Crosby Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

6 Tips For A Smooth Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery

Oral surgery procedures such as wisdom tooth extraction are among the most popular in the world. It’s no wonder we’ve heard horror stories from our friends and family about the painful recovery period after wisdom teeth removal. Potential risks include dry sockets and gum inflammation. Today, we’re going to help ease some of those concerns that you may have had. 

Common Tips for Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery

It won’t be easy for you to recover from wisdom tooth removal naturally. But with proper care and guidance from a skilled oral surgeon, you can still reduce postoperative symptoms and speed up healing. These six tips will help you recover faster from wisdom teeth: 

  1. Apply pressure on the treatment site: Blood clots are essential for a fast recovery from wisdom tooth extractions. They help to close up the wound and keep it clean, reducing the risk of a dry socket, which occurs when a blood clot is dislodged from the extraction site. The surrounding gum tissue then rebuilds itself to permanently close the wound.

After having a tooth removed, it’s crucial to promote the formation of blood clots to aid in healing. To do this, place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and gently bite down to hold it in place. This gentle pressure allows blood clots to form more effectively by restricting blood flow.

  1. Apply Cold Compress or Ice: When applied externally, ice can reduce swelling and bruising as well as promote blood vessel tone. For best results, apply ice for 20 minutes at a time and take 20-minute breaks between applications. Following your dentist’s specific instructions, you should continue this icing regimen for the first 48 hours following surgery.
  2. Don’t Forget to Take Your Medications: Managing pain after wisdom tooth removal requires following your dentist’s advice. Pain relief methods vary based on individual factors. Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be enough for some, while others may need prescription pain relievers. Communicate any discomfort or side effects to your dentist promptly and follow their instructions for a smooth recovery. 
  3. Take Proper Rest: Getting ample rest is crucial for faster healing after injuries, including surgical procedures like wisdom teeth removal. During rest, your body can focus its energy on repairing damaged tissue without the distraction of physical activities. This helps speed up the healing process. Avoiding activities that could disrupt blood clot formation or strain your jaw is essential, particularly after a comprehensive wisdom teeth removal surgery. 
  4. Take a Proper Diet: A proper diet is essential for healing after wisdom teeth removal. Ensure you’re taking the right pain medication to manage discomfort and nausea, allowing you to eat enough for a speedy recovery. Focus on nutritious, soft foods that won’t disturb blood clots or strain your jaw. Soups and soft foods are ideal, but even Jell-O can provide necessary calories if needed.
  5. Ensure the Removal Site is Properly Cleaned: Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial post-wisdom tooth removal to prevent infections and gum inflammation. Be gentle when brushing, especially around the extraction site, to avoid disturbing blood clots. Your dentist may advise delaying brushing or using a gentle technique to protect the area.

Rinsing with warm salt water, as directed by your dentist, helps keep the mouth clean. Avoid using mouthwash or swishing too vigorously to prevent complications. Follow your dentist’s instructions for oral care to promote healing without risking dry sockets or infection.


Take note of these wisdom tooth removal recovery tips, and you will be good to go. It’s clear that wisdom tooth extraction recovery doesn’t have to be a painful experience. However, it is possible that it can take a lot of time to heal if you don’t take proper post-surgery actions. Remember these tips after wisdom teeth removal, and have a speedy recovery.