are one such treatment option. The oral health, general health, and self-confidence of the patient are all improved by dental bridges, which we will discuss in this article.

Top Benefits of Dental Bridge

  1. Dental bridges can help restore oral functions and improve oral health. When teeth are lost, it affects the ability to speak, chew, and bite. The gaps can be effectively filled by dental bridges, made up of prosthetic teeth (pontics) and supported by healthy teeth next to the gap or dental implants. Dental bridges improve digestion and aid in maintaining a balanced diet by restoring the ability to chew and bite properly.
  2. Additionally, dental bridges prevent the shifting of neighboring teeth to fill the gaps created by missing teeth. This helps prevent problems with your bite, jaw alignment, and temporomandibular joints (TMJ) by keeping your teeth in natural positions.
  3. Improved Appearance and Confidence: Losing teeth can significantly influence a person’s sense of self-worth and confidence, which in turn can harm their relationships with others and their general happiness in life. Dental bridges can remedy cosmetic issues with missing teeth. Dental bridges can replace one or more missing teeth with artificial prosthetics called pontics that look, feel, and function just like natural teeth.
  4. Dental bridges let people smile, speak, and laugh again without feeling self-conscious about missing teeth. The confidence you gain from your newfound good looks can be applied in your personal and professional life.
  5. Longevity and sturdiness are two qualities that are intentionally built into dental bridges. They can last many years with proper maintenance and periodic dental exams. Dental bridges, made from materials like porcelain or ceramic, are durable and won’t discolor with time, so your smile will always look great.

Should you get a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges are fixed prosthetic devices, so they can’t be lost or stolen, and there’s no need to remove them for cleaning and maintenance. Talking to a dentist about getting dental bridges is essential to get the best advice and determine if this treatment is proper for you. A dental bridge is a permanent solution to missing teeth that can restore your smile and self-esteem.

Once the bridge is in place, patients can eat whatever they like without worrying about the food slipping or hurting their bridge.

  • Additionally, dental bridges provide a secure and hassle-free replacement for lost teeth. Because they are created to order, they will fit the patient’s mouth perfectly. It removes the discomfort of removable dentures and allows for more natural speech patterns.
  • Getting a dental bridge is a simple and fast procedure that requires no cutting or drilling. The teeth on each side of the gap (abutment teeth) are shaped to accept the bridge after the patient’s dental health has been thoroughly assessed. 
  • A tiny bit of enamel must be removed to make room for the bridge. After that, an accurate impression is used as a template for creating the dental bridge.
  • A temporary bridge safeguards the abutment teeth while the permanent bridge is being made in a dental laboratory. The restoration is complete when the bridge is attached to the abutment teeth or implants.


There are many advantages to using dental bridges to replace missing teeth. They help people feel better about themselves by fixing their smiles and restoring their oral health. Dental bridges have the added benefits of longevity, ease of use, and comfort. Dental bridges are essential to maintaining good oral health because they mitigate tooth loss’s emotional and physiological effects.


Dental care

How Do You Know If You’re Over Brushing Your Teeth?

We all know that it is essential to brush our teeth, but did you know it is possible to over-brush your teeth? Dentists feel that it is possible to over-clean your pearly whites, which has the potential of damaging them more than doing good. As per some studies, almost eighty-eight percent of us go overboard while brushing, leading to the very problem we try to avoid.

It is crucial that you clean your teeth twice a day for proper oral hygiene. But if you feel that brushing them after every meal is also needed, you are in for a surprise. Like everything else, too much of a good thing can be harmful, and here in this article, you will know the reason. So let us find out why over-brushing is terrible for your dentition and how you know that you are overdoing it.

What Are The Risks Of Overcleaning Your Dentitions?

Brushing your pearly whites is not just about how often you clean them but also about “how” you brush them. Over-vigorous or compulsive brushing puts your pearly whites at risk of tooth sensitivity, dental abrasion, and gum recession.

  • Dental abrasion by toothbrush – Dental abrasion denotes corrosion of tooth structure or tissue due to contact with any foreign element. If you bite your nail or crack something hard like a nut with your dentition, tailors, carpenters, musicians, etc., are prone to abrasion on incisal dentition due to occupational hazards or habits. When you have such hazards, and you are too enthusiastic about cleaning your pearly whites, your enamel can undergo wear and tear.
  • Oral sensitivity – if your enamel has been worn away due to dental abrasion, the nerve endings in the dentin layer get exposed, leading to tooth sensitivity. This sensitivity can give you pain or discomfort when you eat or drink something very hot or cold.
  • Gum recession – Over enthusiastic cleaning of the mouth can also cause gum recession which makes the softer cementum in the tooth’s root vulnerable to wear and tear, giving reasons for pain and tooth decay.

Signs of Over-Brushing Your Teeth

If you use hard or medium bristle toothbrushes, you are at higher risk of damaging your pearly whites or gums. A few ways you can make out your teeth are affected due to over-cleaning are:

  • Bleeding gums – Every time you spit, if you find a streak of red in the washbasin, it might mean that you are damaging your dentitions by either pressing too hard or using the wrong bristles. Your gums bleed when there is irritation or damage in the thinnest layer of your gums. Further, those with dental implants could have even damaged the gum to the extent that the abutment of your implant is visible.
  • Splayed bristles – If your toothbrush looks like it has been put through a wringer, you are most probably overusing them. Splayed and frayed bristles are often indicative of how harsh you are in cleaning your pearly whites (unless the tool is older than three months). 
  • Sensitive teeth – With too often cleaning of teeth, your enemy can wear away, which leads to oral sensitivity. Enamel is the protective outer coating on your dentitions, and when this gets thinned, your sensitive nerves are exposed. This causes your teeth to feel oversensitive to hot or cold temperatures in the mouth. Your dental professional can tell you if the enamel is damaged and give you suggestions on how to fix it.
  • Receding gums – With time, over-brushing will cause your gums to recede, which is evident by darker or dull portions of your teeth getting visible (these are the surface of your tooth’s roots). Once a tooth’s root is exposed, it makes it vulnerable to decay and periodontal diseases. Gums recession is not a reversible process though you can go through some procedures to fix receding gums (they might not be viable for all patients).


It is essential that you brush your teeth twice a day, but the force with which you brush your teeth or the kind of tool you use determines your oral condition. While, as children, we might have been advised to brush our teeth after every meal, it is no longer considered beneficial but rather hazardous. If you feel your dentitions are damaged due to harsh cleaning of the mouth, check with your dental professional on what can be done to fix the problem.

Dental care

5 Oral Hygiene Tips To Keep Your Smile Healthy This Summer

Summer is a time for outdoor adventures and relaxation, but it’s crucial not to neglect your oral health amidst the excitement. By following a few simple oral hygiene tips, you can keep your smile healthy and bright throughout the summer season. This article provides five essential tips for maintaining optimal oral hygiene during summer.

Brush Regularly and Properly 

Consistent brushing is the foundation of good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice daily, preferably after meals, using a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Remember to brush for two minutes, covering all tooth surfaces and along the gumline. Proper brushing involves gently and circularly removing plaque and food particles. Keep your toothbrush clean by replacing it every three to four months or sooner if the bristles fray. Regular brushing will help prevent tooth decay and gum disease and keep your smile fresh, healthy, and clean.

Don’t Forget to Floss

Flossing is often overlooked but is equally important for maintaining good oral health. Regular flossing helps remove plaque and debris from areas your toothbrush cannot reach, such as between the teeth and the gum line. Make it a habit to floss at least once daily, preferably before bedtime. Use a gentle sawing motion to guide the floss between your teeth, and then curve it around each tooth in a C-shape, gently moving the floss up and down. By incorporating flossing into your daily routine, you can prevent cavities and gum problems, ensuring a healthy smile.

Stay Hydrated and Limit Sugary Drinks 

Hydration is vital for your oral health and overall health. So, drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist and to rinse away bacteria and food particles. Avoid excessive consumption of sugary and acidic beverages like soda, sports drinks, and fruit juices, as they can contribute to tooth decay and enamel erosion. If you indulge in these drinks, use a straw to minimize contact with your teeth and rinse your mouth with water afterward. Opting for water as your primary beverage choice will promote oral health and benefit your overall well-being.

Protect Your Smile During Outdoor Activities 

Summer is a time for outdoor activities and sports, but protecting your smile while having fun is important. If you participate in contact sports or recreational activities, consider wearing a mouthguard to shield your teeth and gums from potential injuries. A custom-fit mouthguard from your dentist provides the best protection and comfort. Additionally, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and using sunscreen lip balm with SPF can help protect your lips from the sun’s harmful rays, preventing sunburn and potential lip damage.

Maintain Regular Dental Check-ups

Don’t let summer break disrupt your routine dental visits. Schedule regular check-ups with your dentist to maintain optimal oral health. Regular dental exams allow your dentist to detect and address any potential issues before they worsen. Professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar buildup that cannot be removed by regular brushing and flossing alone, helping to prevent gum disease and maintain a bright smile. Use the summer months as an opportunity to prioritize your oral health by scheduling a dental appointment and discussing any concerns or questions with your dentist.

Two Bonus Tips For Healthy Teeth

Bonus Tip 1: Watch Your Snacking Habits

Summertime often means indulging in snacks and treats. However, be mindful of your snacking habits to maintain good oral health. Opt for healthier snacks like fresh fruits and vegetables instead of sugary or sticky snacks. If you indulge in sweets or snacks, try to brush your teeth afterward or rinse your mouth with water to minimize the effects of sugar and prevent plaque buildup.

Bonus Tip 2: Take Care of Your Toothbrush

Proper care of your toothbrush is essential for effective oral hygiene. Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after each use and store it upright in an open-air container to allow it to dry. Avoid sharing toothbrushes to prevent the spread of bacteria. Additionally, change your toothbrush every three months. Maintaining a clean and functional toothbrush ensures optimal brushing and reduces the risk of bacterial contamination.


You can ensure a healthy summer smile by following these five oral hygiene tips—regular brushing and flossing, staying hydrated and limiting sugary drinks, protecting your smile during outdoor activities, and maintaining regular dental check-ups. Remember, taking care of your oral health contributes to your overall well-being and allows you to enjoy the season with confidence and a radiant smile.

Dental care

Effects of Not Wearing Retainer After Braces

So you got a dazzling smile now after you corrected your teeth misalignment with braces and are feeling confident and good about yourself. You think your journey with these orthodontic cases ends here and you have well-aligned teeth for a lifetime. But here you go wrong! The next step in your orthodontic treatment is wearing retainers which will stop your teeth from moving back into their original positions.

The initial days after your orthodontist removes your braces is the most critical time to wear the retainers to keep your teeth straight. If you do not wear them, you might surely lose what you gained through the treatment. Your doctor would give you a schedule on how often and when you need to wear the retainers and it is vital for you to follow the instructions to keep your beautiful smile intact.

You might be wondering how long I need to wear the retainers, what can happen if I do not wear them, or how long will my teeth take to get back to their original place if I do not wear the retainers. All of this and more will be answered in this article so continue reading.

Why Should I Wear Retainers After My Orthodontic Procedure Is Over?

Many lifestyle and biological factors make our teeth shift all the time. Your orthodontist molds the retainer as per your newly straightened teeth and it is necessary to wear them, especially for the first six months after the treatment.

  • Braces do not just straighten your teeth but also give you a proper bite to chew your food easily. When you chew your food propeller, you are bound to get all the required nutrients from it. Braces also help you with speech issues and help you maintain cleaner teeth leading to less plaque buildup and fewer chances of cavities. So when the braces come off and you do not wear your retainers, you are at the risk of losing all the good work that the orthodontic cases accomplished.
  • If you wear your retainer as per instruction, your bones get time to rebuild and stabilize once your teeth have moved to the desired position.

How Do My Teeth Move If I Do Not Wear Retainers After Braces

Patients tend to become less diligent about wearing retainers after a while. The teeth begin to move when you do not wear them and the movement of teeth increases as the amount of time you spend without braces increases. The effect is more pronounced for people with severe orthodontic issues such as severely misplaced teeth, crowding, etc.

Let us see the effect of not wearing retainers for different time spans:

  • After one week – As soon as your braces are taken off, your teeth start to move back into their original position. Each of us can have a varying degree and speed of shift in our teeth and the slightest shift can affect how the retainers fit in our mouth. It is crucial to wear them at night in the first week to prevent any relapse.
  • After one month – If you do not wear your retainers for a month, you will start noticing changes in your bite. Your teeth have almost moved to their original positions and you must book an appointment with your dentist to get a new retainer. Your doctor might now advise you to wear them during the day apart from just at night also since teeth have moved back a lot.
  • After one year – If you have gone without wearing them for almost a year, your teeth have moved back and become crooked as before. Now you would need to restart your treatment with braces.

How Long Should One Wear Retainers

Initially, after your orthodontic treatment, you are supposed to wear your retainers twenty-four hours a day.

  • The duration of wearing them comes down to only at night as and when your dentist feels appropriate.
  • Since every case is different, when you can wear your retainer only at night depends on the patient’s teeth condition.
  • Those with severe teeth alignment issues might have to wear them all day for six months or so, while others might need to wear them for just four months. Some might even have to wear it for eight to ten months.

How Does A Tooth Relapse Look Like

Patients who either just do not feel like wearing their retainers or misplace them will notice the following changes when there is a relapse:

  • Your bite would begin to change and revert to what it looked like before the beginning of your orthodontic journey. For instance, you will experience overbite and feel problems in chewing as you used to earlier.
  • Your teeth might begin to look crowded.

The first three months after braces are a crucial time to wear your retainers. You might have to wear them all through the day for four to ten months, depending on your situation. Later, your dentist might advise wearing it only at night. Not wearing retainers as per your orthodontist’s instructions would nullify all the good work achieved through braces. If the teeth do not shift so much, then your dentist can give you a new set of retainers, but in some cases, you might even have to restart your braces treatment.

Dental care

Is Dental Bonding As Good As Veneers?

Cosmetic dentistry can restore your self-worth if you have ever felt self-conscious about a flaw in your smile. You have several options to pick from when it comes to improving the appearance of your smile. Dental bonding and veneers are two common procedures.

You may have heard that porcelain veneers are a great option for enhancing the appearance of your smile. However, you should also know about dental bonding and how it might change your smile. Let’s look at dental bonding and see if and when you should enhance your smile’s aesthetics.

What’s the Distinction Between Veneers and Tooth Bonding?

Dental bonding and veneers are cosmetic procedures that can fix minor flaws in your smile, such as stains, chipping, and gaps. A tooth-colored resin is layered onto the damaged tooth with a bonding agent and hardened with a curing light in composite dental bonding. Porcelain veneers are thin ceramic shells cemented onto a tooth’s front to improve appearance.

Bonding Teeth vs Veneers

Composite bonding offers a more cost-effective alternative to dental veneers. Bonding is less expensive than other cosmetic procedures and has similar or longer-lasting effects. Composite bonding does not have the same longevity as porcelain veneers, but it is easy to remove and replace old bonding.

Dental bonding is a more traditional option compared to getting porcelain veneers. Veneers for the teeth are permanently sculpted before they are applied. The dentist must remove a little piece of enamel to fit the porcelain shell over your tooth. 

Dental bonding involves the dentist applying layers of resin and carefully shaping it.

Bonding of Teeth

Dental bonding involves the dentist applying layers of resin and carefully shaping it. Composite bonding saves time as compared to dental veneers. Unlike veneers requiring numerous dental appointments, the bonding treatment lasts one session. After cleaning and shaping the tooth, an impression is taken. Preparing the veneer in the lab can take up to four weeks. The veneers will be bonded and the fit fine-tuned during your subsequent appointment. 

 Which Is Better: Dental Bonding or Porcelain Veneers?

This is a common concern. Also, it is important to make well-informed decisions that align with the needs and budgets. Here are three considerations:

  • Due to their porcelain construction, veneers are more expensive than traditional bonding methods. Veneers can be more cost-effective than bonding in the long run because they won’t chip or wear away. Veneers are commonly used to cover discoloration of the teeth that professional teeth whitening cannot remedy. 
  • Dental bonding is preferable to filling up chips or gaps in teeth. Aesthetically, veneers and bonding can be made to look just like your real teeth. Conversely, veneers can withstand spills and stains, while bonding resin may change color. Cosmetic bonding, which can be sculpted like clay to fit the tooth perfectly, is useful for fixing chipped or damaged teeth.
  • Veneers for teeth are made to last a long time, typically between 10 and 25 years. Although porcelain is more long-lasting than dental bonding resin, it is nonetheless vulnerable to bullets. Depending on your teeth’s needs, bonding can still be a powerful material to restore them.
  • Dental bonding and veneers may be the way to go if you want to make a few minor adjustments to your smile. Professional teeth whitening is the first step to whiter teeth. Veneers may be the next best option if you’re unhappy with the results. 

Wrapping up

Dental bonding or porcelain veneers can effectively treat minor cosmetic dental flaws. Dental bonding is a quick, easy, and inexpensive solution to improve the appearance of your smile. 

Dental care

Dental Care For People With Heart Disease

Cardiovascular diseases and periodontal issues have been known to have a relationship. Researchers have shown that the bacteria living in our mouths responsible for gum diseases can move into our bloodstream and elevate C-reactive protein (a marker that denotes inflammation of blood vessels.) When this happens, it increases our chance of stroke and heart issues.

People with cardiovascular problems need to take special care of their teeth. You must make your dentist aware of your heart disease, giving them your complete medical history and a list of all medicines you are taking and the dosages. It will enable your dentist to design a specific treatment plan for you, including selecting the right medications for dental procedures.

The Relationship Between Heart Disease and Poor Oral Health

There are several theories about why there is a relationship between cardiovascular conditions and oral health. Some of the common ones are:

  • Bacteria in gums that cause gingivitis and periodontitis can travel into the bloodstream, causing inflammation of blood vessels. They can also cause other damages like heart attack, tiny blood clots, or stroke. This idea is backed by finding remains of mouth bacteria inside atherosclerotic blood vessels, which are far from the mouth.
  • The body’s immune response results in inflammation which causes a cascade of vascular damage all through the body, including the brain and heart.

Which Cardiovascular Disease Requires Special Dental Considerations?

You must speak with your cardiologist before undergoing dental treatment if you have any heart condition. The list below talks about some of the conditions and the precautions you must take for each.

  • Myocardial fraction (heart attack) – If you have suffered a heart attack, it is advised to wait six months before undergoing an extensive dental procedure. You could still have dental cleanings done. Check with your dentist if nitroglycerin or oxygen is available at their clinic so that appropriate measures can be taken in case a medical emergency arises.
  • Endocarditis – Some people have a high risk of developing bacterial endocarditis, an infection of the heart’s inner lining. Such patients need to take special care of their oral hygiene every day. Traditionally, patients suffering from this condition are advised to take antibiotics before doing dental work. But the AHA (American Heart Association) revised this guideline and stated that only those at the highest risk of developing this disease would be required to take antibiotics before dental procedures. Your dentist could tell you whether you belong to the high-risk group. Patients who need to undergo valve surgery must have exceptional oral hygiene and consult a dentist before their surgery. Unhealthy teeth are a source of bacteria that can cause endocarditis.
  • Antiplatelet and Anticoagulants medications – If you are taking any blood-thinning medicines, for instance, warfarin, then ensure you mention this to your dentist. You could encounter excessive bleeding during oral surgery procedures if you take such medications.
  • Hypertension or high blood pressure – Your sense of taste might alter, or you might develop dry mouth due to some antihypertensive medicines. Calcium channel blockers cause gum tissues to overgrow and swell, causing problems with chewing. If you have gum overgrowth, your dentist recommends a detailed oral hygiene routine. You might also be required to visit your dentist frequently for dental cleanings. In rare cases, gum surgery might also be performed. Excess gum tissue can be removed by a procedure called a gingivectomy. Your dentist will use a scalpel, laser, electrosurgery unit, or diamond dental burs to remove excess gum tissue.
  • Stroke – You might not produce adequate saliva due to stroke, and your dentist might suggest using artificial saliva. If your tongue, face, or dominant hand is affected due to the stroke, you might need to use fluoride gels and modify your brush and floss routine. Your dentist would give you detailed information on maintaining the best oral hygiene.
  • Angina – Those who have angina are treated with calcium channel blockers, resulting in gum overgrowth. You might have to undergo gum surgery for this issue. You also want to ensure your dentist has a supply of nitroglycerin and oxygen at their clinic in case any medical emergency arises during dental surgery. Though stable angina patients can undergo many types of dental procedures, those with unstable or accelerated angina should avoid nonessential or elective dental procedures. Such patients should get their heart conditions evaluated by their cardiologist before they get these procedures done. People with accelerated angina should get dental procedures done in hospitals that have cardiac monitoring ability.

Points To Keep In Mind For Heart Disease And Dental Care

  • Provide your dentist with the complete list of medications and their dosages that you are currently on for your heart condition. You must also mention any non-prescription drugs you are taking. It will help your dentist determine the best course of treatment for you and the appropriate medications to use during dental procedures.
  • Give your doctor’s name and phone number to the dentist if s/he needs to talk to them about your oral care.

Your oral health and heart disease have a strong link. The medications you take for your cardiovascular condition can affect dental procedures; hence, you must inform your dentist about them.

Dental care

Does a healthy mouth mean a healthy body?

A healthy mouth and teeth are more than just a white, bright smile. Good oral health and hygiene can improve your health, and the risk of severe diseases can be reduced by maintaining good oral hygiene. 

Your overall health and oral health have a two-way relationship. Oral diseases can cause health diseases and vice-versa. If you are facing health problems, your oral health might be affected. For example, diabetes increases the chances of gum disease. On the other hand, diabetes becomes hard to manage if you are suffering from gum disease. 

You should protect yourself by knowing more about the connection between your overall and oral health.

How are your oral health and overall health connected?

Like other areas, your mouth teems with bacteria. The mouth is the main entry point to our respiratory and digestive tracts; some bacteria can enter our mouths and cause diseases. Our good oral health care, such as daily flossing and brushing, can keep the bacteria under control.

However, bacteria can reach our bodies if we do not follow a proper oral hygiene routine, which may lead to oral infections, including gum disease and tooth decay.

Studies suggest that the inflammation and oral bacteria associated with gum disease can play a significant role in some diseases. There are some diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and diabetes, that can lower the resistance of the body to severe infections, and this makes oral health problems very severe.

What are some conditions which can be linked to oral health?

Your dental health might contribute to some major health issues, including:

  • Endocarditis: This infection occurs when bacteria from another part of your body, such as the mouth, spread through the bloodstream and attach to some areas in your heart.
  • Cardiovascular disease: Some research suggests that the diseases of the heart, stroke, and clogged arteries might be linked to the infections and inflammation which oral bacteria can cause.
  • Pneumonia: Some bacteria in our mouth can be pulled into our lungs, causing respiratory diseases and pneumonia.
  • Pregnancy: Periodontitis has been linked to low birth weight and premature birth.

What are the advantages of keeping our teeth and gums healthy?

  • Boosts confidence and self-esteem: Decayed gums and teeth are associated with an unsightly mouth and bad breath, which can affect our self-image, confidence, and self-esteem. Our quality of life improves with a healthy mouth free of cavities and gum disease. This allows us to sleep better, eat properly and concentrate with no mouth infections to distract us.
  • Lower risk of heart diseases: Chronic inflammation from the diseases of gums has been associated with cardiovascular problems such as blockages of blood vessels, heart disease, and strokes. According to experts, there is a cause-and-effect relationship between gum disease and health problems. Experts suggest that maintaining oral hygiene helps to protect our overall health.
  • Preserves memory: According to one of the reports in the Journal of neurology, neurosurgery & psychiatry, adults with gingivitis performed worse on memory and cognitive skills than those with healthier mouths and gums. Therefore, taking care of your oral health becomes essential, and it can preserve your memory.
  • Reduce the inflammation and risk of infection in your body: Poor oral health is linked to infection in various body parts. Research has found a relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and gum diseases that can cause inflammation of joints. Seeing your dentist regularly, eating a balanced diet, and taking care of your oral hygiene can help you avoid gum disease and tooth decay. 

How to protect your oral health and be free from all diseases?

To care for your oral health, you should practice good oral hygiene regularly, keeping your body and mouth free from all diseases. Here are some ways of maintaining good oral hygiene:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes both the time. Try using fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. You should also floss daily.
  • Use mouthwash to remove the food particles left after flossing and brushing.
  • Have a healthy diet and restrict sugary drinks and foods.
  • Replace your brush once every two to three months.
  • Schedule your regular dental cleanings and cleanings.

You can contact your dentist when you encounter an oral health problem. If you take care of your dental health, it would be an investment made in your overall health.

Dental care

Do genetics play a role in tooth decay?

Guess which is the most chronic disease in the world? It is tooth decay. Studies show that some of us may be more susceptible to developing cavities than others. Almost every single aspect of your oral health is indeed governed to a degree by your genes. As per some research, around 60% of tooth decay risk can be attributed to genetic factors. 

If the dental health of your parents is poor, there is a high chance you will have dental issues too. Our genes control how our teeth develop, and if teeth formation is improper, it lends the enamel less resistance to bacteria.

Things such as your teeth size, the shape of your mouth, and bone structure are all inherited. Crooked teeth formation passes down from generation to generation. But the good news is that good oral care will help you keep your teeth in their best possible condition, irrespective of the kind of teeth you inherit.

Tooth Decay Risk Factors that Have Genetic Links

Certain genetic diseases that can predispose people to develop cavities and other periodontal diseases are outlined below:

  • Enamel defects – Enamel is the surface layer of your teeth, and it is considered the hardest mineral substance in our bodies (even stronger than bones). Enamels shield our teeth against tooth decay. Your genes have a critical role to play in the composition of your teeth’s enamel. If you inherit soft enamels, you are more prone to cavities.
  • Saliva’s chemical composition – Your saliva keeps your mouth moist and also protects against cavities by properly metabolizing vitamins like iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin c, and other vital minerals. Your saliva’s chemical composition depends on your genes which in turn affects the saliva’s capacity to protect against decay.
  • Sugar cravings – Your love for sugar has a genetic basis, so you can blame your parents if you have major sugar cravings. Sugar is not good for our teeth; if you inherit sugar cravings, you are prone to many oral issues.
  • Immune response to bacteria – Our immune system is constantly fighting against harmful bacteria in our bodies, including our mouths. These bacteria can cause tooth decay and gum diseases. Your genes determine how stable your immune system is.

Genetic Conditions that Affect Teeth

Listed below are some of the genetic disorders that adversely affect our oral health:

  • Amelogenesis Imperfecta – This genetic disorder causes enamel defects and affects the appearance of teeth. People with this disorder might have smaller and discolored teeth, chalky color changes, or grooved or pitted enamel surfaces. 
  • Dentinogenesis Imperfecta – If anyone has this genetic disorder, they might develop enamel that appears translucent with a yellow-brown or blue-gray tinge. Teeth are also prone to rapid wear and tear for people with this disorder as the dentin(inner layer of teeth) becomes soft and weak due to this disease.

Disorder in the Development of Teeth

  • Ectodermal dysplasia – A human embryo undergoes many changes during its development. Ectoderm (the outermost layer of cells in embryos) forms our teeth, and ectodermal dysplasia affects every structure derived from the ectoderm in our bodies (such as nails, hair, and teeth.) Patients with this disease will suffer from several missing teeth and might have cone-shaped or malformed teeth. This disorder can be diagnosed at very early stages, and children with this problem might need special dentures to replace the many missing teeth.
  • Dentinal dysplasia – For our teeth to be fixed strongly in our mouth, we need strong roots. But if you’re losing teeth constantly, even at a young age, you might be suffering from dentinal dysplasia. This disorder hampers the ability of teeth to form roots.
  • Hypophosphatasia – This inherited disorder affects the development of teeth as well as bones. By disrupting mineralization (a process that allows minerals like phosphorus and calcium to deposit on our teeth), this disorder weakens our teeth. Cementum is the outer covering of our teeth’s roots, and Hypophosphatasia does not allow cementum formation.
  • Vit D-resistant rickets – Vitamin D has a crucial role in teeth development, and you could have oral health problems if you are vitamin D deficient. Vit D-resistant rickets is a genetic condition where infections occur at the root end of teeth without any reason. Due to this, the enamel surface of teeth can develop openings that extend to the dental pulp, where we have blood vessels and nerves. Germs can walk right through the openings and cause rampant decay.

Genetic oral diseases are not so common, and you must talk to your dentist for suitable solutions if you have an abnormal oral condition. Despite genetic disorders that can cause bad teeth, maintaining excellent oral hygiene has a significant role in your oral health.

Dental care

Types of toothbrushing techniques for a white smile

Everyone wants a beautiful smile, and white teeth give us that dazzling smile to flaunt. But if your teeth are discolored, you become self-conscious in public situations and probably avoid meeting people. But do not despair; if you do not have as white teeth as you would want to, there are various ways of getting perfectly white teeth.

Teeth getting yellow stains or dingy gray is common and can be attributed to many factors, such as eating habits, oral hygiene, and aging. Those who frequently eat and drink stuff like coffee, sweets, wines, etc., are more prone to getting discolored teeth. Apart from going for a professional teeth whitening method, various toothbrushing techniques can help you get sparkling teeth and desired smile. 

Types of Tooth Discoloration

According to dental professionals, there are mainly two types of tooth discoloration:

  1. Intrinsic – When stains occur inside the tooth, it is called intrinsic discoloration. The stains are either within the dentin or enamels. These are caused due to genetic disorders, aging, and other issues.
  2. Extrinsic – This type of discoloration occurs on the surface of teeth, mainly due to exposure to foods and beverages that are highly pigmented or tobacco. You can use the right toothbrush and brushing techniques to eliminate extrinsic pigmentation.

Tips for Toothbrushing Techniques for White Teeth

Here are some tips to ensure your teeth remain white and you get back your self-confidence while talking to others:

  • Choose the right kind of toothbrush – Many of us might not be aware that we can get rid of tooth discoloration issues just by choosing the right one. As per the American Dental Association (ADA), we should use soft-bristled toothbrushes to gently clean and polish our teeth without damaging our gums or enamels. You must choose the right shape and size of your toothbrush to fit inside your mouth and reach all parts of your teeth easily. You could go for electric toothbrushes as they can improve the technique by doing most of the mechanical work for you.
  • Brush right – Proper toothbrushing determines how white and clean your teeth look. 
    • Your toothbrush should be at a 45 degrees angle to your gum.
    • Use gentle and short back-and-forth strokes to clean your teeth.
    • Ensure you are covering the entire surface of your teeth and the gums. 
    • Focus on areas that have stains.
    • Brush your tongue to remove any lingering bacteria.
    • Remember to floss the area between your teeth with interdental devices.
    • Brush your teeth at least for two minutes twice a day.
  • Replace toothbrush regularly – A toothbrush worn down or frayed cannot clean our teeth. So, if your brush shows signs of wear and tear, buy a new one that can polish your teeth and lift your stains to reveal brighter-looking teeth. So, even if your toothbrush is less than three months old but shows signs of fraying, it is time to throw them.
  • Use a whitening toothpaste – You will get the best results if you add a whitening toothpaste to your oral care regime. Whitening toothpaste has abrasive elements such as silica which can scrub a tooth’s surface. Such toothpaste might also have low amounts of carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Your dentist could recommend the best whitening toothpaste for your teeth.
  • Use whitening pre-rinse – An effective pre-rinse such as hydrogen peroxide can help loosen food particles and other build-ups in your mouth. Pre-rinse makes your brushing more effective.

Methods for Clearing Intrinsic Teeth Stains

  • Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide – This is a popular combination for cleaning teeth because it actually works. You should mix one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts baking soda to prepare this solution. Use this mixture to brush your teeth.
  • Use a washcloth with hydrogen peroxide – Dip a washcloth in hydrogen peroxide and rub your teeth with it. The peroxide would lighten the stain, and the washcloth would scrub your teeth.

Apart from the brushing techniques you can use at home, if you need quicker resolution for stained teeth, you could opt for professional teeth whitening services. The expertise of a qualified dentist and customized treatment will help you meet your smile goals.


Dental care

Habits That Harm Your Teeth

Due to our hectic lifestyles, we often fall victim to numerous bad habits. The problem with these habits is that we seldom ignore them and they can lead to future health concerns. 

Although these habits might seem harmless at first, it is vital to realize their potential effects on our day-to-day lives. Our bodies and health could be irrevocably damaged by the time we realize what has happened.

And the same goes for our dental health. There are multiple day-to-day activities that we do without paying attention to their harmful effects on our teeth. Bad habits like smoking, nail-biting, or opening bottles from your mouth can harm our oral health.

Therefore, in this article, we have listed some of the common habits that you should avoid in order to keep your oral health on track.

Habits you should avoid to keep your teeth healthy

Here are some of the habits that you should avoid so that you can enjoy a beautiful healthy smile: 

Using your teeth as a tool: Teeth help us chew and consume food, but we sometimes use them for several other purposes too. In addition to opening bottles and pricking out nails, we also use them to remove tough surfaces from raw food containers. This can have serious consequences. It is very vital to understand that we can not use our tooth as a primary tool as it will greatly cause damage to the tooth and the surrounding cells. In the long run, this will cause you to have weak teeth that often cause pain.

Using your teeth to bite your nails: There are many common habits that people have these days such as biting their nails, which can be damaging in the long term. The effects of this can be quite severe on the luster and shape, and you will soon begin experiencing severe toothaches as a result. To keep your teeth healthy and strong you must avoid this bad habit.

Consumption of tobacco: Smoking tobacco is among the worst bad habits you can have. There are many serious health problems associated with tobacco use, most of which are life threatening. In addition to gum problems, tobacco use will harm your teeth by causing regular gum infections. Keep your teeth, gums, and smile healthy by staying away from tobacco.

Drinking and eating too many sugar-sweetened beverages: Sugar-sweetened foods and drinks are delicious and sometimes we can’t resist eating them. Our teeth are dramatically damaged by sugary foods and beverages, despite their delicious taste. It is possible to have gum infection and tooth pain if you consume beverages and sugary foods consistently. So, you must put a limit on your sweet consumption habit if you don’t want to harm your teeth.

Grinding: It is common for people to grind their teeth even while sleeping, which can lead to further dental problems and enamel issues. Keeping your teeth healthy requires you to avoid grinding them. You must make a conscious effort towards the same. 

Brushing with a hard bristles toothbrush: Maintaining our dental hygiene requires us to keep our teeth clean, so we shouldn’t compromise on using a good quality toothbrush. Often, we use a toothbrush with hard bristles, which can be detrimental to the health of our gums. Be sure to use a toothbrush with soft bristles that do not harm your gums.

Not brushing regularly: Taking good care of our teeth begins with brushing. For better oral hygiene and a healthier smile, most people brush twice a day. Regular brushing will protect them from decay and decrease the risk of other infections as well. 

Keeping your teeth healthy will become easy if you start avoiding these bad habits. In addition, visiting a dentist is also required in order to keep your oral health on track. 

Dental care

Tips For Adults With Braces

About half of the population has irregular, crooked, or misaligned teeth, according to medical statistics. Fortunately, dental advances, particularly in the field of orthodontics, have made it possible to treat teeth with irregularities, which is generally not a difficult process.

The traditional method of straightening irregular teeth involved removable plates with ugly-looking steel wires, which was always a lengthy, painful, and compromised procedure. But now we have more advanced forms of braces like Invisalign or even traditional braces made with advanced techniques.

Most adults wear braces for reasons like crooked teeth, misalignment, crowding, uneven bite, mouth size, jaw and teeth difference, etc. Orthodontic or teeth straightening solutions like aligners is something that is suited for both kids and adults depending on their tooth condition. 

So, let us give you a brief explanation of everything related to adult teeth straightening devices and tips to make them more effective!

How many types of adult braces are there?

Well, the type and duration of your teeth straightening devices of yours solely depend on the condition of your teeth. But here are the most common braces that dentists recommend to adults: 

  • Metal braces: When someone says “braces,” they usually think of stainless steel brackets and wires attached with rubbers to the teeth. Patients can customize their wires and brackets with a variety of colors as well.
  • Removable aligners: These are also known as clear aligners, you can wear them throughout the day or even at night. Additionally, you can remove them during meals or special occasions, such as business meetings. A computer-generated set of aligners is created for you after your dentist takes an electronic replica of your teeth. Furthermore, every few weeks, you get a new set of aligners as your teeth move. There is barely any noticeable difference between the aligners and your natural teeth!
  • Lingual brace: Lingual braces are attached behind your teeth and are almost indiscernible.
  • Ceramic brace: Just like traditional braces, ceramic teeth straightening devices are glued to your teeth. Unlike metal brackets, ceramic brackets are tooth-colored, so they are less noticeable and most people prefer this after clear aligners.

Some tips for adults wearing braces

Here are some of the things which you can keep in mind while wearing the teeth-straightening device:

Take care of your brushing routine: Adults who have braces must follow a good oral hygiene routine. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, not just after meals and snacks. If you want to minimize plaque between teeth and the aligner device, you need to brush the gum line and below the brackets on each tooth.

Floss everyone: It’s time to make flossing a daily habit. If you have traditional wire braces flossing around it is much more difficult. It’s not enough to use traditional floss with that. However, you can use an orthodontic flosser to gently floss your teeth and remove the food particles. This prevents food from getting stuck between your teeth and causing cavities. Plus, flossing ensures healthy gums.

Take care of your eating habits: Be mindful of what you eat because it is crucial to maintaining teeth straightening devices. Braces can break if you eat certain foods or if rubber bands snap while wearing them. Anything chewy or hard can damage the brackets of the teeth straightening device. Gum, caramel, hard crackers, and popcorn, are some examples.

Avoid tobacco and smoking: Children and teenagers rarely have problems with this, but adults with braces should avoid tobacco products. You should always avoid smoking and tobacco products because they are bad for your teeth. Having braces, however, makes them particularly dangerous. Your brackets can become damaged by chewing tobacco products.

Use a good toothpaste: Make sure you choose a good toothpaste. For stronger teeth, choose toothpaste with fluoride. Getting rid of stains on your teeth can be as easy if you use fluoride toothpaste. While you have braces, you should avoid toothpaste with too many complex ingredients.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your teeth straightening device you must visit your dentist as soon as possible to avoid any major complications. 

Dental care

What happens if you don’t replace your dentures?

A denture is an ideal way of fixing or dealing with lost tooth/teeth. There are many reasons why people choose dentures as restorative methods for damaged teeth. But you also have to pay attention to how you are maintaining and taking care of them.

Though dentures can last up to 5-8 years and sometimes even ten years if taken care of properly but at some point, you have to replace them. There are various signs that indicate the poor condition of the denture you are wearing. 

Some of the signs may include the old look of the denture or when they don’t fit properly. So to gain more information on the same and to know what can happen if you don’t replace your dentures continue reading.

What are the signs that you should replace your dentures?

Before going further, let us first discuss the signs that indicate you must replace your dentures:

  • Your denture is too loose: With a well-fitting denture, you will only need friction to keep it in place while you chew and speak. During most day-to-day activities, your denture is in place due to the tight fit between your teeth and your gums. The denture will definitely need to be adjusted if it becomes loose or if it falls out of your mouth. It may also need to be substituted. 
  • Difficulty in speaking: Dentures that fit loosely usually cause this problem. It may seem like you are slurring your words and sounding “slushy” if you have a loose denture. It may be necessary to adjust or replace your dentures so that you are able to speak clearly.
  • Discoloration or damage: If your dentures show signs of damage, such as chips or cracks, or if they are loose, you must replace them as soon as possible. In addition, if your denture is looking discolored, then also you should consider getting a new one. While proper care can prevent yellowing and discoloration, drinking coffee, wine, or tea may cause them to become discolored over time.
  • Discomfort and pain in the gums: A denture that fits properly and is in good shape will be pain-free. Changing your denture may be necessary if you start experiencing pain while chewing or biting. Likewise, if your gums are showing signs of lesions, you need to see a dentist immediately in order to refit or replace your denture.

Why is it important to replace dentures?

Generally speaking, replacements are needed for fit reasons. You may lose one or more teeth as your mouth changes as you age, your teeth shift, your gums change shape, your bone density may shrink, and you might even see some changes in your jaw bone structure. Once a year, your mouth should be examined to make sure that you are wearing nicely fitted dentures and that other oral conditions haven’t developed.

If you have been wearing your denture for a long time and you haven’t replaced it or gotten it checked even once, it can damage your gums. Eating hard or frozen foods while wearing an old or ill-fitted denture can make it lose. So, it is very vital to replace them before any extensive damage.

Wearing fake teeth or dentures for a long time without replacing them can cause the inability to clean them fully. In the same way as your own teeth, false teeth can also become stained and need to be replaced. Your dentist may suggest replacing them if you’ve been having issues getting gunk out of them over time to prevent bacteria from entering your mouth through those dirty areas.

Dental care

The Cleaning Practices That Crosby Family Dentistry Is Using To Keep You Safe

Cleaning is always a priority in the dental care field to make sure the patients are getting the best treatment. Dental practices need a regular cleaning routine to operate successfully and safely.

As we know, in recent times, it is even more necessary to follow a good cleaning routine. Be it the dentistry field, our oral health is connected to our overall health. Therefore, keeping that in mind, the professional team at Crosby Family Dentistry does all the cleaning routines, surgeries, and other dental practices with full safety and precaution.

Getting your teeth checked by the best dentist is important to maintain your teeth’s health and beauty. There are bound to be quite a few dentists around your home. But you need to locate someone who follows all the dentistry precautions, including the safety and convenience of treatment.

Therefore, we, as a prominent dental clinic, use the best tools in order to ensure your safety. Our practice utilizes low-radiation digital x-rays instead of regular ones because long-term exposure to x-rays is known to lead to cancer. Moreover, our team uses the latest technological methods to ensure the safety and success of your treatment. 

The Crosby Family Dentistry takes appropriate safety measures to offer our essential dental treatments. It is not an easy task to remain truly on top of the line with all the dental treatment we offer, but we always strive to follow high sanitary standards. 

So, to know how our professional team members at the clinic ensure your safe treatment and what methods we use to stay ahead of any dental mishap, keep on reading.

Things We Do To Keep Our Clinic Safe And Clean For Our Patients 

The importance of cleanliness in dental offices cannot be overstated. Whether you run a one-doctor practice or a busy group practice, cleanliness is imperative, and here are some things we do to manage the same: 

We Follow All Industry Guidelines: 

A dentist’s top priority should be protecting their patients. In order to prevent bacteria from spreading in dental facilities, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) publish disinfection guidelines. We make sure that anyone operating oral care tools in our clinic comprehends and follows these guidelines. In addition, we should post these guidelines in a visible location in our office. 

We Disinfect Clinical Surfaces Regularly:

Any surface that is frequently touched is considered a clinical contact surface. It is possible for them to become contaminated on a regular basis despite not dealing with patients directly or dealing with bodily fluids. Regularly cleaning light switches, drawer handles, and faucets can prevent the spread of bacteria. Therefore, we at The Crosby Family Dentistry take essential steps and make a conscious effort to disinfect them with regular cleaning and sanitizers.

Bathroom Cleaning Is A Must:

The bathroom is likely to be visited by many of the patients during their appointments. We make sure that the bathroom is kept clean and tidy every time. In addition, it is also helpful to appoint someone to check and clean it regularly. The cleanliness of our practice as a whole will be affected if the toilet or sink of the clinic is dirty, so we ensure to keep them clean all the time. 

Maintain Cleanliness In The Waiting Area:

Cleaning the waiting area regularly is a must in any dental setting. We clean carpets, upholstery, and draperies to prevent dust, dirt, or stains from accumulating. Regularly wiping down tables, sitting areas, cushion covers, magazine racks, etc., is an essential part of our routine. Additionally, we try to maintain an organized reception area. 

So, these were some of the preventive measures and daily practices we follow at The Crosby Family Dentistry to keep our patients healthy and safe.

Dental care

Does it matter if you go to a different dentist each time?

One of the most vital things to keep in mind when you talk about dental care is the dentist you are going to. A lot of patients do not understand the importance of a prominent oral care professional. But they play an essential role in ensuring your teeth and overall mouth health are on track. 

Choosing a dentist can be tricky sometimes, but another question that arises with it is: does it matter if you go to a different dentist each time? Well! There are many advantages to sticking to one dental care professional or your family’s oral care professional. 

Switching to a new oral care provider every time is not only hectic but also requires you to tell them about your medical history from the start.  The most common mistake people make while going to a dentist is that they do not go to the same professional twice. And changing your dental care provider often is not good for oral health. 

Another thing that you must keep in mind before switching your dentist is that you might not get the same services and perfection you were getting from your previous dental care professional. So, keeping all this in mind, let’s discuss the importance of going to the same dental care provider for various oral health issues.

Why should you visit the same dentist for your oral health problems?

Below given are some of the points that elaborate on why you should not change your oral care provider often: 

  • Your dentist knows your medical history: One of the most common advantages of sticking with your old dental care professional is that you do not have to tell your medical history, allergies, previous oral care issues, and other details again. Your old doctor will take care of everything, and you do not have to face the hassle of letting him/her know everything about your oral health again and again. 
  • Your document will be in one place: We all know keeping your medical history documents in one place is vital. But if you often change your dentist, it will be a lot more hectic to keep everything in place. With every new oral care professional, you will have a new set of documents that you have to carry everywhere you go for your dental care treatment. Therefore, getting dental care treatment from one doctor is best.
  • You can easily trust your old dentist: One of the most common things that are vital for any treatment, not just dental care, is to have faith and trust in your doctor. And when you visit the same dental care professional for years, you can easily trust them to give you the smile of your dreams. For any treatment to be successful requires a strong bond between the patient and the doctor. Therefore, going to the same professional is helpful in the longer run. 
  • No hidden charges: When you go to a dentist for years, you can easily trust them, and they will not charge any extra or hidden charges from you, which might add to other patients’ treatment. Moreover, sticking to the same doctor for years will also give you the benefit of getting discounts and special offers. 

Apart from these, there are many other reasons that make sticking to one oral care provider for life a better way of treating your oral care issues. But before choosing your dentist, you must look at everything from the customer reviews to the service they offer to the cost of treatment. Because keeping all things in mind will help you choose the right doctor for yourself, and you will save yourself from the hassle of going to a different dental care professional each time. 

Dental care

What role does dental hygiene play in oral health?

Just like any other body part, our mouth also contains tons of bacteria which are harmless in most cases and do not affect the functioning of other body parts. But if you do not care for your oral health, these bacteria can increase and harm your overall health. 

To understand the connection between dental hygiene and oral health, let us see what these terms actually mean. Oral health can be defined as the penetrative care by which you can avoid oral health issues like bad breath, bleeding gums, cavities, etc.

On the other hand, dental hygiene can be defined as a parameter that can affect your whole-body health or is linked to overall health. That makes it even more important to take care of your dental hygiene. There are many reasons, like unhealthy eating habits, poor oral care products, and other internal factors that affect your dental health, which in turn harm your overall health. 

What effect does bad dental hygiene have on oral health?

Bad dental hygiene is one of the most common problems that many people suffer from. The term dental hygiene, as we all know, is related to taking care of oral health, which, when not taken care of properly, can affect the whole body. 

Many diseases and oral health problems can affect your entire health, including the roots, gums, and overall appearance of your teeth. Your dental hygiene is like a window to your overall health. This means if your teeth are in good condition, your overall health will be in check too. 

Let’s check some conditions that might be linked to bad oral health: 

  • Pneumonia: If certain bacterias increase in huge quantities in your mouth, there is a higher possibility that these germs and bacteria can be pulled into your lungs while breathing, which can cause multiple respiratory diseases, including pneumonia.
  • Heart-related issues: When you don’t follow a proper brushing routine, it can cause cavities, sore gums, and many other infections, which lead to inflammation clogging your arteries. These infections and bacteria can also increase the chances of stroke. 
  • Complications in birth: Multiple studies suggest that Periodontitis, a gum-related disease, has a harmful impact on a child’s birth and can also lead to premature delivery. 

How can you take care of your oral health, including overall health?

Here are a few easy steps which will act as a precautionary measure to ensure that your oral and dental hygiene is on the right track:

  • Brush your teeth for two minutes: Brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes can keep many germs at bay. 
  • Remember to floss daily: People often brush their teeth twice a day but forget to floss, which can accumulate tiny food particles between their teeth.
  • Avoid sugary food: Many sugary and refined foods harm oral health. But, again, eating such food within a limit followed by a proper oral care routine does not threaten your overall health. 
  • Use good quality mouthwash: Using good quality mouthwash is a must to remove unwanted food particles from your mouth after eating.
  • Please get a new toothbrush after three months: Using the same toothbrush for more than three months is not good; therefore, before you feel your tooth is too worn off, you must change it.
  • Fix a meeting with your dentist: Visiting your dentist frequently is a great way to learn more about your oral health, and it will also keep you away from gum infections and diseases.

So, these are some of the ways in which you can keep your dental hygiene and oral health in check. Now that you know that infections and germs in your mouth can affect your whole body, you must take active steps in doing the needful.

Dental care

When does Invisalign move the most?

Invisalign aligners make your teeth move from their previous position to the desired position, making them look more aligned and even. The movement of your teeth during your Invisalign or teeth straightening process depends on how much your teeth are misaligned or crooked. Different people experience different movement times. However, on average, you can see minor movements in your teeth by the second or third month of your Invisalign treatment. But it is important to understand that you might not notice or see any movement in your teeth’s position up until four months, and it’s completely normal as the treatment and movement time differs from person to person.

In most cases, patients see prominent teeth movement around the sixth or seventh month of the treatment. During the sixth and seventh months, your Invisalign moves the most, and you will see a significant change in your teeth’ position. Moreover, in some cases, people notice a difference in their teeth position within the first two weeks only; for others, it might take longer. The movement of your Invisalign depends on different factors like the alignment of your jaw, the shape of your teeth, the condition of your gums, genetics, etc. You can not expect your Invisalign aligners to show movement in a fixed timeline.

How can you check the progress of your Invisalign aligners movement?

Invisalign aligners have many benefits, and one of them is the 3D model by which your dentist will plan out your Invisalign treatment. The 3D model of your teeth will help you check or track the real-time progress your teeth will make during the Invisalign treatment. Your dentist will create a time-lapse image of your teeth to show how exactly Invisalign will move your teeth.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment, it is important to consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

Does your smile change after Invisalign?

Invisalign can give you a broad and more beautiful looking smile if you wear it consistently as directed by your dentist. Invisalign aligners are meant to straighten your smile while fixing minor misalignment of the face and jaw. Invisalign aligners are used to transform how your smile looks, and they may also positively impact the shape of your jaw and face.

Invisalign aligner is made up of polyurethane plastic, and it fits onto your teeth tightly. Invisalign is designed to provide a gentle amount of force on your teeth which helps in moving the teeth to a better position or alignment. In addition, this process also helps enhance your smile positively.

How Invisalign positively affects your smile?

The Invisalign aligners work over a specific period; you have to wear your aligners for as long as your dentist suggests you. During your treatment, you have to wear multiple Invisalign trays, which will help you change the shape of your teeth and push your teeth into a better position than the previous tray. It will change your smile, making it more prominent and well-aligned.

You’ll have multiple clear aligners, each shaped differently from the previous one. To see a visible change in your smile, you have to wear your aligners for more than 22 hours a day. Lastly, your teeth will be well aligned in a perfect position by the end of your treatment.

How can you notice a change in your smile after your Invisalign treatment?

When you finish your Invisalign treatment, you will notice a slight change in your smile or mouth shape. In some cases, the lips can also look a bit different by the end of the treatment due to protruding teeth. Invisalign also helps correct underbite, overbite, or crossbite, making the lower jaw appear slightly different, positively affecting the shape of your smile.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment, it is important to consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

What Is The Average Age For Getting Dentures

Dentures are a marvel of modern dentistry. They help fix various dental anomalies caused by tooth decay, facial injuries, and periodontal diseases and act as teeth replacements. Studies reveal that people over the age of 40 are most likely to get dentures. Only 33.6 percent of people between the ages of 40 and 64 do not suffer from teeth loss. As such, dentures become an indispensable part of a person’s life once they cross the 40-year-old threshold. Now that we know the average age of getting dentures, let us explore what makes dentures so significant once we grow old.

What Makes Dentures Significant: An Overview

  • To begin with, dentures help you to speak and eat better. The various sounds that emanate from our mouth that we take for granted, such as the hissing ‘c’ sound, become possible because of a complete set of teeth. As such, dentures come to the rescue when teeth go missing.
  • Dentures also prevent the sagging of facial muscles. They help a person to maintain healthy skin and avoid the look of sagging cheeks.
  • Dentures are one of the best ways to enhance your smile. They help people gain more self-confidence.

In conclusion, dentures are indispensable when it comes to replacing missing teeth. They make the lives of people easier. It is noteworthy that dental appliances can last for five to ten years with proper care and maintenance. As such, dentures are a long-term investment. Secondly, dentures also have to be cleaned and taken care of, just like natural teeth. Dentures should be cleaned twice a day, usually in the morning and evening.

It would help if you remembered that false teeth or dentures could feel weird initially, but the feeling mellows down after a while.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Link Between Your Oral Hygiene and Cancer

The poor condition of a person’s teeth and gums can make them more susceptible to oral viruses that cause certain types of cancer, such as mouth and throat cancers. Our perception of poor oral hygiene is often associated with dental caries, gingivitis, periodontitis (gum disease) and foul odour; however, poor oral hygiene can, over time, lead to fatal diseases such as cancer. In a study of 3,400 U.S. adults, researchers found that those who said their oral health was “poor” to “fair” were more likely to have oral infections such as human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause cancer in some cases. Ten per cent of people with gum disease and tooth decay tested positive for oral HPV.

What is the role of the oral cavity?

The oral cavity performs many vital functions in humans. Preparation and formation of boluses, taste and swallowing are a few examples. Furthermore, human verbal communication occurs and is the main entrance for two systems vital to human function: the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory system. This area can be destroyed by poor oral hygiene and subsequent oral cancer. Oral cavity cancer is more likely to occur in men than in women, with a 3:1–4:1 ratio. Oral cancer is believed to be caused by a range of environmental factors as well as cultural factors. For example, cancer of the floor of the mouth accounts for half of all cancers in India, but only 5% of all cancers in the United States. Different cultures and habits (e.g. good oral hygiene in the United States) explain the differences.

What are the factors causing poor oral hygiene?

Poor oral hygiene is caused by numerous factors, including tobacco chewing, alcohol use, areca nut consumption, infrequent dental visits, immunocompromised status, low socioeconomic status, and low level of education. The combined effects of these factors have been shown to impact oral hygiene negatively.

How does poor oral hygiene cause oral cancer?

Oral cancer is strongly associated with poor oral hygiene. It enhances the carcinogenic potential of other known carcinogens, such as tobacco and alcohol. For example, it promotes easy conversion (faster endogenous nitration) of tobacco metabolites into cancer-causing compounds (nitrosamines), leading to cancer development. Additionally, poor oral hygiene reacts with alcohol, forming aldehyde-a class I carcinogen. (Class I carcinogens are products that can cause cancer independently).

How can you prevent oral cancer by maintaining good oral hygiene?

The consumption of tobacco or tobacco products is one of the major causes of gingival recession (loss of gum tissue), leading to loosening of teeth and pre-cancerous lesions. Additionally, avoiding alcohol consumption may help maintain good oral hygiene since alcohol users have tar-coated teeth, bleeding gums, and bad breath.

Book an Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

What causes corners of the mouth to crack?

At times, the corners of our mouths become excessively dry and start cracking. Have you wondered what we call this condition? Well, it is a harrowing and uncomfortable oral disease known as cheilitis or angular cheilitis. Also known as perleche, this problem manifests in dry and inflamed mouth corners, lesions or fissures on the corners, and excruciating pain. Angular cheilitis may either be viral or bacterial, and the causative factors may be numerous. So first, let us find out the root causes of angular cheilitis and how to prevent them.

Causes of angular cheilitis

The two main causative factors of cheilitis are – external and internal factors. The condition’s external causes include allergic reactions to cosmetics or drugs and exposure to extreme heat or cold or the sun. This type of cheilitis can be termed contact cheilitis. The internal causes of cheilitis include oral infection, autoimmune disorders, vitamin deficiencies, and age-related factors. We must be mindful of the ingredients we put on our lips and inside our mouths. Therefore, patch-testing lipsticks and other makeup products become crucial.

  1. Research reveals that 90 percent of angular cheilitis is caused due to poor diet. Vitamin deficiency is the most common cause of cheilitis. The absence of vitamin B2 in the body slows down the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates and decreases energy production.  
  2. Skipping meals can result in binge eating and stomach ulcers and rob the body of essential nutrients. As such, the susceptibility to be diagnosed with cheilitis increases. Therefore, timely meals can help in preventing cheilitis.
  3. Research has identified approximately 30 allergens in toothpaste, and they are common in most of the tubes available in the market. In addition, research shows that toothpaste is the second most typical cause of contact cheilitis after lipsticks. On the contrary, it is the most common cause of cheilitis among males.
  4. Celiac diseases may be an underlying cause of cheilitis. It is a disease that adversely affects the digestive tract, and consequently, the capacity of your intestines to absorb nutrients is hampered. Therefore, angular cheilitis is a warning symptom of celiac diseases. 
  5. Dehydration is another leading causative factor of cheilitis. The absence of enough liquids in the body could reflect in the mouth as dry and cracked corners.
  6. We know that saliva is a warehouse of bacteria and viruses. Therefore, constant licking and biting of the lips may create an environment conducive to the escalation of bacteria and fungi and lead to problems like angular cheilitis. 

Ways to prevent cheilitis

Precaution is better than cure, and this statement has unrivaled affirmation in the area of dental health. So, it is better to be aware and follow the necessary steps to avoid the occurrence of cheilitis in the first place. If you bite or lick your lips often, you must get rid of that habit. You should avoid the prolonged use of lipsticks and lip liners. Eating vegetables and fruits abundant in vitamin A, vitamin B12, and zinc is necessary. Being particular about the products you use on your mouth and the foods you eat will go a long way.

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How to manage sleep bruxism in children?

The condition of grinding or clenching of teeth consciously or unconsciously is named bruxism. Bruxism is one of the most common sleep disorders. It is an unconscious neuromuscular activity. It may happen when you are awake or during sleep. Though it is majorly reported in children, It can occur or may continue to their adulthood too. So, It is important as a parent to take necessary preventional steps.

What causes bruxism?

  • Bruxism is mostly a sign of underlying physical and mental complications. It may also include genetic factors. Although bruxism is mainly caused by stress, anxiety, and emotional distress, it can also affect other issues.
  • An abnormal teeth alignment may cause teeth grinding. This condition is called occlusal discrepancy. The inability of the upper and lower jaw to meet properly while chewing may also be a cause.
  • It can also be caused due to sleep disorders like sleep apnea.
  • Other medications like antidepressants may also be a reason for teeth grinding.
  • After the first teeth appear in children, they may start grinding and again when the permanent teeth emerge. When the adult teeth fully erupt, it usually stops.

Why is it important to care for it at the initial stages?

Long term teeth grinding may lead to flattening of teeth. It may also cause fracturing and chipping of teeth. The teeth enamel may get damaged, exposing deeper layers of teeth. The most affecting result of teeth grinding is the tiredness and sensitivity in teeth and jaw muscles. Teeth pain can be extremely uncomfortable. The jaw’s tiredness may cause severe headaches, neck pain, jaw soreness, and even earaches sometimes. The jaw may produce a popping or clicking sound during movement. It may also damage the inside cheek while chewing. In severe cases, it causes or worsens TMD/TMJ and even changes the face’s appearance.

How to manage them in children?

A healthy lifestyle is a key to reducing bruxism in children as bruxism is their natural coping mechanism to growth and development. Unlike awake bruxism, sleep Bruxism cannot be altered by conscious control of grinding or clenching. The treatment for bruxism depends on the cause and underlying reasons.

Steps can be taken to reduce children’s stress and anxiety by either talking to them about the issues and providing a support system and consulting therapists. Setting up a peaceful bedtime routine can help the children reduce stress and relax more. Avoid television and electronics several hours before bedtime. Making them listen to calm music, giving them a warm and tepid shower, or reading or listening to stories may help them relax. Try to avoid the stressors as much as possible for your kid.

If misaligned teeth cause grinding, visiting a dentist is recommended. When a doctor is consulted, he/she may provide you with a mouth guard, which will prevent the grinding of teeth. The guard may control the jaw movements and stop the upper and lower jaw from touching.

Some guards lessen the damage to teeth. Some children will gradually outgrow it, so actions can be taken to soothe the pain caused due to grinding, like using wet heat or ice for jaw sores and headaches, massaging the facial muscles, avoiding hard and chewy food, and other relaxation techniques.

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Dental care

Is It Okay To Get Dental Implants at Any Age?

Dental implants help people to enjoy a healthy smile without harming their jawbone. In this process, dentists insert an artificial root into the patient’s jaw and connect it to a crown that amalgamates with the rest of their teeth. This option is great for patients who need teeth replaced.

But can anyone do it at any age? What are the limitations?

How Age And Health Affects Dental Implants
While there are no age limits with dental implants, most dentists prefer to wait until the jaw is finished growing. That means younger kids are basically not covered, and a teenager may be told to wait until they reach their mid-20s to get dental implants.

For adults, age doesn’t really matter. Anyone who has already a matured jaw can get dental implants, whether they’re 30 or 90. However, health conditions may affect. As people age, they suffer from  health issues that can make implants difficult.

Since Dental implants need to be surgically inserted into a patient’s jaw, therefore, the jaw needs to be strong enough to hold the teeth. Before the procedure, the dentist will examine the patient’s jaw with x-rays and conclude whether or not the jaw can support implants.

Dentists will also consider the patient’s health. Certain antidepressants and medication for osteoporosis, might affect with the procedure. Similarly, Tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption will also prevent implants from healing properly.

Preparing for Dental Implants
It is important to maintain good oral hygiene if you are looking into dental implants. You cannot regain receded bone without a surgical procedure, but you can prevent more bone from receding by following brushing and flossing. If you smoke or drink alcohol excessively, cut these habits in order to get a successful dental implant procedure.

Talk to your dentist about other options that include dentures or bridges. These options also replace teeth to help complete your smile.

Reach out to our dentist for more information on tooth replacement and how you can get your best smile.

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Do You Have Brown Spots On Your Teeth?

Right from poor eating habits to lifestyle changes, there are multiple factors that could make your dental health worse. Brown discoloration on teeth is quite common these days. However, they can be easily eliminated/avoided by taking care of your oral health. Brown spots vary in color from yellowish-brown to black-brown. Some people might see irregular blotchy patches while others may have brown lines.

What  Causes Brown Teeth Stains?
Smoking is one of the well-known causes of teeth staining. The continuous exposure to nicotine in cigarettes leads to brown teeth stains. Apart from this, there are many other causes of tooth discoloration like medication, food and drink stains, poor oral hygiene, trauma, illness, and so on.

How to Get Rid of Brown Stains?
There are so many methods that you can try either at home or by visiting a dentist.

At-home treatments for Nicotine staining only remove stains outside the teeth. Known as extrinsic stains, these are the easiest types of stains you can get rid of.

Baking Soda: Brushing with Baking Soda is one of the most common at-home teeth whitening treatment methods. Baking Soda is a mild abrasive and great for scratching stains.

When it is mixed with Peroxide, it oxidizes stains and lifts them away.

OTC Teeth Whitening Products: OTC whitening toothpaste also uses mild abrasive. Use it only a few times a week. The greater you use, the more will be chances of enamel wear. It can also make your teeth look even yellower.

At Dental Office
Dental Cleaning: One of the best ways to get whitened teeth is having them professionally cleaned. Dental cleaning removes stains and tartar build up. If you have Tooth colored fillings, they can be smoothed and polished too. A professional cleaning and exam before starting any treatment adds value to the treatment plan. During the examination, our dentist will also check for signs of gum disease, if present.

Bleaching: Dentists offer bleaching or custom teeth whitening trays. They involve gels too.

Veneers: If tooth stains are severe and other treatments fail to work, Veneers turn out to be a great option. These porcelain restorations maintain the beauty of your smile by changing its shape and color.

Contact our dentists to know how our services can help you achieve a whiter smile today.

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Use Your Dental Benefits Before They Expire

A nice set of teeth not only makes the face beautiful but also evokes positivity. Therefore, it is important to take preventive measures to maintain the beauty of  your smile. Dental insurance plays an important role in helping you maintain your smile for years. It saves your pocket from the unnecessary expenses related to routine dental checkups and cleaning. By acting as a great addition to your health insurance coverage, it keeps both your smile and budget in top shape

There are multiple benefits you could avail as a part of your dental insurance benefits.

Save More: Losing your benefits at the year’s end means you could be wasting your hard earned dollars. When you don’t use your coverage before they expire, you lose the money that you have used to pay off your monthly premiums.

Avoid Serious Dental Issues: Not visiting dentist regularly worsens the condition and missing out on dental checkups could lead you to more complex dental issues. Dental checkups help your dentist detect early signs of tooth decay and dental problems.

Take Advantage of Annual Maximums: The average yearly maximum is sufficient to cover your dental needs within a year. Unused amount does not roll back to the next year since most of the plans are in calendar year. It automatically renews every new year’s day. Therefore, it is important to use all your dental benefits before Dec 31st.

Plan Deductibles Reset: Some plans come with deductible on extensive procedures like root canals and crowns. The deductible also restarts with the plan. If you have already paid the deductible and need another procedure, it is advisable to do it in the same year and save a little money.

Not used your dental benefits yet? It’s time to make the most out of it by taking an appointment as soon as possible. In order to provide you with the most accurate benefit information, we need to understand how to best utilize your dental benefits. Our friendly staff can help you plan your future dental needs. If you are still unsure of the status, let us know. We hope you find this reminder to be friendly. Take advantage of your dental benefits today by scheduling an appointment with us.

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Factors that lead to bad breath

Whether it’s your most awaited date or an interview for your dream job, bad breath can ruin almost every special moment of your life. The effects of bad breath not only damages self esteem but also lead to a poor oral hygiene.

Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to avoid bad breath. However, you must first know the reasons what is causing bad breath. A bad breath occurs when sulphur-producing bacteria on the surface of the tongue and in the throat become active. These bacteria release volatile sulphur compounds, known as VSC. They lead to the unwanted smell of your mouth, as researched by the Better Health Channel, an Australian state-owned website.

So, there are multiple factors that lead to a bad breath, however, the major contributors involve the food you eat. The secondary one being, your oral health, dry mouth, smoking and so on. Chronic diseases and kidney failure can also lead to a bad breath sign. So it’s no surprise that most cases of halitosis are associated with gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis, and dry mouth, a condition in which the salivary glands cannot make enough saliva to keep your mouth moist. A visit with a dentist may help rule out periodontal disease and identify any oral health issues that could be contributing to bad breath.

Since most cases of halitosis originate from inside the mouth, your first step should be evaluating your basic brushing and rinsing technique. It is of paramount importance that you give extra focus to the tongue because that’s the place where you get a large amount of the germs. Scrape the tongue, then floss and rinse. Brushing alone cleans only 25% of your mouth. Therefore it is recommended to add rinsing to your routine to get your whole mouth clean.

Avoiding bad breath is quite easy. All you need to do is stay hydrated, brush your teeth, floss, use mouthwash, gentle tongue cleaning and so on.

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Here are some helpful tips to improve bad breath:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day after meals.
  • Always use a fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Avoid tobacco, smoking, and tobacco-based products.
  • Rinse and gargle using an alcohol-free mouthwash
  • People with dry mouth must drink large amount of water throughout the day.
  • Using over-the-counter moisturizing agents like dry mouth sprays, dry mouth gels etc are known to do wonders.

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Dental Veneers Vs Dental Bonding: Which to Choose

When it comes to cosmetic enhancement of the teeth, both Dental Veneers and Dental Bonding has an important role to play. These cosmetic treatment help to mask the flaws in your teeth and beautify them. The process of application is quite similar for both treatments. However, the difference lies in the output achieved and the way these treatments can be used for a smile makeover. This article gives you a brief idea on how dental bonding and dental veneers are quite different from each other.

Dental Veneers
Dental Veneers are made of thin shell of porcelain material. They are accurately fabricated and are the most widely recommended form of treatment for smile makeover. This procedure helps to transform the appearance of visible front teeth and deliver an attractive smile. Gapped teeth, misalignment, misshapen teeth and discoloration can all be corrected with a smile makeover. In this process, a small amount of enamel from the front teeth is used and an acrylic is formed to beautify the teeth. The process covers both badly structured teeth and the ones surrounding them. Permanent veneers are made in the lab and the process takes up to 3 visits for completion. The result obtained is highly appreciated since porcelain has the ability to reflect more light.

Dental Bonding
Composite resin is used for the dental bonding procedure and it is applied to fix chipped teeth, short teeth, gaps between the teeth and minor misalignment. The resin is hardened using a special light. The entire process takes a single visit and the output received is excellent. Our experienced dentists take care of the entire process. This process is generally advised when there are errors in one or two teeth. The material applied can be stained over a period of time, therefore proper care must be taken to protect it from chipping off.

Though, both the forms of treatment are recommended for cosmetic enhancement of your teeth, there is no evidence that says one is better than the other. Both hold equal importance, the difference lies only in the way it is conducted.

Contact our dentists today who can help you understand which form will go better with your requirements. A quick analysis will answer all your queries. So, speak to us today and get the smile of your dreams.

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All You Need to Know About Cracked Tooth Syndrome

A cracked tooth is often seen commonly in patients suffering from poor oral health. Teeth with Cracked Tooth Syndrome usually have fractures that are difficult to diagnose with the help of X-rays or naked eyes. Sometimes, a fracture below the gumline makes it even more difficult to identify. The most commonly spotted areas where Cracked Tooth Syndrome occurs is molars, usually lower molars that absorb most of the forces of chewing. People grinding or clenching their teeth are more susceptible to cracked tooth syndrome. Similarly, teeth that have undergone root canal treatment are weaker than other teeth and are more likely to crack.

How Do You Identify a Cracked Tooth?
Cracked tooth is often intermittent pain that occurs in the tooth while biting or chewing. The tooth may be painful on eating certain types of food or while biting in a specific way. It may become worse on eating sugary foods as sugar promotes tooth pain on entering the tooth crack. This tooth may be sensitive to cold temperatures. People with cracked tooth syndrome have symptoms for months but they can’t be diagnosed since they are not consistent.

The diagnosis starts with a thorough examination of your mouth and teeth. X-rays are also taken but they may not display the crack. The treatment, however, depends on how deep and large the crack is. Sometimes it affects only cusps of a tooth which are the highest points of tooth. Tooth may be fixed or crown. Sometimes cracks affect the pulp which is the centre of the tooth. Here lies the nerves and blood vessels. In this case, tooth might need a root canal. You may feel pain after the treatment, however, it may not be as frequent.

How to Prevent Cracked Tooth Syndrome
If you are aware that you grind your teeth, your dentist can make a night guard to wear at night to relieve the pain from grinding. For some patients, it stops grinding. It can be worn at other times during the day, if clenching or grinding is an issue.

Our dentist will prescribe you with options, whether it is a crown, root canal or extraction. He will possibly be able to prevent issues with a night guard. The treatment, however, is not always successful. Some people continue to have occasional symptoms and others may require it with the help of a specialist.

If you believe you are suffering from CTS and think that grinding your teeth may cause CTS, talk to our dentists today to arrange a checkup at the earliest.

Our experienced endodontists can help you. Call our office today!

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Celebrating Dental Implant Awareness This September

September is Dental Implant Awareness month which focuses on raising awareness to help people make healthy decisions regarding dental implants. Dental implants promote confidence and offer a healthy yet natural smile. More than 3 million people in the US have dental implants that last for decades, when taken care of properly. They are the only tooth replacement option that promote bone growth and prevent bone loss, while preserving the facial structure and healthy teeth.

The American Association of Dentistry celebrates Dental Awareness month every year to educate people about Dental Implants and how they can help to recreate young and bright smiles. By educating people on Implants, we help them realize how easily they can reverse an ugly looking smile.

Missing one or several teeth is no more a problem with dental implants. They look, fit and function like healthy and natural teeth. You don’t have to think about them differently throughout the day. You can smile, talk and laugh without a second thought. When compared to other teeth replacement options, Dental Implants are widely preferred because they don’t slip or slide inside the mouth. You won’t feel hesitant about the way they look.

Our dentists are quite excited about this month as we truly understand how our patients feel when their smile is actually they want it to be. Dental implants are just one of the ways we improve patient’s smiles because they are easy to maintain and look natural.

For more ways to improve your oral health and smile, consult our dentist today and let them educate you on how dental implants can change your smile.

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What to Do If My Dentures Are Damaged

Dentures need lot of care and grooming to keep them maintained in the long run. Still, if you come across denture damage, there are a few things you can definitely do. The foremost is visiting the dentist who will examine and determine the best way to fix it. Dentures often need adjustment when you wear them initially. You should never try to fix dentures on your own since this would spread the damage.

Other than seeing a dentist, there are some other things that can be done at home:

  • Collect any piece of denture that has been broken off including the wiring.
  • You can also use dental wax. If the clasps become slightly loose, they could be rubbing against the gums and irritate them. In that case, you should use a dental wax to place the wire as a temporary barrier.
  • Soak your dentures. Do not continue wearing damaged dentures.

We can provide you with alternatives to dentures if you are interested in a more convenient solution. This includes:

Dental Bridges
Partial tooth loss can be addressed with dental crowns and dental bridges. In this case, remaining teeth are made to create space for dental crowns. The crown, gum base and bridge are created in the laboratory. The crowns will then be secured to the teeth adjacent to the missing ones. They will serve as anchors to hold the bridge in place.

This way your new teeth will be secure enough to enjoy your favorite foods, smile and speak with confidence. It is easy to take care of dental crowns and bridges like you would for your natural teeth. This keeps them in place for years.

Dental Implants
If you want a solution that replaces your teeth without requiring support from the other ones, a dental implant is an ideal solution. A titanium post is implanted under the gums and secured to the jawbone. Over a period of time, the post and bone will fuse together via a process named, osseointegration. This creates a durable root system for your new tooth. Dental implants look and function exactly like a natural tooth.

Compared to dentures, dental implants and bridges are far more convenient. Dentures require removal and cleaning which can be embarrassing at times. Dentures can become loose while eating which could be a trouble. These problems do not exist when you replace teeth with a fixed solution.

If your dentures need to be repaired, schedule a consultation with us today. Our dentists can adjust them so that the fit is improved.

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TMJ and Facial Pain: Benefit From Self Care Techniques

With the advanced treatment methods emerging up for temporomandibular joint (TMJ), patients have reported self-care like jaw exercises and relaxation techniques as a better alternative for treating muscle related TMD. The study was published in journal Clinical Oral Investigations.

TMJ is a joint that allows your jaw to close and open. It connects the mandible or lower jaw to temple. The jaw acts as a hinge and at the joint there is a small disc that sits between upper and lower jaw bone. There are several ligaments that surround the disc and attach it to the bone, however, the disc moves with lower jaw bone once you open your mouth. Similarly, the lower jaw and disc slide forward together.

Myofascial temporomandibular joint affects over 10% of women. People with TMD have other pain conditions too. Dentists use different treatment options to manage pain. This includes oral appliances like splints and bite guards, pain medications and other self-care techniques.

In order to treat TMD, oral appliances have proven to be beneficial. Similarly oral splints have also proven their worth but they have not been found as effective for patients who have widespread pain in the treatment of Myofascial temporomandibular joint (mTMD). In this research, 84% of patients reported the maximum positive  impact in their pain from self-care activities, as discussed above. In comparison to it, only 64% used oral appliances and said it helped at least a little.

So, the results from the report says self care management as the first line of defense for treating mTMD. However, the use of alternative treatment methods like acupuncture and seeing a chiropractor was seen frequently among women with fibromyalgia and mTMD. The results were not very outstanding. Physical therapy was adopted equally by women with and without fibromyalgia.

Jaw exercises help strengthen and stretch your jaw muscles to train them to move correctly without causing pain. It is advisable to practice them daily for sometime, preferably while you are sitting down and relaxed. Make sure whatever exercise you do on one side, repeat it on the other.

The key is to start slowly and understand that you may experience some pain in the beginning. As long as the pain is tolerable and keeps improving, you should move ahead. If the pain becomes unbearable, you should stop and look for dentist’s approval.

If you are ready to get started, let our dentists know so that we can recommend the apt exercises based on your severity.

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Study Says Poor Oral Health Is Linked to Liver Cancer Risk

According to a research published by United European Gastroenterology Journal, there has been a close association found between oral health conditions and risk of gastrointestinal liver cancer. So, if you do not take care of your oral hygiene, you may put yourself at risk of liver cancer.

It suggests that poor oral health contributes to 75% increase in your risk of liver cancer. The study also investigated association between oral health and other forms of gastrointestinal cancers, including liver, colon, rectum and pancreatic cancer.

To estimate the relationship between cancer risk and other self-reported oral health conditions, models were applied. Author Haydee WT Jordao from Queen’s University Belfast states, “poor oral health has been linked with the risk of several chronic diseases, like heart disease, stroke and diabetes.”

Patients with poor oral health were more likely to be younger female and consumed less portions of fruits and vegetables in a day. The reason why poor oral health is related with liver cancer is yet to be discovered, however, studies have somehow depicted the role of oral and gut microbe in disease development.

When the liver gets affected by hepatitis, cirrhosis or cancer, its function gets declined, leading to the increased survival rates of bacteria in the body.

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How Flossing Is Important for Your Oral Health

As prescribed by the ADA, it is important to brush your teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day. Along with brushing, flossing also equally contributes to your oral health and well-being. Therefore, it is recommended to brush and floss collectively on a daily basis. However, if you had to pick one, flossing is more important if done correctly.

Flossing allows you to remove plaque from areas that are hard to reach and where the most destructive microbes live. If plaque is not removed from these areas, it can lead to gum disease like gingivitis. To reap the advantages of flossing, it is first important to understand the correct way to floss.

Proper flossing involves wrapping the floss in a ‘c-shape,’ and covering as much surface area of the tooth as possible. It is recommended to move the floss up and down along the surface and under the gum tissue. This way flossing cleans plaque from both the outer and inner surfaces of your teeth and also beneath the gum tissue.

Flossing and Oral Health
There are a large number of bacteria naturally occurring in our mouth. These bacteria create toxic products which is linked to tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing and brushing altogether prevents the development of tartar by removing plaque while it is still soft.

Bacteria in the mouth tend to break them down into sulfur compounds responsible for bad breath. Flossing allows you to go under the gum tissue to reach the areas where bacteria colonizes. So, when it comes to eliminating bad breath, flossing acts as a viable solution.

Patients having poorly controlled sugar level are susceptible to oral infections. This happens because glucose present in our saliva induces the growth of harmful bacteria in our mouth. People having Type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop gingivitis. Therefore, it is required to floss regularly and neutralize the effect of diabetes.

Flossing Protects Your Gums Too
Flossing plays a vital role in maintaining great oral hygiene. The place where the gums and teeth meet are where flossing plays its major role. Plaque in these areas get harder and accrete over time to form tartar. However, floss gets into the space between teeth and gums to remove much of the food and plaque that a toothbrush can’t move.

When you first start flossing, your gums might bleed a little. Do not panic. This is normal when you just start flossing. After a few weeks, bleeding will stop. Additionally, getting regular checkups with professional dental cleaning and fluoride treatment will help you take care of your smile.

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Dental Tips for Older People

Oral care is critical for any age. As we get older, dental hygiene becomes even more critical.  According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 17% of seniors aged above 65 suffer with periodontal disease.

To prevent losing your natural teeth and prevent gum disease and decay, here are few dental tips for older people:

Start by Practicing Proper Dental Care
This is quite obvious yet neglected. Brushing and flossing is of utmost importance, when it comes to taking care of your teeth. Brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste is what American Dental Association also recommends. Brushing for 2-3 minutes on both the upper and lower teeth is extremely effective.

Brushing for too long is not an issue. The issue is about applying too much pressure that leads to abrasion of the enamel and the gum tissue, thereby leading to tooth sensitivity. Dentists often recommend using non-dominant hand to brush.

Analyze Your Toothbrush
Toothbrush must be replaced within a certain period of time. If you have been using the same brand and style of toothbrush since long, it’s time to replace it. With so many toothbrush types available in the market, it becomes important to choose the right one for your teeth. Ask your dental professional what type of toothbrush you should be using during years of senior living.

The ADA recommends replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months or sooner if the bristles are frayed. If the bacteria on teeth resides after eating, it could lead to serious problems like Gingivitis.

ADA also recommends flossing your teeth on a daily basis. It is the most effective tooth for cleaning tight spaces between your teeth. Other alternatives to the same are Waterpiik or oral pulsating irrigator but it is not as effective as floss. Dental floss holder and disposable floss picks are yet another brilliant choices to opt.

Get Rid of Tobacco
Compared to non smokers, smokers have twice the risk of gum disease. Smoking not only weakens your immune system but also makes it harder to fight off a gum infection. The longer and frequent one smokes, the greater the risk of periodontal disease. At a severe stage, treatments may not work as well for people who smoke, therefore it is suggested to quit smoking and look for a professional expert who can help you towards an improved oral health.

Watch Out for Dry Mouth
As one gets older, they may experience changes to their body. One of them is a dry mouth. Talk to your dentist about the medications you are taking. There are times when taking excessive medications lead to dry mouth.

Other than this, you can chew sugar free gum and drink more water to get rid of dry mouth.

Visit Your Dentist
Last but not the least, visiting your dentist is one ideal solution that turns out to be effective in the long run. Visiting your dentist every 6 months helps, therefore, we recommend getting one.

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Dental care

Why Teeth Fall Out

Also known as dental avulsion, teeth fall out is one of the most serious dental emergencies that occurs due to multiple reasons. If your tooth falls out, there is a possibility that it can be reimplanted back in your gum. However, you need to see your dentist as soon as possible to eliminate the hassle related to teeth fall out. Delay in seeing the dentist could multiply the chances, so it is advisable to follow these simple tips that can help to preserve your tooth.

To increase your chances of a successful re implantation, you need to:

  • Find your tooth and pick it up by the crown.
  • Put it back in your mouth directly inside the socket. It might slip right easily, however, you need to ensure that it is facing the exact direction.
  • Hold it in place with a cloth.
  • To rinse off your teeth, use either saliva or milk. Water does not help to preserve the tooth well.
  • Do not clean your teeth with a soap or scrub.
  • If you are not able to put your tooth in your mouth, store it in milk until you get to the dentist’s office.

Your dentist will further analyze your gum, clean the area with water and attempt to re-implant your tooth. The only risk is that patients may get an infection in their socket or gum.

Reasons Why Teeth Fall Out
Teeth fall out occur due to multiple reasons. Some can be avoided and some cannot.

Gum Disease
Also known as periodontitis, gum disease involves infection of the gums which is usually caused by poor dental hygiene habits. Gum disease develops when brushing and flossing fails to remove the plaque. Plaque has bacteria that sticks to the teeth and hardens over time. This gets severe and can only be removed with the help of a dental professional.

This hardened plaque, is a tartar deposit that causes gums to pull away teeth, creating gaps that later become infected. Over the time, this process breaks down the bone and tissue supporting the teeth. This causes teeth to become loose.

Other signs of gum disease results in the form of:

  • Tender, red and painful gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Gum recession
  • Changes in the way teeth adjust together

The only solution to this is early detection and treatment.

Osteoporosis causes the bones to become weaken and porous. It affects the spine, hips and wrists and also damages the bones in jaw that support teeth. If jaw becomes less dense, teeth may loosen and fall out.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there is a possible link between bone loss and increased risk of gum disease. There are certain medications that are used to treat osteoporosis. These medications include a drug named bisphosphonates that treats bone loss, but eventually leads to loose teeth. In severe cases, treatment like tooth extraction can work.

The increased level of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy affects the bone and tissues in the mouth. Pregnant ladies are advised to have dental checkups, cleanings and X-rays. Owing to a possible link between gum disease and premature birth, pregnant ladies are encouraged to see dentists regularly.

Treatment Options for a Loose Tooth

  • Mouth rinses and other medications that helps to combat the bacteria in the mouth.
  • Oral surgery that removes inflamed gum tissue and bone damaged by gum disease.
  • Bone grafts help to rebuild bone loss to gum disease.
  • Gum grafts also prevent further gum loss in people with gum disease.
  • Dental bridge and dental implant are ideal and reliable treatment choices for a loose tooth.

Tooth loss can be disturbing, however, sometimes it can be saved if the problem is detected early. So, go ahead and take a step towards tooth restoration by consulting your dentist today.

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How to Choose the Best Dentist

When looking for a new dentist, you must look forward to someone who can just clean your teeth. Just like the other parts of your body, oral health is also something that should not be ignored. In order to keep your oral health consistent, it is important to choose the best dentist who can provide the best dental recommendations along with professional assistance. This article mentions the most important steps that can guide you to find the best dentist near me.

Ask for Recommendations
The first thing that you must take into consideration before searching for the best dentist is asking for recommendations. It might be very helpful for you. Based on other’s experiences, you will be able to make your decision about the dentist you are going to start your treatment with.

Do Your Research
When it comes to finding information related to product or service, technology is the first point of contact. A quick search will help to pull the best dental offices in your area. Check for customer reviews to find out how past customers’ experienced panned out. Avoid offices that don’t have reviews or have low star ratings.

Look for Comprehensive Care
You want a dentist who can offer your family all the treatments you require. When choosing a dentist, look for the one who is good at offering comprehensive care for your family, including cosmetic, orthodontic and general dentistry.

Look for a Dentist Who Is Able to Handle Emergency Visits
Choose a dentist who is professionally acclaimed for taking care of dental emergencies. Dental emergencies can happen anytime. You need to understand how to reach your dentist for emergencies that occur outside office and what will happen in case of an emergency.

Use of Technology
Advancement in dentistry has helped dentists come up with innovative and modern dentistry procedures that offer quick and reliable results. A dentist who is highly experienced but is not using the modern technology will not be able to provide you the best treatment. Therefore, look for a dentist who is well-versed in using the latest dental procedures.

Keeping all the above points while choosing a dentist for yourself will help you in getting a better treatment for your problems. Going to a dentist who is not experienced will only complicate the problems. Therefore, it is important to be wise while selecting your dentist.

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Poor Oral Health Linked to 75% Increase of This Deadly Cancer


The latest study is preceded by research, albeit limited research, that has linked oral health and different kinds of cancer.

A  massive new UK study uncovered an unsettling link between poor oral health and an increased risk for liver cancer.

“Poor oral health has been associated with the risk of several chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes,” commented Dr. Haydée WT Jordão, who is the lead author of the study. “However, there is inconsistent evidence on the association between poor oral health and specific types of gastrointestinal cancers, which is what our research aimed to examine.”

The new report pulls from brain imaging and genomic data from 475,766 people over a six-year study period. Analyzing self-reported cases of bleeding and painful gums, loose teeth and mouth ulcers, the researchers enacted an investigation of the correlation between these conditions and risks for gastrointestinal cancers, namely liver cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. The study found zero notable associations with dental hygiene in all but one of the gastrointestinal cancers observed in the report.

The pervasion of  hepatobiliary cancer

More than 800,000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer a year worldwide, making it one of the leading causes of death. Direct causes of hepatobiliary cancers are seldom able to be determined resolutely. Typically its development is factored by several underlying causes.

The latest study is preceded by research, albeit limited research, that has linked oral health and different kinds of cancer. A U.S study published back in 2017 found that women with a history of gum disease experienced a greater risk for tumors in the esophagus and in their breasts.  Another independently conducted study observed a link between oral health and the development of pancreatic cancer in African American women.

Young people, women, individuals living in impoverished areas, and people that consumed less than two portions of fruits and vegetables a day evidenced the highest cases of poor oral health in the latest study conducted by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast. Although a high-risk increase was uncovered as a result of poor oral health, the researchers can only speculate as to why at the moment. Leading conjecture looks to the ever-perplexing gut microbiome.  Since the liver is responsible for exterminating several harmful bacteria in the human body, it makes sense that bacteria could conversely play a role in inflicting prolonged damage to the body, in the event of the organ becoming compromised.

“One bacteria, Fusobacterium nucleatum, originates in the oral cavity but its role in liver cancer is unclear. Further studies investigating the microbiome and liver cancer are therefore warranted,”Jordão explained.

Another theory surmises that people with missing teeth, consume softer less nutritious foods to compensate, which ultimately makes the liver venerable to cell mutations.  As it stands, of the 469, 628 participants studied,  4,069 developed gastrointestinal cancer during the six-year follow up,  Thirteen percent of these expressed poor oral health at the start of the study period.  More research needs to be conducted to support a causal influence behind the findings intimated in the United European Gastroenterology Journal

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Pediatric Dental Tips for Your Child

Pediatric Dental Tips for Your Child
At Crosby Family Dental, your kids and their dental health is in safe hands. Crosby Pediatric Dentist offer specialized care for children of all ages. From newborns and toddlers to children into their teens up to eighteen. They understand the concerns related to dental fear and help your child get rid of dental fear and anxiety. Dental anxiety usually begins during childhood and if not treated timely, it can worsen. This is the reason a child’s first dental visit is extremely important. Not only does it sets the stage for future visits but also prepares your child for oral hygiene habits at an early age.

We focus on preventive care to help each child grow a healthy smile that will last a lifetime. Appropriate dental care is required to prevent the formation of plaque that may lead to serious dental issues. Listed below are some common pediatric dental tips that you must follow:

Teeth Cleaning
Primary teeth began as early as 4 months. It is recommended to clean your baby’s teeth with a soft, clean cloth. When your child has more than one tooth already erupted, brush it using a soft-bristled toothbrush. While brushing, use adequate amount of toothpaste that does not taste strong for them.

Parents must replace their child’s toothbrush every 2-3 month of use and inculcate the habit of brushing their own teeth. Also, teach your children to brush their teeth after eating sweets or taking medicines.

Dental Sealants
It is used as filler to protect your teeth from having tooth decay. It should be applied as soon as the tooth erupts. It helps in ensuring possible space for plaque to be sealed.

Dental Flossing and Mouthwash
It helps in removing plaque in between the teeth. Parents should start helping children floss their teeth. Children especially at the age of 6 must be taught to floss especially after having a meal. This is essential to remove plaque in between teeth.

Mouth washing is necessary to avoid unpleasant breath and formation of plaque. It is recommended for children aged 7 and above. They must opt for alcohol-free mouthwashes ages 7 and above, and they must opt alcohol-free mouthwash.

Dental Treatments
There are a large number of dental procedures designed appropriately for certain dental issues. If tooth is misaligned, braces and retainers are recommended. In case of dental injuries or trauma, oral surgery is recommended to fix the formation of teeth, jaw alignment and other mouth structures.

At Crosby Family Dental, we look forward to helping you create a smile that is healthy, beautiful and everlasting. Schedule an appointment for your child today with our dentists.

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How Dentures Affect Speech

Wearing dentures can initially impact your speech which is a proven fact. However, in the later stages, your new denture will help you effectively communicate without affecting speech. With dentures fitted in for the first time, you may find difficulty pronouncing some words. But, this is something prevalent. There is definitely an adjustment required but once you have mastered the art, you will be able to enunciate with your dentures in.

The total time required to get comfortable with your dentures is around 10-14 days. If this does not happen, there could be multiple reasons behind the same:

Dentures Are Loose in Your Mouth
Sometimes dentures slip out while talking. This is a sign that your denture is poorly fitted. Other than this, if patients keep on using their tongue to adjust the denture in position, they won’t be able to focus on what they are saying. There is also difficulty in pronouncing words which leads to lack of confidence.

Dentures Don’t Fit Comfortably
If your dentures are not designed properly, they may not fit comfortably in your mouth. Similarly, if they are tightly fitted, their thickness might affect the speech. Dentures should be sized properly and be secure inside your mouth.

Using Wrong Size Dentures
If your dentures aren’t custom made for your mouth, teeth might be too short or too long. This creates obstacles for your tongue to position properly. This also results in soreness in your jaws after eating. It also brings discomfort to your mouth.

Signs That Your Dentures Require Adjustment
There is a lot of patience required when it comes to being comfortable with your new dentures. However, there are a few signals that you may come across indicating your denture need to be readjusted.

  • Speech that is not easy to understand
  • Soreness in mouth
  • Bite misalignment
  • Trouble in eating or speaking

What Causes Change to a Denture’s Fit
A denture that fails to fit optimally turns out to be challenging for an individual’s speech. It can be both uncomfortable and embarrassing. With the passing age, the shape of our mouth also changes due to shrinkage of bones and thickness of gum tissue. These changes are expected when natural teeth are no longer present. With the bone and gum level declining, a denture may start becoming loose and too large for the mouth.

If you are also struggling to speak with your new dentures, get in touch with our dentists. Contact our team today to get the best results after wearing dentures.

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Why Is Flossing Good for Your Teeth

Flossing is something every dentist recommends to prevent plaque build-up and dental decay. The findings presented by American Association for Cancer Research also states that flossing regularly and visiting the dentist is linked to lower risk of oral cancer. The study presented a survey with questions about how often patients flossed, how often they went to the dentist or how active they were if they smoked or drank alcohol.

It was also reported that people who flossed less than once a day had an increased risk of developing non-HPV oral cancer than the ones who flossed regularly. In short, poor oral hygiene was linked to increased non-HPV oral cancer risk. The researchers also concluded that oral microbe plays an important role in linking oral hygiene and cancer risk.

The Importance of Flossing
Owing to these studies conducted in the past, the importance of flossing for oral health should not be neglected:

The objective of flossing is to remove plaque from the surface of teeth, especially between two teeth. The spaces between the teeth is too less. It becomes impossible for a toothbrush to reach in between. Regular use of floss also makes your teeth look brighter.

When the plaque is left unclean, it occupies the space between the teeth. This releases bad smell inside the mouth. Plaque is the only reason for bad smell. Gum disease and tooth decay caused by dental plaque are sources of bad breath.

Patients with diabetes are often found with swollen gums. This is evidently a symptom of gum disease and can be caused if you keep neglecting your oral health.

Along with flossing if you also start brushing, it could turn out to be even more effective. Brushing your teeth after flossing is the best way because it removes all the rough and sticky things in between. Flossing also offers better results to mouthwashes. Using mouthwash after brushing and flossing is also quite effective for dental care.

Flossing after eating
Flossing after a meal can also help promote good dental hygiene habits. It also makes your mouth cleaner. No matter what type of diet you are following, you can keep your mouth and teeth clean by following the right oral health habits.

Flossing is only effective if you do it correctly. If you have trouble flossing, visit us. Our dentist will help you show the right way to floss.

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How Dentures Boost Confidence

Dentures go a long way in restoring one’s natural smile. Not only they prove effective in maintaining a healthy, glowing, and bright smile but also have a positive impact in restoring natural aesthetics. It also boosts confidence to speak or smile in front of other people.

Dentures can help you boost confidence in the following ways:

Allowing You to Speak Clearly
With a missing tooth, it often becomes difficult to speak clearly. However, if you wear dentures the right way, it will help to fill those gaps and improve your ability to speak. Initially, when you start wearing dentures, there might be some sort of discomfort to get used to your new teeth. Our dentists also suggest you to practice tricky words in front of the mirror. With the passing of time, you will see your speech and pronunciation improving.

You Can Eat Well
Missing, broken, or damaged teeth can prevent you from eating your favorite food. But, dentures allow you to eat anything of your choice. There are a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to eating with dentures. So, you must first start by biting and chewing small portions of soft food. Avoid food that is difficult to chew during the initial stages. It is also recommended to chew from both sides of the mouth to make sure that you get used to new dentures.

Get a Healthier Smile
Missing teeth not only affect your jawbone and facial structure but also deteriorates your smile. Dentures replace your teeth and also prevent further jawbone loss. This imparts a healthy mouth along with a brightening smile.

Improve Your Appearance and Self-Esteem
Dentures that are well-fitted and properly positioned make you look and feel natural. It also supports your facial structure and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. This way they keep you youthful for longer and bring a positive impact on your self-esteem.

To get the best results with dentures, you can get in touch with our dentists. They will help you with all your denture needs. A smile needs to be taken care of because it is a crucial aspect of one’s personality. Our orthodontist can help resolve all the complex issues you have. Whether it’s about the fit or daily wear, our dentist can get it all done right for you. Just tell us your needs and see how confidently you can enjoy your smile using dentures. They look so natural to give you the smile you have always craved for.

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How Dentures Are Fitted

Gone are the days when denture was considered to be an ill-fitting and ugly option for people who could not take proper care of their teeth. However, with the changing times, we can see a dramatic change in dentistry and dental treatments. The quality, design, and functionality of modern dentures make them a reliable choice when it comes to supporting the structure of your mouth and maintaining a great oral health. Modern dentures available these days eliminate the hassle that comes with maintenance. They are easy to carry and take exceptionally good care of your teeth.

When wearing dentures for the first time, you will definitely experience discomfort for a few days. This is just for the first few days. Once you get accustomed, you will forget you are even wearing them. Patients also may feel soreness in the beginning. Along with it, difficulty in chewing and speaking is also something that might make you feel uncomfortable.

There is a time period of getting used to dentures. If you still feel discomfort after wearing dentures for a certain time period, your denture might not be fitting properly.

A Poorly Fitted Denture Slips: If your denture slips while eating, laughing or talking even after a certain time period, you might need an adjustment.

Pain: In the beginning, it is normal to experience some pain and soreness with new dentures. However, in the long run, it should go away. If it does not, you must see your dentist very soon.

Sores: Denture sores are quite common but this shall not continue for a longer time period after you have had your dentures for several months.

If a denture is fitted properly, it will ensure comfort and also eliminate biting and other issues that deteriorate your overall dental health. Our dentist and other technicians can work together to give you a comfortable and quick service. Our dentists will help you determine which denture is best for you and show you how to properly care for your dentures and mouth at home.

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Dental care

What happens if you don’t visit your dentist regularly

Getting your teeth supervised every six months is the right technique to check for tooth decay, mouth cancer and other ailments. However, patients who are already preyed upon with poor oral health issues or other genetic disorders must opt for a regular inspection of their teeth. Generally, the idea of getting oral health checkups go unnoticed by patients. The reasons for the same could be an over-occupied lifestyle or lack of understanding.

There are times when patients do not realize if anything is wrong with their teeth and having this assumption in mind, they choose not to visit their dentist. However, practicing this is definitely a bad idea when it comes to potentially maintaining your oral health.

Listed below is something that our dentists have to say on skipping regular dental checkup:

What Happens If You Skip Dental Checkup

In 6 Months
Development is cavities is quite often during this period. Tooth decay often leads to holes which gradually starts expanding over time. In addition to monitoring tooth health, these checkups are useful to detect early signs of oral cancer. Therefore, people who smoke and drink quite often should definitely opt for dental checkups in 5-6 months.

1 Year
Not seeing your dentist for a year could increase chances of gum disease. The symptoms of gum disease are painful, bleeding and swelling gums. Tooth loss and painful inflammation is experienced in the latter stages if gum disease is left untreated. Our dentist recommends brushing less to avoid the discomfort. If patients keep on brushing regularly, the problem will even get worse.

2 Years
In 2 years of time, a cavity which was once developed in 6 months and not cured may need a root canal. Root canal might require several visits and can turn out to be painful. People who already have had dental implants in the past would start to fail. So, this is the stage when a patient’s oral health could be getting even more serious.

With the information given above, it is very clear that if we take our oral health for granted, it might deteriorate quickly. So, consult a dentist as soon as possible to save your teeth from such alarming issues that eventually affect the entire health.

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What is the difference between teeth whitening and teeth bleaching

Teeth whitening and teeth bleaching, the two are quite different, however, often confused as the same. There are a lot of people who might be using the two words interchangeably. FDA defines both of them as:

Teeth Whitening: It is the process of whitening teeth back to their natural color. There are many toothpastes that are often advertised as “teeth whitening” because they contain abrasives that help in removing stains from teeth. Teeth whitening toothpaste does not have chemicals that bleach your teeth.

Teeth Bleaching: This process is referred to whitening teeth beyond the natural color so that they look whiter than normal. Bleaching is done via gel or strips that is applied to the teeth. Bleaching can be done at home or in the dental office.

Why Choose Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening is done with the objective of getting whiter and brighter teeth. This procedure removes stains caused by red wine, coffee, smoking, and exposure to food and plaque for a lifetime. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure but it does not yield any specific health benefit.

No matter how badly stained your teeth are, but they can be completely healthy unless they are kept free from plaque and tartar. This method is safe to perform but if patients are suffering from tooth sensitivity or a damaged enamel, it might not be a good option.

Why Choose Teeth Bleaching?
Regardless of the process or type of bleaching you choose, teeth bleaching improves appearance by offering cleaner smile that is attractive. People tend to be more beautiful or handsome with an improved appearance.

Teeth bleaching works by using hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the bleaching agent. These chemicals penetrate your teeth and remove surface staining as well as deeper discoloration in the enamel. When patients come to us for teeth bleaching, our dentists take moulds of their teeth to create custom-fit trays. These trays help to ensure that the chemical covers your teeth and protects your gums from exposure.

No matter what treatment you opt for whitening your teeth, always remember to brush and floss. Connect with our dentists today to see maximum results.

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Top Reasons to Get Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening is an effective way to lighten the natural color of teeth without removing any of the surfaces. This process lightens the existing shade without making a complete color change. Professional teeth whitening service is an ultimate way to bring back your bright and radiant smile.

Why Teeth Whitening Is Worth It?

The most obvious reason to go ahead and get your teeth whitened is to remove stains from your teeth. Stains build up on teeth from wine, sodas, coffee and eating food that accumulates stains on your teeth. Smoking is also one of the reasons that cause staining. Other than this, toothpaste and mouth rinses also promise whiter teeth but they don’t do the job wonderfully compared to teeth whitening. There are other whitening products that can remove stains and give that brighter smile you always want.

With the passing age, your tooth enamel may get worn down. This makes it easier for oral health problems or tooth discoloration to occur. Teeth whitening can help you look younger and flash that beautiful smile for years.

With teeth whitening treatment, you will be able to improve your oral hygiene habits too. Once you have a teeth whitening treatment done, you won’t be able to see stained teeth again. Additionally, you can also keep practicing right brushing and flossing habits to make sure you have a white and bright smile.

Stained yellow teeth can leave you feel embarrassed about your smile. People often try to hide their smile or avoid smiling with yellow and stained teeth. After having done with a teeth whitening treatment, you can enjoy enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence.

When it comes to making a favorable impression, white teeth function majestic. So, whether it’s your first date or a job interview, a white and bright smile gives you the instant confidence boost.

Teeth whitening reduces the risk of sensitivity. So, after the treatment, the risk of developing long-term sensitivity are relatively low.


Patients who are already suffering from issues like teeth sensitivity, gum recession, cavities or decalcification must consult their dentists first. Teeth whitening may not work the right way for patients suffering from such issues.

Before aiming for a brighter smile, you should know what you are going for. If the reason for teeth staining is coffee, tea or wine, you can benefit from stain removal. However, for teeth yellowing due to age, trauma or poor diet, intrinsic whitening would be the right pick.

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How Braces Straighten Teeth

When it comes to straightening teeth, braces have been doing great since yesteryears. However, we also can’t ignore the fact that we have better options coming up but the beauty of braces lie in accommodating to the needs of each person. Be it for teenager, adults or children, braces suit each of them.

Braces apply a constant pressure on your teeth to move them at the correct position. This is done for an extended time period. By the time, the shape of the jaw gradually adapts to conform to this pressure. The overall process takes 1-2 hours to get the braces installed. The process is painless, however, you may still experience soreness for the few days.

Bracket Fixing

Once your teeth are clean and dry, our dentist will apply ceramic, plastic or stainless steel braces (as chosen by you) to the teeth using glue. The process can cause slight discomfort but it is completely pain-free. Braces make it possible to apply pressure evenly to your teeth. Their constitution makes them highly durable. They are connected and surrounded by wires made of steel, titanium or copper titanium.

Elastic bands, also known as ligatures are placed around the brackets. They add pressure to your jaw.

Spacers are designed from rubber bands or metal rings. Our dentist will place them between your molars during the appointment. They function to put your jaw forward by making space at the back of your mouth. They also make room for your braces if the back of the mouth is too tight to adjust properly.

Spacers are not required for everyone. They are used for a week or two.

Buccal Tube
These are metal parts attached to your molars. This tube anchors the other parts of braces together at the back of your mouth. Our dentist then tightens the different part of braces.

They are designed to connect the brackets on your teeth. It helps to apply pressure to your teeth to get them back in proper place.

Headgear is not used much. It is worn only at night. It is a band that is attached to your braces to put extra pressure on teeth.

Springs that are coiled are placed on the archwire of braces. They apply constant pressure between two of your teeth and press them apart to create some space.

Key Takeaways!
Braces function by exerting pressure on the jawline. This is how it works to change any kind of deformities associated with your smile. With straight teeth and properly aligned jaw, you will not only be able to improve your smile but also overall health.

Let our experts take care of your smile by scheduling an appointment with us today.

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How Cosmetic Dentist Offers a Natural Smile

Whether it’s a simple tooth whitening or a comprehensive smile makeover, cosmetic dentistry services include aesthetic treatment to give you a natural and attractive smile. The cosmetic dentistry market is flourishing.

Procedures That Are Considered Cosmetic
Cosmetic teeth whitening is such a well-known treatment service that can make a huge difference in your overall appearance. Our dentists can remodel the look of your teeth by using veneers and crowns. Dental procedures covered under cosmetic dentistry are:

  • Bonding
  • Braces
  • Invisalign®
  • Lumineers®
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic dental bonding is a single day restoration procedure that offers patients an economical solution. Our dentists use the same tooth-colored filling restoration. It is a putty-like composite resin that is matched to your teeth’s natural color. The composite is directly applied to the tooth. This tooth-colored resin is shaped to correct chipped or cracked tooth. Once it is positioned, we use a curing light that hardens the composite in position. The last step includes polishing and sealing the filling.

Professional teeth whitening promises brighter smiles by treating tooth stains. Staining is caused by bad eating and drinking habits. However, with teeth whitening, you can get superior results quickly in one visit. It is a non-invasive and cost-effective way to improve your smile.

Cosmetic dentists also help patients who are looking forward to having straighter and better-aligned teeth. Gone are the days when people used to wear braces. Now patients opt for Invisalign braces over their traditional metal counterparts.

Invisalign treatment works by applying gentle but constant pressure directly on the patient’s teeth to position it aesthetically. These trays are effective but invisible. Patients are required to visit our office to receive new trays as the teeth continue to shift into their permanent yet desirable location. Invisalign is loved because it is easily removable and requires an easier time maintaining proper oral hygiene. They are transparent and allow patients to enjoy eating their favorite food without worrying about tearing off metal braces.

Porcelain veneers are for patients who want a smile that looks whiter and brighter. Designed from thin pieces of porcelain, they are affixed in front of the teeth to offer amazing results. The treatment process takes 2-3 visits to complete. Porcelain veneers are an excellent option for improving your smile because the color and translucence of porcelain is a perfect match for the natural appearance of tooth enamel. Since porcelain is stain resistant, it will allow your smile to stay bright for several years. We suggest veneers to patients who are troubled with large gaps between your teeth, correct slightly crooked teeth and restore teeth that are broken, chipped or fractured.

Cosmetic dentistry services offer various options for people who are unhappy with their smile. Schedule a consultation at our dental office to learn about the various types of cosmetic treatment offered and experience the best one for yourself.

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Why Isn’t Invisalign Right for Everyone

Invisalign clear aligners are being preferred over traditional braces by an increasing number of teens and adults. There are multiple reasons people have been choosing orthodontic treatment options for correcting bites and other related dental issues. The fact that aligners are transparent makes them an attractive option. Patients wearing Invisalign also enjoy brushing, flossing, and eating without taking the aligners out. Even though it looks Invisalign could work on anyone, this orthodontic treatment is not always the right choice for certain patients.

How to Know Whether You Are the Right Candidate for Invisalign

Invisalign is a perfect choice for teens or adults who wish to correct bite but do not like the idea of wearing traditional metal braces. However, it is definitely not for children or adults with severely crooked teeth or neuromuscular bite issues.

It is also good for patients who do not want to get themselves troubled when it comes to cleaning their teeth.

What Invisalign Can’t Do
The effectiveness of Invisalign is limited. When compared to traditional braces, Invisalign does not offer your orthodontist a greater control over tooth movements. Invisalign also fails to treat severe cases of malocclusions. It is also not useful for correcting issues like:

Severely rotated teeth: Teeth that are rotated from the normal position more than 20 degrees including the molars and lower eyeteeth.

Severely tipped teeth: Teeth that are angled more than 45 degrees from the normal ones.

Huge spaces between teeth: It includes all tooth gaps combined total more than 6mm per arch.

Other issues include severe deep overbite, skeletally-based malocclusion, open bites, and other cases where the extraction of teeth is required.

When you choose us for consultation, our dentists will do a thorough examination to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign or not. Our dentists use the most current orthodontic treatment available that allows them to serve your unique needs in the most effective way possible.

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Why Choose Invisalign

Having a perfect smile is something every one of us dreams about. However, there are many of us who do not feel comfortable about wearing braces. All thanks to the advancement in dentistry which has offered options like Invisalign. Invisalign gives you straight teeth without the hassle of braces.

Invisalign uses clear aligners to fix crowding, bite imperfections, and spacing issues. If you’re considering getting braces, check out these reasons why you should choose Invisalign instead.

Invisalign Offers Extra Comfort
Invisalign aligners are way more comfortable than braces because unlike braces it does not involve sharp edges. Also, you don’t have to get Invisalign positioned tightly. Instead, your dentist might give you multiple sets that can be changed in 2 weeks. Each aligner is slightly adjusted from the previous one and a minor tightness lasts only a day or two after placing a new set.

Virtually Invisible
Traditional braces offer an unattractive appearance. This is one major reason patients switch to Invisalign. Nobody would want to hide their smile inside the metal braces. Invisalign offers the same result as braces without being unpleasant to the eyes. Invisalign aligners are designed of clear plastic so they are hardly noticeable.

No Food Restrictions
After getting braces, patients are often advised not to eat certain foods or chew gum. However, some patients do not follow and end up damaging their brackets. Since Invisalign aligners can easily be taken off, you are allowed to eat whatever you like without having to worry about damaging them.

No Discoloration
Patients with braces complain about discoloration of their teeth in the areas brackets were in. This usually happens when a patient takes a lot of sugar or staining foods. Though the chances of getting teeth discoloration are quite low, you can still avoid it by opting Invisalign. Since Invisalign is not mounted to your teeth, you can very easily clean it thoroughly.

Easy to Clean
Maintaining your oral hygiene is much easier with Invisalign. The chaos related to brushing and flossing gets eliminated with Invisalign since there are no wires or brackets attached.

Apart from the functional reasons mentioned above, Invisalign is also used for cosmetic purposes. Invisalign is a perfect pick for correcting several orthodontic issues like overbite, underbite, missing teeth, crooked teeth and so on. We would request you to schedule an appointment with us today. Our orthodontists will help you identify whether you are the right candidate for Invisalign or not.

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Alzheimer’s Disease and Periodontitis

Alzheimer’s which has been suspected to be more of a degenerative disease has a direct link to periodontitis. “Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease or an infection of the tissues that support teeth”, says the American Dental Association (ADA). Gum disease is a common dental health condition where the gums become infected due to deposition of tartar on the teeth. It can be prevented by brushing and flossing regularly to get rid of plaque. However, when left untreated, the inflammation can become chronic and start to cause disease in other areas of your body.

Reported by the CNN, “The bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis, known as Pg, causes the gum infection chronic periodontitis, causing chronic inflammation and potential loss of teeth.” A research was conducted by Dr. Stephen Dominy and Casey Lynch, the originator of Cortexyme, a renowned pharmaceutical firm. The researchers went a step ahead and conducted the same test on mice and found that it led to brain colonization of the bacteria and increase in amyloid beta (Aβ), another major marker of Alzheimer’s disease.

Porphyromonas gingivalis is one of the major causes of gum disease and tooth loss in humans and has also been associated with artery damage.

These findings are taken from the latest edition of journal Science Advances. Tests on mice confirmed that the bacteria travels from the mouth to the brain and gives rise to a toxic protein, called gingipain, which has a crucial role in destroying brain neurons.

Alzheimer usually affects people aged 60 and over. It is more likely to occur if your mouth and gums are diseased. As per the studies stated above, there is a long-term evidence that periodontal (gum) disease may increase the risk of cognitive dysfunction associated with Alzheimer’s. Not everyone who suffers from gum disease develops Alzheimer’s disease and not all who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease have gum disease. So, you don’t need to panic and as we say there is always a room for improvement, you can anytime reverse the situation from getting worse by regular brushing, flossing and dental cleanings.

As reported by the BBC News, currently there is no cure or effective treatment. However, keeping your oral health maintained is the only way to prevent gum disease. The important things you can do to maintain your oral health are:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day
  • Flossing your teeth regularly once a day
  • Routine checkup with your dentist
  • Taking a balanced diet which is low in sugar, acid

It simply indicates that taking care of your teeth and gums is equally important at any age. Regardless of having been diagnosed with periodontal disease or not, you must offer regular and continuous visits to your dentist. A consistent and effective oral hygiene plays another important role in keeping your oral health maintained for long.

These healthy choices will help you reduce or eliminate the occurrence of periodontal disease. Use products like fluoride, dental sealants, mouth rinses or gels that help reduce tooth decay. Researches say that getting a regular professional dental cleaning and x-ray is also an important step in maintaining great oral health.

Gum disease is more likely to be treated when caught early. Since it does not show or produces any symptoms, it is important to keep up with regular dental cleanings and X-ray. Scheduling an oral cancer screening with us would be the right way to start. Our dentists will help discover the early onset of gum disease. Contact us today to set up an appointment for your next dental checkup!

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Dental care

How Dental Implants Function

Dental implants come up as the ultimate substitute to a missing or damaged teeth. They allow you to eat, laugh, talk the way your real teeth does. In addition to being a reliable tooth restoration option, they also function as the strongest tooth replacement option. In dental implants, tooth is held via a titanium implant post. The process is known as osseointegration. By providing a natural fit, dental implants are successful in eliminating the gaps between teeth. Titanium along with the bone forms a strong foundation for your artificial teeth.

The process
Dental implant placement can be categorized into 2 phases. In the first phase, a small titanium is gently anchored in the patient’s jawbone that recreates a natural tooth. The implants are placed beneath the surface of gum and gradually bond with jawbone for a certain time period after the surgery. During this time, patients are allowed to take soft diet. In the second phase, another piece called “abutment” is attached to the posts. Crown, bridgework and fixed denture is finally cemented to the abutment.

Implants also function great to support dentures, thereby holding in place securely while eating, speaking or other oral activities.

Dental implants have redefined the way people talk, eat or smile. The advantages offered by them are:

  1. They help in creating a natural-looking smile.
  2. Function and feel like natural teeth.
  3. Quite comfortable and do not require any specialized care.
  4. Taking care of dental implants is the same as natural teeth. It also requires brushing, flossing, and regular checkups.
  5. Dental implants are entirely functional. Patients need not experience pain or any kind of discomfort with dentures.
  6. They allow patients to speak with confidence.

Dental implants accurately mimic tooth appearance and function. If you are looking to get one for yourself, contact our Crosby Dental Office TX today.

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Dental care

What Type of Denture Is Right for You

Dental advancements over the past few years have made it easier to replace a missing teeth. The best part is that there is an availability of multiple options that can be customized to suit the patient’s needs. Dentures emerge as an ultimate solution to replace lost teeth and gift you with an attractive smile. There are different types of dentures available, but finding out the right one for yourself is equally important to maintaining great oral health. Let us introduce you to the different types of dentures that are available nowadays:

Immediate dentures
Immediate dentures are placed on the same day when the teeth are removed or extracted. They are worn temporarily and make it possible to smile, talk, and chew normally at that point of time.

Custom dentures
Custom dentures offer a more natural-looking smile. The denture is customized according to your needs, so you will have a natural smile that suits your needs.

Implant-supported dentures
Implant-supported dentures are attached to implants in the jawbone and extend outwards from the gums. Dentists surgically fit these implants in one or two visits. Implant-supported dentures are quite stable than other types of dentures, especially in the lower jaw. Their placement is usually at the front of jaw. This type of denture provides extra strength, and support that allows it to stay securely in place.

Snap-in dentures
Stability is the USP of snap-in dentures. They are positioned securely in place with the help of dental implants. Their uniqueness lies in the locator attachments that are embedded within the tissue side of the denture. They are used by patients who do not have a teeth but have enough bone to support an implant.

Partial dentures
Partial dentures fill the gap when only a few teeth are missing. They can be attached to the natural teeth in multiple ways, the most common one is using metal clasps that grip natural teeth. Partial dentures can also be attached to the crowns on natural teeth. Crowns improve the fit of partial dentures.

Finding the right fit for yourself
Other than just considering the cost factor, it is important to emphasize on the functionality of each type of denture. The ease of speaking, eating, comfort, and fit varies for each denture. Custom dentures require some practice for eating and speaking before one becomes accustomed to using them.

It is advisable to start with eating soft food first. Patients may also find difficulty in speaking, but it improves later with time. Patients are recommended to wear dentures overnight to identify the areas of the mouth that are most irritated. Taking care of dentures is another important factor to maintain its durability in the long run.

If you still have doubts, you can schedule an appointment today with Our dentists, who can help you decide which type of denture is best for you, assess your oral health, and determine the right age for denture placement.

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Dental care

What Are The Advantages Of Dental Benefits

People often take a rain check every time they plan to make an appointment with Crosby Dental Office TX. However, skipping on dental checkups could make a bad situation worse. Therefore, dentists often recommend getting an oral health routine checkup. So, if you are also one of those who have been missing out on their oral health checkup due to unspecified reasons, dental benefits could be an immediate solution.

So, what dental benefits exactly mean?

Every dental insurance provider allocates specific benefits that must be used before the year ends. Every year on January 1, all those benefits reset. Patients who fail to take advantage of their dental benefits due to some or the other reason, lose them before the year ends.

The importance of using dental benefits

Your dental insurance provider allocates a specific sum of money every year to help with any kind of dental procedure you may opt for. By taking care of the remaining dental work by the end of the year, you will have a greater scope of not having to go out of your budget.

By blocking your dental services, you could also not be meeting your yearly deductibles.

Dental problems worsen with the passing time. So, if you don’t act sooner than later, your dental health will eventually be at risk. So, if you have a root canal, chipped tooth or dental crown and you avoid taking precaution in the initial stages, your issues might get worse with time. Eventually, the cost factor will also get affected and the expenses may go higher. However, on using your dental benefits, you will get an extra advantage over the cost and treatment.

Dental plans cover most of the dentistry services like X-ray, oral examination, crowns, root canal treatment, extractions, dental sealants, tooth cleaning, fluoride treatment, gum disease, anesthesia, dental emergency, consultation and so on.

Dental benefits are aimed at offering a healthy and glowing smile and cover the cost of dental care. They help you save money.

So, if you are still pondering how and when to schedule your next checkup with the physician, it’s the right time to make use of your dental benefits. Your yearly dental benefits will cost you as low as possible on pockets, yet offering best-in-class dental health checkup.

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Dental care

Tooth Extraction: What All Can You Expect

We all know how scary and traumatic losing a tooth can be. However, if a lost, broken or decayed tooth is unable to get fixed with dental fillings, root canal or other treatment, a dental extraction procedure something that comes into the picture. Tooth extractions also play an important role when your primary teeth fail to fall out on their own and wisdom teeth get impacted. Dental extraction is the process of removing teeth that are visible in the mouth. Surgical tooth extractions have proven to be quite complex as they involve making an incision into the gum tissue.

How to make yourself prepare
Our dentists will start by performing x-rays. A full panoramic x-ray is conducted to identify the position of all internal structures that could be affected by the surgery. Based on your medical conditions, our dentists will recommend antibiotics to be taken before or after the surgery. It is advisable not to smoke on the day of surgery. Also, keep your dentist informed if you are sick with gastrointestinal disorders or cold. Keep a note of following these pre-surgery instructions carefully.

Pain management during surgery
Some dentists go for a simple extraction process using a local anesthetic. For patients who are anxious or nervous, oral sedation is generally recommended. Surgical extractions may require general anesthesia or deep sedation. If the pain is still observed during the process, it is advisable to inform your dentist about the same.

What to expect after the surgery
Patients are seen experiencing mild discomfort. Our dentist recommends taking pain medications. Some patients have also reported bleeding. Use ice packs to relieve pain and swelling. Using a straw is not recommended at least within the first 24 hours of the extraction process. This eventually shifts the fresh blood clot and results in a painful condition, also known as dry socket. Use of medicated dressing help relieve dry socket symptoms.

When is a tooth extraction helpful?
There are situations where tooth extraction may be highly useful. Some of them are:

  1. A tooth that is severely damaged via decay or trauma can no longer be repaired using restorative procedures. A damaged tooth result in unbearable pain which is only resolved using dental extraction process.
  2. If you have a crowded mouth, your dentist may pull out teeth to ensure proper alignment of teeth when they no longer fit well inside the mouth.
  3. Wisdom tooth must be removed if they exhibit an abnormal growth or if it’s impacted.
  4. Tooth infection results when tooth decay extends to the pulp area. When bacteria reach the pulp area, infection may worsen. In this scenario, tooth extraction or RCT (Root Canal Treatment) is the only solution that comes in handy. It helps to prevent the spread of infection.
  5. Gum disease causes infection in the gums, tissues, and bones that surround the teeth. To prevent the condition from getting worsened, tooth extraction is generally recommended.
  6. Tooth extraction is also recommended for aesthetic purpose. Some individuals opt for tooth extraction to remove unattractive-looking teeth.

If you are experiencing symptoms of toothache, it’s definitely something to talk about. Our dentists recommend a quick treatment to prevent possible complications and save your smile. Get in touch with us today to experience pain-free treatment.

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Dental care

The Bitter Consequences Of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss has some serious consequences. A lost or missing tooth could be detrimental not only the way you look but also the functionality of your smile. By not replacing a missing tooth, you will be at a risk of developing additional and severe dental issues that interfere with your daily life.

The loss of teeth has several hidden consequences. Let’s explore:

Loss of Bone
Not replacing a lost or missing tooth is a major cause of jaw bone loss. Teeth play an important role in supporting the jaw bone. It also helps to support muscle health. If a tooth is lost or missing, the jaw bone is no longer stimulated. Similarly, the unused muscle can become atrophied. Dental implants have screws that fuse with the jaw bone and offers maximum strength and support. This process is known as osseointegration and its objective is to support the jaw bone.

Biting Issues
Missing teeth results in biting irregularities which further impacts the health of remaining teeth, head, neck, jaw muscles and jaw joint. Missing teeth also leads to shifting of teeth that eventually impacts how your teeth come together upon biting.

An improper bite leads to various other issues like headache, muscle pain, tooth loss, sensitivity and so on. For getting rid of biting issues, consult our Orthodontists today who will help you correct your bite.

Struggle in Chewing
Our teeth are completely relied upon for tearing and grinding. Depending on the location of your missing teeth, you may come across difficulty in eating your favorite food. If you miss a front tooth, you will not be able to break off bites. Failure to chew eventually impacts digestion and result in problems like acid reflux.

So, if you wish to avoid such nuisance, it is advisable to replace missing teeth.

Changes in Speech
Speech is an unconscious and autonomous activity. Any alteration in mouth, teeth, tongue or jaw will cause a disturbance in verbal communication.

Hampers Facial Aesthetics
Missing teeth not only diminishes your ability to bite and chew properly but also impacts your facial aesthetics. Dental implants are the right solution using which patients can restore the structure and shape of their tooth. By keeping the jaw bone strong and healthy, dental implants help patients get a smile customized to their individual preferences.

The best options available for a missing tooth are partial or fixed dentures, removable partial dentures, and dental implants. However, the most appropriate one for you will depend on a variety of factors that you need to discuss with your Crosby Dentist TX.

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Dental care

How To Choose The Right Toothbrush For Yourself

Having the right toothbrush can make a huge difference to your overall oral health. Well, it can be difficult to decide the right toothbrush. However, if you have the right tips in hand, things become a cakewalk.

Go for a toothbrush with soft bristles
“Using a toothbrush with rounded and soft bristles is recommended.”– The Canadian Dental Association. The movement should also be taken in view. Going gently and soft is the right move. Brushing too hard on your teeth leads to teeth sensitivity. So, be intelligent while selecting the right toothbrush for your teeth.

The right size also matter
When it comes to caring for your toddler’s teeth, go for a size that fits well inside their mouth. Select a toothbrush that has smaller heads. Let your kids choose a toothbrush with fun colors and graphics. It will help create interest in them. Keeping the process fun will help in developing good brushing habit in your little one. Also, make sure to replace their teeth in every 2-3 months. If your children are more hard on their brushes, change their toothbrush possibly more often. This is how you will help them build up a rewarding oral care routine.

Find the right toothbrush head
The toothbrush’s head shape is an important factor to consider. Make sure that the bristles of your toothbrush reach comfortably the back of molars. Practice brushing and flossing in front of the mirror. This is also the right way to check that your toothbrush head is reaching all the corners. If it fails to do so, swap it with a better one.

Disposable or Electric?
Whether you choose a manual or powered toothbrush, the intent should be to reduce plaque build-up and keeps your gum healthy. The best teeth cleaning experience is something we all look up to. Don’t we? So, whether you choose a disposable toothbrush or an electric one, it should be easy to use.

Electronic toothbrushes are quite convenient. Here also you should go for the smallest head size. They help in cleaning the teeth more considerably. On the other hand, a powered toothbrush also does a great job of cleaning teeth wonderfully.

A soft electric toothbrush is a perfect choice for people who wear braces. Patients using an electric toothbrush have seen a significant improvement in plaque reduction.

When it comes to choosing the right toothbrush, you must start with a extra soft-bristled brush. This protects your enamels and gums in the long run. So, always go for a size that is comfortable for your mouth. Happy brushing!

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Dental care

4 Hidden Truths About Your Kids’ Braces

At first, the idea of putting braces might sound interesting to your kids but when they see what their playmates have to go through, their response to a dentist visit is a big “NOO!!” Unfortunately saying “No” to things or people we don’t like is often not the case in real life. Dental braces are also one of those areas in which saying “No” is definitely not going to work out.

So, if you, as a parent is finding difficult to convince your child to choose braces, we are here to help. Listed below are some of the findings we have discovered about braces for kids. This might help you convince them that braces are an ideal choice to go.

Braces aren’t just for looks
Patients generally opt for orthodontics because of its aesthetic value. However, this is not the only reason why dentists recommend orthodontic treatment. Braces or orthodontic treatment is generally recommended for correction of irregularities of teeth, bite, and jaws.

It also works wonder to improve a patient’s bite and the way teeth are placed and fitted together. Preventing gum disease, tooth pain and tooth decay is another great functionality of kid’s braces. Some other areas where orthodontic braces can help are, bite and jaw alignment, over-crowded teeth, traumatic bite, missing teeth, incorrectly erupting teeth and so on.

Experiment with different types

Orthodontic braces for kids are available in 3 types.

Braces: They use brackets and an arch wire to align the teeth. This is also referred to “training” the teeth. The arch wire connects each bracket that is attached to each tooth. It is further adjusted by the orthodontist. Dental braces are made from metal and other ceramic materials.

Headgear: Headgear is used to correct jaw development issues. It also includes overbites and underbites. Your child might be suffering from head gear alone or in combination with teeth braces. This improves the teeth and jaw alignment.

Retainers: As the name suggests, retainers are used to prevent the teeth from reverting to its original shape. Retainers should be worn only when your kid is sleeping. They can be worn until adulthood. These can also be used to correct the positioning of jaw bone.

Your little one is no longer afraid to smile
Having a straighter and healthier smile will make your little introvert become an extrovert overnight. A beautiful smile is not just about pleasing others but it is also something that should make you feel good about yourself. A boost of self-confidence will make his smile look like a wide-open laugh. Colored brackets also make dental braces popular amongst kids.

Orthodontic is now much easier

As your little one starts growing, their bone also gets stronger. During the young years, their jaw bones are soft in comparison to adult jaw bones. This makes moving teeth quite easier and comfortable than it is for adults.

Our pediatricians also want to help get your kids onboard with kids’ braces. Our past expertise says that kids who get their teeth and bite straightened at a young age see a boost in their confidence level. So, if this is something you also want your children to have, let us cooperate with you. Schedule an examination today and we will help you with a custom treatment plan that fits your child’s needs.

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Dental care

Oral Cancer Screening: Understanding The Basics

Before understanding the entire terminology, we first need to identify what oral cancer is. Also referred to as “oral cavity cancer”, oral cancer is related to the mouth. It occurs inside the areas of the mouth, i.e. cheeks, lips, tongue, gums, and hard palate. However, cancers found on the soft palate (back-top of mouth) and throat are not involved in oral cancer. Oral cancer is diagnosed more in men than women and it has a strong link with tobacco chewing or smoking. Some other causes of oral cancer include a poor diet, alcohol consumption, viral infection or family history of oral cancer.

The disease is diagnosed more in Americans. The death rate for this type of cancer is particularly high because it is discovered late in its development. Most of the times patients start noticing it in the later stages due to the fact that they may not be experiencing any kind of pain or symptom. This brings “oral cancer screening” into the limelight.

What Is Oral Cancer Screening?
Early diagnosis is the only way to reduce oral cancer-related death. Regular screening is the best way to identify signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer screening is a precautionary measure that is taken during a dental examination to check for the signs of oral cancer.

It identifies abnormalities and signs of cancer in the earlier stages. Cancer screenings are aimed at looking for the signs of cancer even before it shows up. In its earliest stage, the disease is more curable. By catching the symptoms earlier, you can improve your chances of survival, while also minimizing the side-effects that are associated with other cancer treatments.

How Is An Oral Cancer Screening Performed?
We encourage you to take an oral cancer screening today to get a definitive diagnosis. Our dentists start with analyzing the face and neck for swelling. They also analyze the painful areas along with white/red patches on the oral tissues and neck. Early detected abnormal tissue can be easily treated before symptoms appear. In most of the cases, symptoms appear, once cancer starts spreading.

The entire process takes only a few minutes and is completely non-invasive and pain-free. Some of the symptoms that are generally analyzed during the screening process are:

  • Lumps or bumps in soft tissue
  • Hardening of lymph nodes
  • Discoloration of soft tissue
  • Changes in the texture of soft tissues
  • Sore throat

What Are The Advantages Of Oral Cancer Screening?
We are here to help you identify and prevent this disease by offering oral cancer screenings at our office. There are various benefits to this screening. The most important ones are:

  1. It is a simple and easy procedure and can be performed during your regular dental examination.
  2. Owing to its early detection technique, the procedure makes it easier to catch the signs of disease at early stages of development. Oral cancer screening is, therefore, a life-saving therapy that multiplies your chances of curing oral cancer.
  3. Oral cancer screening is fairly priced in comparison to other techniques. This means it is economical to opt for.

To schedule your oral cancer screening with us, call today.

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Dental care

What is Smile Makeover

One of the best things you can do to improve your smile is visiting your dentist at least twice a year. Whether it is a routine examination or cleaning, these days, dentists utilize the latest technology to fix all your smile related issues. Whether you are looking for minor changes or a complete smile makeover, everything is possible with the latest dental cosmetic procedure. Cosmetic treatments like smile makeover are easily accessible and are designed to enhance your smile.

The use of dentistry procedure like teeth whitening, restorations, veneers, crowns, and implants is used to improve smiles in a smile makeover. Depending on the type of changes you are looking for, Crosby Dentist TX may recommend one or a combination of the below given dental procedures.

Cosmetic crowns are used to prevent issues like cracks, discoloration, and cavities.

Porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers are a great alternative to teeth whitening. They look like real and natural teeth and can actually make your teeth straightened, whitened, thereby giving you a confident smile. They also resist permanent stains of coffee, caffeine and tobacco chewing. Their durability is much longer which makes them an apt choice amongst patients.

Teeth whitening
Teeth whitening is a form of dentistry offering a quick and non-invasive way to offer an enhanced smile. Teeth whitening services result into a substantial improvement in the brightness and whiteness of a patient’s smile.

Dental bonding
In this procedure, a resin paste is used to resolve imperfections and improve the appearance of your smile.

Dental implants
Dental implants work great for patients who are annoyed with missing, damaged or crooked teeth. Teeth that are infected due to damage or decay can easily be corrected using modern dental implant treatment.

Conventional braces or Invisalign is used to straighten teeth and address biting or chewing problems.

Benefits of Smile Makeover:
Your smile is the most noticeable feature on your face and it is quite impossible to make your presence felt without a perfect smile. Smile makeover allows you to boost self-esteem and well-being. By feeling happier about your appearance, you will appear more confident, less stressful and emotionally capable.

The risks related to worn-down, weak or lose teeth also reduces and teeth becomes easier to maintain an clean. Gum decay is also prevented. Lesser risk of infection will eventually form properly aligned teeth. A better bite pattern is also assured, thereby allowing you to chew comfortably without worrying about the future damage to your teeth.

Would you like to know more about smile makeover procedures? Give us a call today and explore how we can help you achieve a smile that you have been craving for always.

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