Crosby Family Dental

14270 FM 2100 Rd, Crosby, TX 77532
Dental care

Why Isn’t Invisalign Right for Everyone

Invisalign clear aligners are being preferred over traditional braces by an increasing number of teens and adults. There are multiple reasons people have been choosing orthodontic treatment options for correcting bites and other related dental issues. The fact that aligners are transparent makes them an attractive option. Patients wearing Invisalign also enjoy brushing, flossing, and eating without taking the aligners out. Even though it looks Invisalign could work on anyone, this orthodontic treatment is not always the right choice for certain patients.

How to Know Whether You Are the Right Candidate for Invisalign

Invisalign is a perfect choice for teens or adults who wish to correct bite but do not like the idea of wearing traditional metal braces. However, it is definitely not for children or adults with severely crooked teeth or neuromuscular bite issues.

It is also good for patients who do not want to get themselves troubled when it comes to cleaning their teeth.

What Invisalign Can’t Do
The effectiveness of Invisalign is limited. When compared to traditional braces, Invisalign does not offer your orthodontist a greater control over tooth movements. Invisalign also fails to treat severe cases of malocclusions. It is also not useful for correcting issues like:

Severely rotated teeth: Teeth that are rotated from the normal position more than 20 degrees including the molars and lower eyeteeth.

Severely tipped teeth: Teeth that are angled more than 45 degrees from the normal ones.

Huge spaces between teeth: It includes all tooth gaps combined total more than 6mm per arch.

Other issues include severe deep overbite, skeletally-based malocclusion, open bites, and other cases where the extraction of teeth is required.

When you choose us for consultation, our dentists will do a thorough examination to determine whether you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign or not. Our dentists use the most current orthodontic treatment available that allows them to serve your unique needs in the most effective way possible.

Book an Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

Why Choose Invisalign

Having a perfect smile is something every one of us dreams about. However, there are many of us who do not feel comfortable about wearing braces. All thanks to the advancement in dentistry which has offered options like Invisalign. Invisalign gives you straight teeth without the hassle of braces.

Invisalign uses clear aligners to fix crowding, bite imperfections, and spacing issues. If you’re considering getting braces, check out these reasons why you should choose Invisalign instead.

Invisalign Offers Extra Comfort
Invisalign aligners are way more comfortable than braces because unlike braces it does not involve sharp edges. Also, you don’t have to get Invisalign positioned tightly. Instead, your dentist might give you multiple sets that can be changed in 2 weeks. Each aligner is slightly adjusted from the previous one and a minor tightness lasts only a day or two after placing a new set.

Virtually Invisible
Traditional braces offer an unattractive appearance. This is one major reason patients switch to Invisalign. Nobody would want to hide their smile inside the metal braces. Invisalign offers the same result as braces without being unpleasant to the eyes. Invisalign aligners are designed of clear plastic so they are hardly noticeable.

No Food Restrictions
After getting braces, patients are often advised not to eat certain foods or chew gum. However, some patients do not follow and end up damaging their brackets. Since Invisalign aligners can easily be taken off, you are allowed to eat whatever you like without having to worry about damaging them.

No Discoloration
Patients with braces complain about discoloration of their teeth in the areas brackets were in. This usually happens when a patient takes a lot of sugar or staining foods. Though the chances of getting teeth discoloration are quite low, you can still avoid it by opting Invisalign. Since Invisalign is not mounted to your teeth, you can very easily clean it thoroughly.

Easy to Clean
Maintaining your oral hygiene is much easier with Invisalign. The chaos related to brushing and flossing gets eliminated with Invisalign since there are no wires or brackets attached.

Apart from the functional reasons mentioned above, Invisalign is also used for cosmetic purposes. Invisalign is a perfect pick for correcting several orthodontic issues like overbite, underbite, missing teeth, crooked teeth and so on. We would request you to schedule an appointment with us today. Our orthodontists will help you identify whether you are the right candidate for Invisalign or not.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.