Crosby Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Understanding The Signs of White Gums And Its Health Implications

White teeth are a sign of healthy teeth, but white gums are not. Gums should be pink, but something must be wrong if you notice pale-colored gums. You must consult your dentist about your pale gums, whether it is an underlying condition or a short-term effect after your tooth whitening session.

With suitable treatment options and timely consultation, you can prevent your gums from any long-lasting damage. This article will help you learn more about the causes of white gums, symptoms, and treatment of pale gums. You can also explore some tips and things to avoid if you have pale gums.

Causes And Symptoms

Gums are an essential part of your oral health. White gums can refer to several underlying severe conditions and must be taken seriously. If not treated on time, you might lose teeth or bleed in some extreme situations. It can result from mouth infections after teeth whitening or extraction procedures. Let us look at a few underlying causes that can result in Pale gums.

People suffering from anemia have fewer red blood cells in their bodies. It often leads to pale-colored skin and gums in your body. This condition can result from lacking B12 or iron in your diet.

Anemia symptoms include shortness of breath, dizziness, headaches, and irregular chest pains. You can take iron supplements and B12 shots and follow a balanced diet to treat your condition.

Bacterial infection due to poor dental hygiene can result in dental plaque overgrowth. It is called Gingivitis and can develop white patches on the gums. Its symptoms include inflammation around the gums, loose teeth, and bleeding while brushing.

You can treat Gingivitis by flossing and brushing daily. However, you must consult a professional to treat severe symptoms. You might have surgery if you have bone tissue or gum loss.

Oral Thrush
Some types of pale gums are the result of yeast infection. You might have symptoms such as redness, loss of taste, burning, and soreness in the mouth. People with diabetes and lower immunities are more prone to oral thrush. You must consult your dentist to treat the symptoms.

Teeth Whitening
You can experience pale gums after a tooth whitening session. It is a temporary conditio; yourr gums will return to normal in a few hours. You must wait a day or two, and your gums will blush again.

Tooth Extraction
After the tooth extraction procedure, pale gums are expected. The inflicted area might turn pale but will return to normal after a few days. You do not need any medication or consultation to treat this condition.

How to Avoid White Gums

Among various other things, there are specific ways to avoid pale gums. You can follow the list below to prevent white gums:

  • Stop Smoking and chewing Tobacco products.
  • Avoid irritating your Gum while brushing or flossing.
  • Do not use mouth rinse with Alcohol.
  • Avoid products with sodium lauryl sulfate.
    Floss regularly
  • Rinse your mouth with fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash
    Replace the toothbrush after every few months.
  • Do not consume sugar products after brushing at night times.


The natural shade of gums varies from person to person. But if your gums seem paler than usual, you must take it seriously. You can simply contact your dentist for a brief checkup to ensure no underlying conditions are present. Avoiding most causes by regularly brushing and maintaining oral hygiene is essential.

Anyone who finds any problems that appear or affect your gum’s shade must resolve them promptly. You can consult dentists in Crosby, TX, to seek medical advice. With regular checks, an oral health routine, and a good diet, you can prevent any dental condition quickly.