Crosby Family Dental

14270 FM 2100 Rd, Crosby, TX 77532
Dental care

What happens if you don’t visit your dentist regularly

Getting your teeth supervised every six months is the right technique to check for tooth decay, mouth cancer and other ailments. However, patients who are already preyed upon with poor oral health issues or other genetic disorders must opt for a regular inspection of their teeth. Generally, the idea of getting oral health checkups go unnoticed by patients. The reasons for the same could be an over-occupied lifestyle or lack of understanding.

There are times when patients do not realize if anything is wrong with their teeth and having this assumption in mind, they choose not to visit their dentist. However, practicing this is definitely a bad idea when it comes to potentially maintaining your oral health.

Listed below is something that our dentists have to say on skipping regular dental checkup:

What Happens If You Skip Dental Checkup

In 6 Months
Development is cavities is quite often during this period. Tooth decay often leads to holes which gradually starts expanding over time. In addition to monitoring tooth health, these checkups are useful to detect early signs of oral cancer. Therefore, people who smoke and drink quite often should definitely opt for dental checkups in 5-6 months.

1 Year
Not seeing your dentist for a year could increase chances of gum disease. The symptoms of gum disease are painful, bleeding and swelling gums. Tooth loss and painful inflammation is experienced in the latter stages if gum disease is left untreated. Our dentist recommends brushing less to avoid the discomfort. If patients keep on brushing regularly, the problem will even get worse.

2 Years
In 2 years of time, a cavity which was once developed in 6 months and not cured may need a root canal. Root canal might require several visits and can turn out to be painful. People who already have had dental implants in the past would start to fail. So, this is the stage when a patient’s oral health could be getting even more serious.

With the information given above, it is very clear that if we take our oral health for granted, it might deteriorate quickly. So, consult a dentist as soon as possible to save your teeth from such alarming issues that eventually affect the entire health.

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Dental care

What is the difference between teeth whitening and teeth bleaching

Teeth whitening and teeth bleaching, the two are quite different, however, often confused as the same. There are a lot of people who might be using the two words interchangeably. FDA defines both of them as:

Teeth Whitening: It is the process of whitening teeth back to their natural color. There are many toothpastes that are often advertised as “teeth whitening” because they contain abrasives that help in removing stains from teeth. Teeth whitening toothpaste does not have chemicals that bleach your teeth.

Teeth Bleaching: This process is referred to whitening teeth beyond the natural color so that they look whiter than normal. Bleaching is done via gel or strips that is applied to the teeth. Bleaching can be done at home or in the dental office.

Why Choose Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening is done with the objective of getting whiter and brighter teeth. This procedure removes stains caused by red wine, coffee, smoking, and exposure to food and plaque for a lifetime. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure but it does not yield any specific health benefit.

No matter how badly stained your teeth are, but they can be completely healthy unless they are kept free from plaque and tartar. This method is safe to perform but if patients are suffering from tooth sensitivity or a damaged enamel, it might not be a good option.

Why Choose Teeth Bleaching?
Regardless of the process or type of bleaching you choose, teeth bleaching improves appearance by offering cleaner smile that is attractive. People tend to be more beautiful or handsome with an improved appearance.

Teeth bleaching works by using hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the bleaching agent. These chemicals penetrate your teeth and remove surface staining as well as deeper discoloration in the enamel. When patients come to us for teeth bleaching, our dentists take moulds of their teeth to create custom-fit trays. These trays help to ensure that the chemical covers your teeth and protects your gums from exposure.

No matter what treatment you opt for whitening your teeth, always remember to brush and floss. Connect with our dentists today to see maximum results.

Book an Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

Top Reasons to Get Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening is an effective way to lighten the natural color of teeth without removing any of the surfaces. This process lightens the existing shade without making a complete color change. Professional teeth whitening service is an ultimate way to bring back your bright and radiant smile.

Why Teeth Whitening Is Worth It?

The most obvious reason to go ahead and get your teeth whitened is to remove stains from your teeth. Stains build up on teeth from wine, sodas, coffee and eating food that accumulates stains on your teeth. Smoking is also one of the reasons that cause staining. Other than this, toothpaste and mouth rinses also promise whiter teeth but they don’t do the job wonderfully compared to teeth whitening. There are other whitening products that can remove stains and give that brighter smile you always want.

With the passing age, your tooth enamel may get worn down. This makes it easier for oral health problems or tooth discoloration to occur. Teeth whitening can help you look younger and flash that beautiful smile for years.

With teeth whitening treatment, you will be able to improve your oral hygiene habits too. Once you have a teeth whitening treatment done, you won’t be able to see stained teeth again. Additionally, you can also keep practicing right brushing and flossing habits to make sure you have a white and bright smile.

Stained yellow teeth can leave you feel embarrassed about your smile. People often try to hide their smile or avoid smiling with yellow and stained teeth. After having done with a teeth whitening treatment, you can enjoy enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence.

When it comes to making a favorable impression, white teeth function majestic. So, whether it’s your first date or a job interview, a white and bright smile gives you the instant confidence boost.

Teeth whitening reduces the risk of sensitivity. So, after the treatment, the risk of developing long-term sensitivity are relatively low.


Patients who are already suffering from issues like teeth sensitivity, gum recession, cavities or decalcification must consult their dentists first. Teeth whitening may not work the right way for patients suffering from such issues.

Before aiming for a brighter smile, you should know what you are going for. If the reason for teeth staining is coffee, tea or wine, you can benefit from stain removal. However, for teeth yellowing due to age, trauma or poor diet, intrinsic whitening would be the right pick.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

How Braces Straighten Teeth

When it comes to straightening teeth, braces have been doing great since yesteryears. However, we also can’t ignore the fact that we have better options coming up but the beauty of braces lie in accommodating to the needs of each person. Be it for teenager, adults or children, braces suit each of them.

Braces apply a constant pressure on your teeth to move them at the correct position. This is done for an extended time period. By the time, the shape of the jaw gradually adapts to conform to this pressure. The overall process takes 1-2 hours to get the braces installed. The process is painless, however, you may still experience soreness for the few days.

Bracket Fixing

Once your teeth are clean and dry, our dentist will apply ceramic, plastic or stainless steel braces (as chosen by you) to the teeth using glue. The process can cause slight discomfort but it is completely pain-free. Braces make it possible to apply pressure evenly to your teeth. Their constitution makes them highly durable. They are connected and surrounded by wires made of steel, titanium or copper titanium.

Elastic bands, also known as ligatures are placed around the brackets. They add pressure to your jaw.

Spacers are designed from rubber bands or metal rings. Our dentist will place them between your molars during the appointment. They function to put your jaw forward by making space at the back of your mouth. They also make room for your braces if the back of the mouth is too tight to adjust properly.

Spacers are not required for everyone. They are used for a week or two.

Buccal Tube
These are metal parts attached to your molars. This tube anchors the other parts of braces together at the back of your mouth. Our dentist then tightens the different part of braces.

They are designed to connect the brackets on your teeth. It helps to apply pressure to your teeth to get them back in proper place.

Headgear is not used much. It is worn only at night. It is a band that is attached to your braces to put extra pressure on teeth.

Springs that are coiled are placed on the archwire of braces. They apply constant pressure between two of your teeth and press them apart to create some space.

Key Takeaways!
Braces function by exerting pressure on the jawline. This is how it works to change any kind of deformities associated with your smile. With straight teeth and properly aligned jaw, you will not only be able to improve your smile but also overall health.

Let our experts take care of your smile by scheduling an appointment with us today.

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Dental care

How Cosmetic Dentist Offers a Natural Smile

Whether it’s a simple tooth whitening or a comprehensive smile makeover, cosmetic dentistry services include aesthetic treatment to give you a natural and attractive smile. The cosmetic dentistry market is flourishing.

Procedures That Are Considered Cosmetic
Cosmetic teeth whitening is such a well-known treatment service that can make a huge difference in your overall appearance. Our dentists can remodel the look of your teeth by using veneers and crowns. Dental procedures covered under cosmetic dentistry are:

  • Bonding
  • Braces
  • Invisalign®
  • Lumineers®
  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic dental bonding is a single day restoration procedure that offers patients an economical solution. Our dentists use the same tooth-colored filling restoration. It is a putty-like composite resin that is matched to your teeth’s natural color. The composite is directly applied to the tooth. This tooth-colored resin is shaped to correct chipped or cracked tooth. Once it is positioned, we use a curing light that hardens the composite in position. The last step includes polishing and sealing the filling.

Professional teeth whitening promises brighter smiles by treating tooth stains. Staining is caused by bad eating and drinking habits. However, with teeth whitening, you can get superior results quickly in one visit. It is a non-invasive and cost-effective way to improve your smile.

Cosmetic dentists also help patients who are looking forward to having straighter and better-aligned teeth. Gone are the days when people used to wear braces. Now patients opt for Invisalign braces over their traditional metal counterparts.

Invisalign treatment works by applying gentle but constant pressure directly on the patient’s teeth to position it aesthetically. These trays are effective but invisible. Patients are required to visit our office to receive new trays as the teeth continue to shift into their permanent yet desirable location. Invisalign is loved because it is easily removable and requires an easier time maintaining proper oral hygiene. They are transparent and allow patients to enjoy eating their favorite food without worrying about tearing off metal braces.

Porcelain veneers are for patients who want a smile that looks whiter and brighter. Designed from thin pieces of porcelain, they are affixed in front of the teeth to offer amazing results. The treatment process takes 2-3 visits to complete. Porcelain veneers are an excellent option for improving your smile because the color and translucence of porcelain is a perfect match for the natural appearance of tooth enamel. Since porcelain is stain resistant, it will allow your smile to stay bright for several years. We suggest veneers to patients who are troubled with large gaps between your teeth, correct slightly crooked teeth and restore teeth that are broken, chipped or fractured.

Cosmetic dentistry services offer various options for people who are unhappy with their smile. Schedule a consultation at our dental office to learn about the various types of cosmetic treatment offered and experience the best one for yourself.

Book an Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.