Crosby Family Dental

iTero Intraoral Scanner

iTero Scanners produce quick, colorized images to improve patient acceptance, streamline workflow, and speed up treatments.

Dentistry has been revolutionized by technology, and the care provided for patients has enhanced so much. One of the most interesting innovations is the iTero digital scanner.

The iTero scanner allows dental professionals to create a 3-D digital scan of a patient’s teeth and bite, enabling precise digital adjustments to a variety of important dental procedures. This technique is far more comfortable, not to mention faster with better clinical results, versus the conventional putty-based impressions.

The dentist uses a small handheld instrument that circumnavigates the teeth from every possible angle to capture all information. These images are then taken and placed onto a computer, rendered into one composite image, which generates a full 3-D model of the patient’s teeth. With this detailed model, dental professionals can design a wide array of treatments—from Invisalign molds, crowns, and bridges, to full tooth implants.

The iTero digital scanner further engages patients in the treatment and promotes their understanding of the procedures. In such a case, 3D images of teeth let patients structure a better mental image of what is to be done and the eventual results. This kind of transparency helps build trust and enables a dentist and his patient to discuss procedures and expected results in light of more informed knowledge. This is one giant step in dental technology that assures increased accuracy in dental work and the patient experience.

Benefits of iTero Intraoral Scanner




The iTero Experience

Dentist Crosby, TX
The Wand:
Your orthodontist utilizes the iTero Element Scanner’s wand to capture detailed images of your tooth surfaces and gum tissue.
Crosby TX Dentist
The Scan:
You and your orthodontist can monitor and review the scanning progress on the screen in real time.
Dental office Crosby TX
The 3D Model:
The completed scan is rendered as a 3D model, which your orthodontist can use to start planning your Invisalign treatment and customize your plan.
Dentist in Crosby TX
The Invisalign Outcome Simulator:
The Invisalign Outcome Simulator is used to see what your teeth will look like upon completion of treatment. It helps you see a “before and after” and decide upon a course of treatment that brings you the most possible result for your smile.