Crosby Family Dental

14270 FM 2100 Rd, Crosby, TX 77532


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Emergency Dental Care For Children: What Parents Should Know

As parents, we always want the best for our children, including their dental health. However, accidents and emergencies can happen, and knowing how to handle them is crucial. In this article, we’ll discuss what parents should know about emergency dental care for children to ensure their little smiles stay bright and healthy.

Common Dental Emergencies

Children are active and curious, making them prone to accidents that can result in dental emergencies. Here are some common situations parents might encounter:

  • Knocked-Out Tooth: A knocked-out tooth is a common childhood injury. Whether it’s due to a fall, a sports mishap, or any other reason, it requires immediate attention.
  • Chipped or Broken Tooth: Children may chip or break a tooth while playing or due to a fall.
  • Toothache: Severe toothaches can be debilitating for children and are usually a sign of an underlying issue that needs immediate attention.
  • Object Stuck Between Teeth: Sometimes, children may get an object stuck between their teeth, causing pain or discomfort.
  • Bleeding Gums: If your child’s gums are bleeding excessively, it could be a sign of an injury or an underlying dental problem.

Immediate Steps to Take for Emergency Dental Care

When faced with a dental emergency involving your child, it’s essential to stay calm and take immediate action. Here’s what you should do in various situations:

Knocked-Out Tooth:

  • Retrieve the tooth by holding it by the crown (the top part) and not the root.
  • Rinse it gently with water if it’s dirty, but do not scrub or remove any attached tissue.

Chipped or Broken Tooth:

  • Save any broken fragments.
  • Rinse the child’s mouth and the broken pieces with warm water.
  • Control bleeding by applying gentle pressure to the area with a clean cloth.
  • Seek dental care immediately to determine the extent of the injury and any necessary treatment.


  • Rinse the child’s mouth with warm water.
  • Floss gently to ensure there are no food particles causing the pain.
  • Avoid placing aspirin or other pain relievers directly on the tooth or gums, as this can damage the tissues.
  • Contact a dentist for a thorough examination to identify the cause of the pain.

Object Stuck Between Teeth:

  • Gently try to remove the object with dental floss. Avoid using sharp or pointed objects.
  • If the object cannot be removed, contact a dentist for assistance.

Bleeding Gums:

  • Rinse the child’s mouth with warm water.
  • Use clean gauze or a cloth to apply gentle pressure to the bleeding area.
  • If bleeding continues, contact a dentist to rule out any serious issues.

When to Contact a Dentist

While parents can take immediate steps to address dental emergencies, it’s crucial to contact a dentist for professional care and guidance. Dental professionals have the knowledge and tools to assess the situation and provide the appropriate emergency dental care. Here are some instances where you should contact a dentist:

  • Any dental injury, even if it appears minor, to rule out potential hidden damage.
  • If your child’s tooth has been knocked out, prompt re-implantation is essential for a higher chance of saving the tooth.
  • If a chipped or broken tooth has exposed the pulp (the inner part), it can lead to pain and infection.
  • If your child experiences severe or persistent toothache, it could be a sign of an underlying issue like an infection.
  • If an object is stuck between your child’s teeth and cannot be removed easily.
  • If your child’s gums continue to bleed excessively.


Dental emergencies involving children can be distressing, but being prepared and knowing how to react is essential. By taking immediate action and seeking professional emergency dental care, you can ensure that your child’s dental health is well-preserved. Remember, accidents happen, but being informed and proactive can make all the difference in protecting your child’s precious smile.