Crosby Family Dental

14270 FM 2100 Rd, Crosby, TX 77532
Dental care

What Are The Benefits of Braces Besides Straight Teeth?

An attractive smile can make you more approachable, trustworthy, and successful, according to several studies. In addition to straighter, healthier teeth, braces also have several lesser-known advantages that go beyond their cosmetic value.

Understanding how braces work is essential to understanding the many benefits they offer. Your jawline can also be reshaped by wearing braces as dissolving bone is replaced by new bone growth.

In this blog, you will learn about the benefits of braces and how they affect your overall health. With the help of braces, the teeth can be supported in their straightened positions better and elevate your look. The most effective method of straightening teeth is with braces, and with this blog, you will understand other benefits it offers.

  1. Improved Oral Health

The best way to maintain good dental hygiene is to brush and floss thoroughly daily. But it may be tricky if your teeth are crooked, crowded, or overlapping. Bacteria and plaque thrive in these conditions and cause difficulty in maintaining hygiene.

Using braces can correct overcrowding and crooked teeth. By doing this, you can maintain good dental hygiene and avoid dental problems.

  1. Improved Digestion

The pain of chewing due to tooth or jaw pain can lead to people avoiding certain healthy foods. The digestive system can also be adversely affected by this inability to chew properly.

Misaligned teeth slow down the digestion process because they have trouble breaking down food properly. The teeth begin grinding food when chewing, which is why it is an essential part of the digestive process. If teeth are aligned right, digestion can be improved.

  1. Better Chewing

Incorrectly aligned teeth and jaws can lead to difficulty in chewing and biting food. When left untreated, this can result in excessive wear and tear on the teeth and also weaken the jaw. In addition to causing pain and irritation, this may worsen existing conditions.

Additionally, misaligned teeth interfere with chewing effectively and negatively affect your digestive system, causing food to pass through more slowly and ineffectively.

  1. Better Bone Structure

When tartar and plaque build-up is present between misaligned teeth and along the gum line, the jawbone is weakened. It leads to gum swelling, bleeding, and loose teeth. The gums can further erode if a tooth falls out. Gaps between teeth can also cause the teeth to be crowded together. A misaligned tooth can also result in bone erosion when too much pressure is placed on the jawbone.

  1. Decreased Teeth And Jaw Pain

Jaw problems and misaligned teeth are often related. An improper jaw alignment can lead to several symptoms, including headaches, a jaw that pops, pain in the jaw, neck, or shoulders, and sleep cycle disorders. 

Having misaligned teeth and jaws can affect your jaw muscles and joints. Although these joints can adapt to lousy positioning, they often compensate in a way that results in more damage.

Misaligned teeth and jaw problems often occur simultaneously in patients with jaw issues. With straighter teeth, all these problems can be avoided.

Final Overview

The main benefit of braces is that they give you a beautiful smile. For children and adults alike, a great smile can boost self-esteem significantly. It is also possible to reshape the jawline by exerting pressure on the teeth.

Each patient’s treatment time will vary based on their needs and goals. A misaligned jaw or teeth can affect many facets of your life. Dental alignment issues can affect a person’s appearance and overall health.

Moreover, misaligned teeth can negatively affect a person’s ability to eat and speak. That is why visiting your dentist to consult about braces and misaligned teeth and resolving your issues today is crucial.

Dental care

Common Partial Dentures Problems And How To Fix Them

If you have lost any of your natural teeth, partial dentures are a great option. They aid with speaking and chewing in addition to improving the appearance of a smile. However, partial dentures can present certain challenges, just like any other dental appliance. Discomfort and the adjustment period to dentures can seriously affect a patient’s quality of life, causing pain and sore spots to speaking difficulties. This blog will discuss common issues with partial dentures and offer solutions.

Typical Issues With Partial Dentures and Solutions

Denture Discomfort: This is one of the most common issues for new partial denture wearers. A foreign object in the mouth can cause irritation and pain. Here are several steps to resolve this problem:

Be patient: Remember that getting used to dentures takes time. They may feel invasive at first, but your mouth’s tissues will adjust over time, and the discomfort should decrease.

Frequent adjustments: Schedule regular adjustments with your dentist. They can fine-tune the fit of your partial dentures for optimal comfort.

Dental hygiene: Good dental hygiene is essential to avoid infections or tender spots. Clean your mouth and dentures gently to prevent inflammation.

Sore Spots: Friction between the soft tissues of your mouth and partial dentures can cause localized areas of discomfort or inflammation. Here’s how to treat sore spots:

Speak with your dentist: If you notice sore spots, contact your dentist. They can identify the problem areas and adjust your dentures accordingly.

Oral gel: Over-the-counter oral gels may provide temporary relief. These gels can numb the sore areas and reduce discomfort until you can see your dentist.

Rinse with warm salt water: This can help the healing process by soothing uncomfortable areas.

Getting Used to Dentures:

Adjusting to a new set of partial dentures can be challenging. Here’s how to make it more manageable:

Get comfortable with speaking: Speaking with partial dentures can be difficult at first. Improve your clarity by reading aloud or repeating challenging words until you’re comfortable.

Begin with soft foods: Start with a soft diet to ease the transition. Gradually reintroduce harder foods as you become accustomed to chewing with your dentures.

Listen to your dentist: Follow the specific instructions your dentist gives you for adjusting to your dentures.

Denture Discomfort and Speech Problems:

Speech problems can be a common concern for partial denture wearers, often due to the bulkiness of the dentures. Here are some strategies for dealing with speech issues:

Practice makes perfect: To become comfortable speaking with your dentures, practice by reading aloud or having conversations with friends and family. The more you speak, the more natural it will sound.

Denture adhesive: This can help keep your partial dentures in place and reduce the chance of movement while you speak.

Professional advice: If speech problems persist, consult your dentist for further adjustments to ensure your dentures fit comfortably and don’t interfere with your speech.

In summary:

Partial dentures can significantly improve the lives of those missing teeth, but they come with their own set of challenges. Many wearers experience sore spots, speech difficulties, and general discomfort. Thankfully, these issues can be resolved with the right approach and guidance.

Patience is key when adjusting to partial dentures. Your dentist plays a vital role in ensuring your comfort and satisfaction with your dentures. With regular check-ups and adjustments, you can overcome most problems related to denture discomfort.


Dental care

5 Dental Procedures To Repair Your Cracked or Broken Tooth

The intensity of the crack determines the type of treatment you need. A small crack or chip in a tooth is usually easy to fix, but severe fractures and breaks require more intensive broken tooth treatments or extractions. Every day you delay seeing a dentist increases the risk of infection in the tooth’s pulp and the gum and bone beneath the damaged tooth.

In this blog, you will learn about five dental procedures for tooth restoration options. The pain or headache you experience in the morning could indicate that you have damaged your teeth.

  1. Simple Bonding

Simple bonding is done in the case of tiny cracks and is repaired using a white composite or resin to fill the crack. Like putty, composite resin blends into the color of your teeth. Patients with craze lines, which run down their teeth’s enamel, should consider this treatment. It is one of the most simple remedies for more minor or superficial cracks.

  1. Veneers

There are three main types of veneers available in the market. It includes porcelain, composite, and lumineers. It helps to match the color of teeth and also reshape the overall appearance of the teeth.

For cracked and broken teeth, they are a great option that can last a lifetime. Patients who grind their teeth, however, may find them less suitable because they may be damaged.

  1. Crowns

A crown is a cap that is placed over the teeth’ surface, and it strengthens the teeth’s structure. It is one of the best options for fractured structures in teeth patients or someone who grinds teeth. Crown materials come in a variety of choices. Permanent crowns are usually made of metal or porcelain fused to metal, ceramic, or resin.

Your dentist can help you decide which material is best for your needs due to the different advantages these materials offer. The most durable material is metal, so you should opt for all-metal crowns. Although these types of breaks aren’t painful, if left untreated, you might lose the entire tooth.

  1. Root Canal

The purpose of a root canal is to remove the damaged nerve from the tooth so the infection will not spread further. Following a root canal, a crown is usually placed on the tooth to give it additional strength.

The enamel on our teeth covers the pulp inside. Nerves and blood vessels are found here in the tooth’s center. An exposed pulp in a tooth can lead to an infection in this area if it suffers a significant break or cracks. Endodontists specialize in root canal treatments, but many dentists also handle them.

  1. Dental Implants

Dental implants may be the best solution when a tooth is severely broken or cracked. The procedure entails extracting the remaining tooth, inserting a dental device into the root, and covering it with a crown that resembles a natural tooth. It is relatively easy and painless to get an implant. An implanted prosthetic tooth is placed on top of the screw after the screw is inserted. The process of implantation takes place over several appointments.

Final Overview

Dental procedures are essential even in the case of a hairline fracture. You must visit your dentist after a fall or if pain persists in your teeth. Sometimes, the crack is so small that you might not notice it, so regular dentist visits are necessary. Every six months, a thorough dental exam can help you prevent many dental conditions and detect any cracks or diseases.

Our dentist near Crosby, TX, can provide the proper treatment for you, whether you need root canal treatment, a standard filling, or a complex dental procedure. For good oral health, regular dental visits are essential.

Dental care

Understanding The Significance of Oral Cancer Screening

Regarding our health, we often prioritize regular check-ups for vital organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys. However, one area that is frequently overlooked is oral health. The significance of oral cancer screening cannot be emphasized enough. This article will explore why oral cancer awareness is vital, what it involves, and how it can save lives.

What is Oral Cancer?

Oral cancer is a type of cancer that can affect any part of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, and throat. It often begins as a small, painless sore or lump but can progress rapidly if not detected and treated early. While anyone can develop oral cancer, certain factors increase the risk, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a family history of cancer.

The Importance of Oral Cancer Awareness and Early Detection

Early detection is the key to successfully treating oral cancer. Unfortunately, many cases are not diagnosed until they have reached an advanced stage, making treatment more difficult and less effective. It is why oral cancer awareness and regular screening are so crucial.

Who Should Get Screened?

Oral cancer can strike anyone, but some individuals are at higher risk than others. If you fall into any of the following categories, it’s especially important to get screened:

  • Tobacco Users: Smoking and using smokeless tobacco products are major risk factors for oral cancer. If you smoke or use tobacco, regular screenings are essential.
  • Heavy Alcohol Consumers: Excessive alcohol consumption is another significant risk factor. Using tobacco and alcohol together increases the risk even further.
  • HPV Infection: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a known risk factor for oral cancer. If you have a history of HPV infection, discuss screening with your healthcare provider.
  • Family History: Your risk may be elevated if you have a family history of oral cancer. Inform your healthcare provider about your family’s medical history.

What Does Oral Cancer Awareness Screening Involve?

Oral cancer screening is a painless and straightforward process that can be done during a routine dental check-up or medical examination. A screening will involve the following:

  • Visual Examination: The healthcare provider will start by visually inspecting your mouth, looking for any abnormalities, such as sores, lumps, or white or red patches.
  • Physical Examination: They may also use gloved hands to feel for lumps or irregularities in the oral cavity and neck.
  • Advanced Techniques: Sometimes, your healthcare provider may use advanced tools such as a light or dye to enhance the examination.
  • Biopsy: If any suspicious areas are found, a small tissue sample (biopsy) may be taken for further analysis. It helps confirm whether cancer is present.

Benefits of Oral Cancer Screening

  • Early Detection: The primary benefit of oral cancer awareness and screening is the early detection of cancerous or precancerous lesions. Early-stage oral cancer is highly treatable, with a much better prognosis than advanced-stage cancer.
  • Peace of Mind: Regular screening can provide peace of mind, knowing that your oral health is being actively monitored. It allows for prompt intervention if any issues arise.
  • Cost-Effective: Early detection and treatment of oral cancer are life-saving and cost-effective. Treating advanced-stage cancer is far more expensive and challenging.


In conclusion, oral cancer screening is a simple yet incredibly significant aspect of maintaining your overall health. Whether you fall into a high-risk category or not, regular screenings should be a part of your healthcare routine. Early detection through oral cancer screening can save lives, improve treatment outcomes, and ultimately lead to a healthier and happier life.

Remember, your oral health matters, and taking proactive steps like screening can make all the difference. So, the next time you visit your dentist or healthcare provider, don’t hesitate to ask about oral cancer screening—it might just be one of the most important conversations you ever have about your health.