Crosby Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Is A Tooth Abscess, And How Can You Prevent It?

Are you feeling some discomfort in your mouth? You might have a tooth abscess, and you might be unaware of it. It is a type of bacterial infection that fills the tooth pocket with pus. It can occur for a variety of reasons, but it is usually a result of a dental cavity. The infection can cause irritation and swelling to your roots, so you must visit your dentist quickly.

With timely treatment, you can save yourself from pain and troubles. A tooth abscess is a severe condition, and immediate medical attention is necessary. You can learn its symptoms, causes, and prevention with this article. You can visit Crossby Family Dental to get yourself checked for any signs of infection.

What is a Tooth Abscess?

A tooth abscess is a pocket of pus in your teeth that damages oral tissues. This pus requires immediate medical attention or can cause serious health conditions. It is a type of bacterial infection that damages neighboring teeth and bones. Usually, a Tooth abscess looks like a swollen bump or a pimple.

Severe tooth abscess conditions can impact your facial tissues and jaws. In some extreme cases, the infection travels to the heart and brain. Smoking, poor oral hygiene, and weak immune systems are some reasons that result in Tooth Abscess.


There are a number of symptoms a person with tooth abscess might experience. You must be cautious about these symptoms and visit a dentist if you experience some of these:

  • Continuous Pain like Gnawing or shooting, which radiates to the
  • jawbone, neck, or ear.
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Bad Breath
  • Bitter Taste
  • Loose teeth
  • Swollen gums
  • Open and draining sore gums
  • Discomfort in gums
  • Fever


Any habit that leads to bacterial infection in the mouth can result in Tooth abscess. You must be careful about the following causes to prevent any further deterioration of teeth:

Broken or Chipped Teeth

Broken, chipped, or broken teeth often allow bacteria to enter the mouth and damage the tooth.

Periodontal Disease

Gum diseases and inflammation are also the primary cause of tooth abscesses. These affect the tissues around teeth, and bacteria reach deeper into the tissues and result in Tooth abscesses.

Injury to Tooth

Trauma to the tooth can result in pus in the inner pulp. The injury makes your tissues more prone to infection, even if there is no sign of cracks.

How to treat Tooth Abscess?

If you visit your dentist and they find a tooth abscess, your dentist might suggest a few treatment options to you.

Incision and Drainage

Your dentist will make a small cut in the abscess and drain out the puss. They will then place a rubber drain to drain the rest of the pus fast.

Root Canal

Once you have been diagnosed with an infected pulp, your dentist might suggest a root canal treatment. It will be followed by a dental crown to restore teeth for a lifetime.

Tooth Extraction

If the tooth is damaged beyond repair, the dentist might recommend tooth extraction. This will help them reach the infected area properly and treat the condition better.


After these treatments, you must follow medication with antibiotics to reduce inflammation and infection. This medicine will fight off the bacteria and prevent further damage.

Prevention Tips

You must follow some preventive measures to ensure you can save your tooth from an infection. You should brush and use dental floss regularly and visit your dentists at regular intervals at least once in six months. Also, you should use a fluoride mouth rinse and use fluoride toothpaste. You must eat balanced meals and avoid excessive sugar intake to prevent dental diseases.

Final Thoughts

Avoiding tooth decay and preventing your mouth from infection requires oral hygiene and care. You must follow all preventative measures and do regular professional cleanings. These measures will help you avoid periodontal conditions and will ensure your teeth remain in good condition. You can visit Crosby Family Dental to consult their experts about your dental routines. A tremendous oral routine and regular consultation will help you prevent a number of dental issues.