Crosby Family Dental

14270 FM 2100 Rd, Crosby, TX 77532
Dental care

Tooth Extraction: What All Can You Expect

We all know how scary and traumatic losing a tooth can be. However, if a lost, broken or decayed tooth is unable to get fixed with dental fillings, root canal or other treatment, a dental extraction procedure something that comes into the picture. Tooth extractions also play an important role when your primary teeth fail to fall out on their own and wisdom teeth get impacted. Dental extraction is the process of removing teeth that are visible in the mouth. Surgical tooth extractions have proven to be quite complex as they involve making an incision into the gum tissue.

How to make yourself prepare
Our dentists will start by performing x-rays. A full panoramic x-ray is conducted to identify the position of all internal structures that could be affected by the surgery. Based on your medical conditions, our dentists will recommend antibiotics to be taken before or after the surgery. It is advisable not to smoke on the day of surgery. Also, keep your dentist informed if you are sick with gastrointestinal disorders or cold. Keep a note of following these pre-surgery instructions carefully.

Pain management during surgery
Some dentists go for a simple extraction process using a local anesthetic. For patients who are anxious or nervous, oral sedation is generally recommended. Surgical extractions may require general anesthesia or deep sedation. If the pain is still observed during the process, it is advisable to inform your dentist about the same.

What to expect after the surgery
Patients are seen experiencing mild discomfort. Our dentist recommends taking pain medications. Some patients have also reported bleeding. Use ice packs to relieve pain and swelling. Using a straw is not recommended at least within the first 24 hours of the extraction process. This eventually shifts the fresh blood clot and results in a painful condition, also known as dry socket. Use of medicated dressing help relieve dry socket symptoms.

When is a tooth extraction helpful?
There are situations where tooth extraction may be highly useful. Some of them are:

  1. A tooth that is severely damaged via decay or trauma can no longer be repaired using restorative procedures. A damaged tooth result in unbearable pain which is only resolved using dental extraction process.
  2. If you have a crowded mouth, your dentist may pull out teeth to ensure proper alignment of teeth when they no longer fit well inside the mouth.
  3. Wisdom tooth must be removed if they exhibit an abnormal growth or if it’s impacted.
  4. Tooth infection results when tooth decay extends to the pulp area. When bacteria reach the pulp area, infection may worsen. In this scenario, tooth extraction or RCT (Root Canal Treatment) is the only solution that comes in handy. It helps to prevent the spread of infection.
  5. Gum disease causes infection in the gums, tissues, and bones that surround the teeth. To prevent the condition from getting worsened, tooth extraction is generally recommended.
  6. Tooth extraction is also recommended for aesthetic purpose. Some individuals opt for tooth extraction to remove unattractive-looking teeth.

If you are experiencing symptoms of toothache, it’s definitely something to talk about. Our dentists recommend a quick treatment to prevent possible complications and save your smile. Get in touch with us today to experience pain-free treatment.

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Dental care

The Bitter Consequences Of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss has some serious consequences. A lost or missing tooth could be detrimental not only the way you look but also the functionality of your smile. By not replacing a missing tooth, you will be at a risk of developing additional and severe dental issues that interfere with your daily life.

The loss of teeth has several hidden consequences. Let’s explore:

Loss of Bone
Not replacing a lost or missing tooth is a major cause of jaw bone loss. Teeth play an important role in supporting the jaw bone. It also helps to support muscle health. If a tooth is lost or missing, the jaw bone is no longer stimulated. Similarly, the unused muscle can become atrophied. Dental implants have screws that fuse with the jaw bone and offers maximum strength and support. This process is known as osseointegration and its objective is to support the jaw bone.

Biting Issues
Missing teeth results in biting irregularities which further impacts the health of remaining teeth, head, neck, jaw muscles and jaw joint. Missing teeth also leads to shifting of teeth that eventually impacts how your teeth come together upon biting.

An improper bite leads to various other issues like headache, muscle pain, tooth loss, sensitivity and so on. For getting rid of biting issues, consult our Orthodontists today who will help you correct your bite.

Struggle in Chewing
Our teeth are completely relied upon for tearing and grinding. Depending on the location of your missing teeth, you may come across difficulty in eating your favorite food. If you miss a front tooth, you will not be able to break off bites. Failure to chew eventually impacts digestion and result in problems like acid reflux.

So, if you wish to avoid such nuisance, it is advisable to replace missing teeth.

Changes in Speech
Speech is an unconscious and autonomous activity. Any alteration in mouth, teeth, tongue or jaw will cause a disturbance in verbal communication.

Hampers Facial Aesthetics
Missing teeth not only diminishes your ability to bite and chew properly but also impacts your facial aesthetics. Dental implants are the right solution using which patients can restore the structure and shape of their tooth. By keeping the jaw bone strong and healthy, dental implants help patients get a smile customized to their individual preferences.

The best options available for a missing tooth are partial or fixed dentures, removable partial dentures, and dental implants. However, the most appropriate one for you will depend on a variety of factors that you need to discuss with your Crosby Dentist TX.

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Dental care

How To Choose The Right Toothbrush For Yourself

Having the right toothbrush can make a huge difference to your overall oral health. Well, it can be difficult to decide the right toothbrush. However, if you have the right tips in hand, things become a cakewalk.

Go for a toothbrush with soft bristles
“Using a toothbrush with rounded and soft bristles is recommended.”– The Canadian Dental Association. The movement should also be taken in view. Going gently and soft is the right move. Brushing too hard on your teeth leads to teeth sensitivity. So, be intelligent while selecting the right toothbrush for your teeth.

The right size also matter
When it comes to caring for your toddler’s teeth, go for a size that fits well inside their mouth. Select a toothbrush that has smaller heads. Let your kids choose a toothbrush with fun colors and graphics. It will help create interest in them. Keeping the process fun will help in developing good brushing habit in your little one. Also, make sure to replace their teeth in every 2-3 months. If your children are more hard on their brushes, change their toothbrush possibly more often. This is how you will help them build up a rewarding oral care routine.

Find the right toothbrush head
The toothbrush’s head shape is an important factor to consider. Make sure that the bristles of your toothbrush reach comfortably the back of molars. Practice brushing and flossing in front of the mirror. This is also the right way to check that your toothbrush head is reaching all the corners. If it fails to do so, swap it with a better one.

Disposable or Electric?
Whether you choose a manual or powered toothbrush, the intent should be to reduce plaque build-up and keeps your gum healthy. The best teeth cleaning experience is something we all look up to. Don’t we? So, whether you choose a disposable toothbrush or an electric one, it should be easy to use.

Electronic toothbrushes are quite convenient. Here also you should go for the smallest head size. They help in cleaning the teeth more considerably. On the other hand, a powered toothbrush also does a great job of cleaning teeth wonderfully.

A soft electric toothbrush is a perfect choice for people who wear braces. Patients using an electric toothbrush have seen a significant improvement in plaque reduction.

When it comes to choosing the right toothbrush, you must start with a extra soft-bristled brush. This protects your enamels and gums in the long run. So, always go for a size that is comfortable for your mouth. Happy brushing!

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Dental care

4 Hidden Truths About Your Kids’ Braces

At first, the idea of putting braces might sound interesting to your kids but when they see what their playmates have to go through, their response to a dentist visit is a big “NOO!!” Unfortunately saying “No” to things or people we don’t like is often not the case in real life. Dental braces are also one of those areas in which saying “No” is definitely not going to work out.

So, if you, as a parent is finding difficult to convince your child to choose braces, we are here to help. Listed below are some of the findings we have discovered about braces for kids. This might help you convince them that braces are an ideal choice to go.

Braces aren’t just for looks
Patients generally opt for orthodontics because of its aesthetic value. However, this is not the only reason why dentists recommend orthodontic treatment. Braces or orthodontic treatment is generally recommended for correction of irregularities of teeth, bite, and jaws.

It also works wonder to improve a patient’s bite and the way teeth are placed and fitted together. Preventing gum disease, tooth pain and tooth decay is another great functionality of kid’s braces. Some other areas where orthodontic braces can help are, bite and jaw alignment, over-crowded teeth, traumatic bite, missing teeth, incorrectly erupting teeth and so on.

Experiment with different types

Orthodontic braces for kids are available in 3 types.

Braces: They use brackets and an arch wire to align the teeth. This is also referred to “training” the teeth. The arch wire connects each bracket that is attached to each tooth. It is further adjusted by the orthodontist. Dental braces are made from metal and other ceramic materials.

Headgear: Headgear is used to correct jaw development issues. It also includes overbites and underbites. Your child might be suffering from head gear alone or in combination with teeth braces. This improves the teeth and jaw alignment.

Retainers: As the name suggests, retainers are used to prevent the teeth from reverting to its original shape. Retainers should be worn only when your kid is sleeping. They can be worn until adulthood. These can also be used to correct the positioning of jaw bone.

Your little one is no longer afraid to smile
Having a straighter and healthier smile will make your little introvert become an extrovert overnight. A beautiful smile is not just about pleasing others but it is also something that should make you feel good about yourself. A boost of self-confidence will make his smile look like a wide-open laugh. Colored brackets also make dental braces popular amongst kids.

Orthodontic is now much easier

As your little one starts growing, their bone also gets stronger. During the young years, their jaw bones are soft in comparison to adult jaw bones. This makes moving teeth quite easier and comfortable than it is for adults.

Our pediatricians also want to help get your kids onboard with kids’ braces. Our past expertise says that kids who get their teeth and bite straightened at a young age see a boost in their confidence level. So, if this is something you also want your children to have, let us cooperate with you. Schedule an examination today and we will help you with a custom treatment plan that fits your child’s needs.

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Dental care

Oral Cancer Screening: Understanding The Basics

Before understanding the entire terminology, we first need to identify what oral cancer is. Also referred to as “oral cavity cancer”, oral cancer is related to the mouth. It occurs inside the areas of the mouth, i.e. cheeks, lips, tongue, gums, and hard palate. However, cancers found on the soft palate (back-top of mouth) and throat are not involved in oral cancer. Oral cancer is diagnosed more in men than women and it has a strong link with tobacco chewing or smoking. Some other causes of oral cancer include a poor diet, alcohol consumption, viral infection or family history of oral cancer.

The disease is diagnosed more in Americans. The death rate for this type of cancer is particularly high because it is discovered late in its development. Most of the times patients start noticing it in the later stages due to the fact that they may not be experiencing any kind of pain or symptom. This brings “oral cancer screening” into the limelight.

What Is Oral Cancer Screening?
Early diagnosis is the only way to reduce oral cancer-related death. Regular screening is the best way to identify signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer screening is a precautionary measure that is taken during a dental examination to check for the signs of oral cancer.

It identifies abnormalities and signs of cancer in the earlier stages. Cancer screenings are aimed at looking for the signs of cancer even before it shows up. In its earliest stage, the disease is more curable. By catching the symptoms earlier, you can improve your chances of survival, while also minimizing the side-effects that are associated with other cancer treatments.

How Is An Oral Cancer Screening Performed?
We encourage you to take an oral cancer screening today to get a definitive diagnosis. Our dentists start with analyzing the face and neck for swelling. They also analyze the painful areas along with white/red patches on the oral tissues and neck. Early detected abnormal tissue can be easily treated before symptoms appear. In most of the cases, symptoms appear, once cancer starts spreading.

The entire process takes only a few minutes and is completely non-invasive and pain-free. Some of the symptoms that are generally analyzed during the screening process are:

  • Lumps or bumps in soft tissue
  • Hardening of lymph nodes
  • Discoloration of soft tissue
  • Changes in the texture of soft tissues
  • Sore throat

What Are The Advantages Of Oral Cancer Screening?
We are here to help you identify and prevent this disease by offering oral cancer screenings at our office. There are various benefits to this screening. The most important ones are:

  1. It is a simple and easy procedure and can be performed during your regular dental examination.
  2. Owing to its early detection technique, the procedure makes it easier to catch the signs of disease at early stages of development. Oral cancer screening is, therefore, a life-saving therapy that multiplies your chances of curing oral cancer.
  3. Oral cancer screening is fairly priced in comparison to other techniques. This means it is economical to opt for.

To schedule your oral cancer screening with us, call today.

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