Crosby Family Dental

14270 FM 2100 Rd, Crosby, TX 77532
Dental care

Diet And Nutrition Tips For Healing Cracked Mouth Corners

Taking care of your mouth, especially when dealing with cracked corners, can be painful and challenging. It’s important to consider nutrient deficiencies, as well as factors like weather and fungal infections that may exacerbate the condition. This article discusses the role of diet, nutrition, and overall oral health in addressing cracked mouth corners and emphasizes the importance of consulting a dentist for advice, particularly in the Crosby, TX area.

Method 1: Applying Topical Treatments at Home

  • Petroleum Jelly: Applying a small amount of petroleum jelly from a clean, fresh jar to the cracked corners of your mouth can help relieve discomfort. It acts as a barrier between your skin and saliva, preventing excessive wetness and subsequent drying.
  • Coconut Oil: Another option is to use coconut oil to hydrate the affected area. Apply a small amount of liquid or solid coconut oil to the cracked corners of your mouth. Like petroleum jelly, coconut oil can help heal oral fissures affordably.

Method 2: Using Dietary Changes to Promote Healing

  • Increase Iron Intake: Iron deficiency is a common underlying issue that can lead to cracks in the corners of your mouth. Boosting your iron intake through dietary changes can help prevent and speed up the healing of these cracks.
  • Include Vitamin B-rich foods: Vitamin B plays a crucial role in healing underlying infections and promoting skin repair. If you have cracked mouth corners, increasing your consumption of foods rich in vitamin B can be beneficial.

Method 3: Seeking Medical Attention

  • Visit a Doctor: If your symptoms are severe or home remedies aren’t providing relief, it’s advisable to see a doctor. If the cracks in the corners of your mouth don’t improve within a week or if you experience severe symptoms such as burning, intense lip discomfort, or the presence of red or purple spots, seek medical attention. Not all cases of cracked mouth corners can be treated effectively at home.
  • Antifungal Cream for Yeast Infections: If yeast is the cause of your mouth corner cracks, your doctor may prescribe an antifungal cream or recommend an over-the-counter option. Follow the dosage and frequency instructions on the label or any additional guidance provided by your doctor.
  • Topical Steroid Cream for Bacterial Infections: For bacterial fissures, your doctor may suggest a topical steroid cream. In more severe cases, a prescription-strength steroid cream may be prescribed. In moderate cases, over-the-counter hydrocortisone steroid cream may be recommended.

Method 4: Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits

  • Consistent oral hygiene practices are crucial for both preventing and treating cracked mouth corners. Regularly flossing, using a mild antiseptic mouthwash, and brushing your tongue can help eliminate bacteria and prevent infections. Ensure you clean and replace your toothbrush regularly to prevent bacterial growth.

Method 5: Use a Humidifier and Stay Hydrated

  • Dehydration can contribute to dry, cracked skin, including the corners of your mouth. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day is essential for proper hydration. Additionally, using a humidifier in your living or sleeping space can help maintain moisture in the air, preventing excessive dryness that can worsen cracks in the corners of your mouth.


Dealing with cracked mouth corners, possibly due to nutrient deficiencies, can be uncomfortable. Factors like weather and fungal infections can exacerbate the condition. Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet is crucial for healing. 

Home remedies like petroleum jelly or coconut oil can provide protection and hydration. Increasing iron and vitamin B intake can address underlying issues and aid in recovery. If symptoms are severe or home treatments are ineffective, seeking medical advice is recommended. 

Doctors may prescribe antifungal or steroid creams based on the diagnosis. A holistic approach that combines home care, dietary changes, and medical guidance can promote oral health and facilitate healing.

Dental care

What Are The Warning Signs Of A Root Canal Infection?

Root canals are not something many people look forward to. The procedure is generally painless and very common. The fear and mystery surrounding this treatment can be alleviated by understanding what it entails and its warning signs.

Infected or badly decayed teeth are treated with root canals to restore and save them. Endodontics is another name for this treatment.  Once bacteria infect the pulp tissue inside the tooth’s chamber, a root canal infection can worsen quickly.

Therefore, this makes treating the condition more important. So, if you are wondering what a root canal is and how to spot it in the early stages then you have stumbled on the right article!

What happens to teeth if you have a root canal infection? 

Before jumping onto the warning signs it is vital to understand what happens to your teeth if you are suffering from Endodontics. There are a number of parts that make up the tooth structure.

It is the crown that appears in the mouth, while the root is the part that holds the tooth in place and extends into the jaw. Hence, when pulp tissue, or the blood supply, is damaged, bacteria multiply within the pulp chambers and canals causing root infection. 

Leaving an infection untreated can result in swelling that may spread to other areas of the neck, face, or head, along with an abscess.

What are some common signs of a root canal infection? 

Now that you know how endodontics affects the teeth let us see some of the common signs of the same: 

  • Pain and Inflammation at the Gum Line: Mouth inflammation can result from an endodontic infection. Sore gums and red gums can be caused by the same. However, irritation and swelling typically affect the area around the infected tooth, meaning they do not affect the entire area.
  • Discoloration (a darkening) of the tooth: An infected tooth may appear darker, or even yellow than usual. Root canal tissue becomes dark brown when infected, changing the look of the teeth. So, if you notice any change in your tooth color along with pain and terseness it can be a warning sign of endodontics. 
  • Heat or cold sensitivity or pain: Recurring pain and sensitivity in teeth is the sign that the patient might have to undergo medical care or a proper root canal infection treatment. In addition, if the pain is high and you are facing issues with the bite you must visit your dentist immediately.  Furthermore, you can also experience sensitivity to cold and hot foods and drinks as a starting sign of an endodontic issue. 
  • Bad breath: People with endodontic infections suffer from chronic bad breath. If you continue to have bad breath despite brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash it may be caused by an infection. An unpleasant odor is produced by the bacteria that cause root canal infections. Because of this, patients often experience bad mouth taste. It can become even worse if an abscess forms.

If you see any of the above-mentioned being persistent you must visit your dentist as soon as possible. The procedure usually takes two visits and is generally considered not to be any more uncomfortable than a filling since an anesthetic is used by the dentist before the procedure. 

An antibiotic course may be recommended by the dentist before the week preceding the root canal if there is already an abscess. In this way, dentists can then perform root canal treatment under anesthesia.

Therefore, visiting your dentist as early as possible will save you from further infections and tooth loss.

Dental care

The Cost of Dental Sealants: Is It Worth The Investment?

Preventive measures are vital for maintaining optimal dental health, which in turn affects overall health. Dental sealants are one such preventive tool, designed to shield teeth from decay and cavities. However, there’s often uncertainty regarding the cost-effectiveness of dental sealants.

In this article, we’ll explore dental sealants, the factors influencing their cost, and whether investing in this preventive dental procedure or opting for dental insurance coverage, is worthwhile.

Understanding Dental Sealants:

Dental sealants are thin protective coatings applied primarily to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars. By doing so, they form a barrier, preventing food and plaque from reaching the tooth enamel, thereby protecting against decay.

Benefits of Dental Sealants:

  • Dental sealants significantly reduce the risk of decay when applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth.
  • Compared to the cost of treating a cavity, dental sealants emerge as a cost-effective preventive measure.
  • The application of dental sealants is pain-free, requiring no anesthesia or drilling.
  • The procedure is quick, and often completed during a routine dental checkup.
  • Dental sealants benefit individuals of all ages, not just children.
  • With proper care, they can offer protection for several years.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Dental Sealants:

  • Geographic location can influence the cost, with prices varying based on local living standards and the availability of dental care.
  • The expertise and experience of the dental professional can also affect the cost.
  • The type of sealant material chosen can influence the price.
  • The number of teeth requiring sealants will impact the overall cost.
  • Dental insurance may cover a portion or the entirety of the cost, reducing out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Some dentists offer discount plans or packages to make dental sealants more affordable.

Cost vs. Benefits Analysis:

When evaluating the worth of dental sealants, consider the following:

  • Dental fillings, the standard treatment for cavities, can be more expensive than preventive sealants.
  • Dental sealants offer long-term savings by preventing decay for extended periods. Their cost-effectiveness becomes evident when viewed as an investment in long-term oral health.
  • Dental sealants are a proven preventive measure against tooth decay.
  • Preventing cavities not only saves money but also avoids the inconvenience and potential discomfort of invasive dental procedures.
  • Dental sealants preserve the natural aesthetics of teeth.

Accessibility and Affordability of Sealants:

The decision to opt for dental sealants depends on various factors, including the accessibility and cost of dental care in a particular region. For individuals with limited access to dental care or those on a tight budget, sealants can be a valuable and affordable preventive option.

Insurance Coverage:

Many dental insurance policies cover sealant procedures for children and may offer partial coverage for adults. Reviewing your insurance policy can provide clarity on potential costs.

Consultation with a Dentist:

Before deciding on dental sealants, consult a dentist or dental professional. They can provide tailored advice based on your dental health and budget.

Maintaining Dental Sealants:

For longevity, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Maintain a routine of brushing with fluoride toothpaste and daily flossing.
  • Limit the consumption of sugary and acidic foods and drinks, as they can promote decay.
  • Regular dental checkups allow the dentist to assess the condition of your sealants and make necessary adjustments.
  • Monitor your sealants and consult your dentist if you have concerns.

In Summary:

Dental sealants offer a preventive measure against cavities, potentially saving money and preserving the health of teeth for an extended period. It’s essential to weigh the benefits of dental sealants against the cost and potential discomfort of treating cavities. Before making a decision, consider your oral health goals, budget, and access to dental care. If in doubt, consult a dentist for guidance.


Dental care

Why Is Early Detection of Oral Cancer Important?

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been significant, leading to the suspension of routine dental care in March 2020. Many dental offices limited their services to phone consultations and remote triaging, resulting in longer waiting times for patients.

This reduced capacity in dental clinics due to new operating procedures highlights the importance of oral cancer screening and early detection, as discussed in this article.

Risk Factors Associated with Oral Cancer

While oral cancer is a significant health concern, many cases are preventable. Smoking and alcohol use are the primary risk factors associated with oral cancer and are present in 90% of cases. The first step in assessing a patient’s risk of oral cancer should involve identifying their specific risk factors. 

This information, combined with considerations such as caries, periodontal health, and tooth wear risk, can help determine an appropriate recall interval for follow-up.

Importance of Oral Cancer Screening

Ninety percent of oral cancer cases are squamous cell carcinomas, with the tongue being the most commonly affected site, followed by the tonsils, floor of the mouth, lower lip, and lateral borders of the tongue. Routine dental examinations should include a thorough screening for oral cancer, as potentially malignant changes in the oral cavity often precede the development of oral cancer. 

In addition to a visual and tactile examination of the oral mucosa, a comprehensive risk assessment should be conducted, including questions about the patient’s alcohol and tobacco use.

A systematic approach is crucial during oral cancer screenings to ensure that all relevant areas are examined accurately. Dentists can create their own screening protocol as long as it covers all essential regions.

Key areas to examine during oral cancer screenings include:

  • Buccal mucosa
  • Lateral borders of the tongue
  • Dorsal and ventral surfaces of the tongue
  • Lips and vestibule
  • Hard and soft palate
  • Lymph nodes
  • Gingivae
  • Oropharynx

Signs and Symptoms

Leukoplakia and erythroplakia are the first clinically noticeable abnormalities that may indicate a potentially malignant condition. Leukoplakia appears as a white plaque with variable risk, and other potential causes should be ruled out before treatment. 

Erythroplakia is a red lesion with a high propensity for malignancy, and it cannot be clinically or pathologically associated with another condition.

Signs that warrant an immediate referral for further evaluation (two-week wait) include:

  • Ulceration or unexplained swelling in the oral cavity lasting more than three weeks
  • Red, white, or mixed red and white patches in the oral mucosa indicative of erythroplakia or erythroleukoplakia lasting more than three weeks
  • Pain or difficulty swallowing lasting more than three weeks
  • Sore throat lasting more than three weeks
  • Hoarseness persisting for more than three weeks
  • Unexplained tooth movement not related to periodontal disease
  • Numbness or nerve injury of unknown origin


Early detection of oral cancer is crucial to improving treatment outcomes. Given that alcohol and smoking account for 90% of cases, dental professionals should assess each patient’s risk during routine examinations. 

A systematic approach, along with comprehensive screenings covering essential regions such as the tongue, lips, and oral mucosa, is essential for detecting potentially malignant conditions. Clinically noticeable abnormalities like leukoplakia and erythroplakia warrant immediate referral for further evaluation. 

Dental practitioners play a crucial role in raising awareness, educating patients about associated risks, and participating in awareness campaigns. Prioritizing oral cancer screenings can enhance early intervention and preventive efforts, ultimately safeguarding oral health.

Dental care

The Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Routine dental exams are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and overall health. It is crucial to find a local dentist to address your dental needs. This article will highlight the benefits of regular dental check-ups and the significance of preventive dentistry. By following these guidelines, you can achieve and maintain a healthy smile.

Understanding Dental Check-Ups

Dental check-ups are vital to prevent oral disorders. These examinations help detect and prevent issues such as oral cancer, gum disease, and tooth decay. Access to high-quality dental care is available to everyone through a vast network of dental facilities and professionals.

Benefits of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular dental check-ups offer various benefits for oral health. They aid in the prevention and early detection of dental problems, preventing their progression. Comprehensive dental exams can help avoid mouth infections, gum disease, and cavities, preserving your smile’s health.

Professional dental cleanings effectively remove stubborn plaque and tartar, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Routine dental appointments improve gum health, reduce gum inflammation, and help prevent conditions like gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Overall Health Benefits

The impact of good dental health extends beyond oral hygiene and influences overall health. Scientific research has established links between oral health and conditions such as respiratory infections, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene can help reduce these risks and enhance overall health.

Studies suggest a possible connection between heart issues and gum disease. Regular dental check-ups and oral care can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Individuals with diabetes can also benefit significantly from dental treatment, as maintaining dental health aids in blood sugar control. The interrelationship between diabetes and gum disease underscores the importance of regular dental examinations for diabetes management.

Aesthetic Benefits and Cosmetic Enhancement

Regular dental check-ups offer not only health benefits but also aesthetic advantages. Dental cleanings play a vital role in maintaining a whiter and brighter smile by removing discoloration and surface stains. Addressing issues like bad breath during these check-ups can boost confidence and improve social interactions, leaving you with fresher breath.

Value of Preventive Dentistry

Preventive dentistry is of utmost importance in the dental field. Regular check-ups can help individuals avoid complex and expensive dental procedures. Preventive care reduces the risk of costly dental surgeries and ensures ongoing oral health. Public awareness initiatives and government efforts emphasize the significance of preventive dentistry and work toward making dental care accessible to all.

Dental Check-Ups with Dentist Near Crosby, TX

Dental check-ups with Crosby Family Dental near Crosby, TX, offer excellent care from experienced professionals. Our dental facility provides comprehensive oral exams, advanced treatments, and preventive care. Whether you require routine check-ups or specialized dental services, our top dentist near Crosby, TX, can take care of your oral health. Trust our expertise and schedule your dental examination for a confident and healthy smile.


Regular dental check-ups offer a range of unexpected benefits that extend beyond oral health to enhance overall well-being. By prioritizing preventive dentistry, finding a local dentist, and scheduling regular check-ups, individuals can protect their smiles and avoid complex and costly treatments. Regular dental examinations are a proactive step toward a healthier and happier you. Take control of your oral health and schedule a dental check-up today to embark on the path to ideal oral well-being.

Dental care

Can An Orthodontist Fix A Crooked Smile?

A misaligned smile can impact not only your appearance but also your confidence and overall dental health. Fortunately, modern orthodontics offers effective solutions to straighten and enhance uneven teeth. With accessible orthodontic treatments, individuals can correct their crooked smiles and enjoy long-lasting results.

Understanding Crooked Smiles

Various factors can contribute to a misaligned smile, including genetics, jaw abnormalities, or early habits like thumb-sucking. Aside from affecting appearance, misaligned teeth can lead to practical issues such as uneven tooth wear, an increased risk of gum disease, and challenges in cleaning between teeth.

The Solution for a Crooked Smile: Orthodontics

Orthodontics, a specialized branch of dentistry, focuses on diagnosing, preventing, and treating misaligned teeth and jaws. Orthodontic professionals use a range of tools and techniques to straighten teeth, align bites, and improve overall oral health.

Assessment of the Situation

The first step in straightening a crooked smile is a comprehensive orthodontic evaluation. During this assessment, the orthodontist examines the patient’s jaw structure, facial profile, and teeth. X-rays, photographs, and impressions may be taken to fully understand the misalignment and determine the most suitable treatment approach.

Orthodontic Treatment Options

Several popular orthodontic treatment options are available:

  • Traditional Braces: Conventional braces consist of metal brackets attached to each tooth, connected by wires, and secured with bands. This time-tested orthodontic method effectively addresses various levels of misalignment and provides precise control over tooth movement.
  • Clear Aligners: Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, have gained popularity due to their discreet and removable nature. These custom-made transparent plastic trays gradually shift the teeth into their correct positions. Clear aligners are especially appealing to individuals seeking a less noticeable alternative to braces.
  • Ceramic Braces: Ceramic braces use tooth-colored or clear brackets and wires, making them less conspicuous than traditional braces. This option offers the aesthetic appeal of braces without compromising their effectiveness.
  • Lingual Braces: Lingual braces are virtually invisible when placed on the inner surface of the teeth. They provide the accuracy of traditional braces while offering a discreet treatment option for those who prefer it.

The Treatment Process

The orthodontic treatment process for a crooked smile typically includes the following steps:

  • Initial Consultation: The orthodontist conducts a thorough examination, discusses available treatment options, and addresses any questions or concerns during the initial appointment.
  • Treatment Planning: Based on the assessment results, the orthodontist develops a personalized treatment plan outlining the recommended course of action and the expected timeframe for completion.
  • Appliance Placement: Depending on the chosen treatment plan, the patient’s teeth are fitted with braces or clear aligners. This involves attaching brackets to each tooth and threading wires through them for traditional braces. Custom sets of clear aligners are provided to gradually reposition the teeth.
  • Regular Adjustments: Regular appointments with the orthodontist are essential during treatment. These visits allow for adjustments to braces or aligners, ensuring consistent progress toward the desired outcomes.
  • Completion and Retention: Once the teeth are properly aligned, the orthodontist removes the braces or clear aligners. To prevent relapse, a retainer may be recommended. Retainers help maintain the new alignment while the surrounding tissues adapt.


A crooked smile doesn’t have to be a permanent condition. Thanks to advancements in orthodontic treatments, individuals seeking Orthodontics in Crosby, TX, can now enjoy the numerous benefits of a straighter, healthier smile at Crosby Family Dental. The first step in transforming a crooked smile into a confident and radiant symbol of oral health and well-being is to consult with an experienced orthodontist, whether you choose clear aligners, traditional braces, or another orthodontic solution.